Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 352 - Wan Mi Qi, Blood and Golden Body

Chapter 352 – : Wan Mi Qi, Blood and Golden Body

“I see, he is gathering his will, constantly challenging each star court, increasing his perception and increasing his momentum.

Enhance the perception of secret law. ”

On Thursday, the sound of air-conditioning continued to resound.

There are many secret methods in the universe, but the difficulty of learning is unimaginable, especially the stronger the existence, the

The secret method of cultivation is even more difficult.

A secret method that can be increased by 0.1 times in a single stage, even in Tianjie, is an extremely rare secret method, and the price is as high as 100

Million, few people can afford it~.

“Now I know it’s too late

In an instant, Qing Yun held his head high, with invincible self-confidence in his eyes,-Phi Mo-Che.

Immediately afterwards, his body instantly disappeared in place, at a faster speed than before, and appeared in the river in an instant.

In front of Yuan, he leaped high, clenched his fists.

The fist actually exudes golden light, as if there is a big sun inside, and the hot air of the carrier is

Rest, smashed his head.

There was a crazy smile on his face, but the next moment, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

Because Jiang Yuan raised his palm again and slapped it casually, slapped him on the face again.

He can clearly see, and even the trajectory of the slap is so slow, but his brain just can’t react.

Come, the nerves can’t coordinate the same.


Once again, his body was exploded in an instant, he was faster and fell farther, ten times as much as before.

Reached 100,000 meters away.

He was struggling constantly in the air, and soon stabilized his figure, looking at Jiang Yuan with horror, his eyes staring out.


“you you you”

He was extremely shocked, his voice was agitated, his hair was horrified, he broke out again and again, went all out, and was so lightly downplayed.

Written back.

The opponent’s strength is absolutely beyond imagination, almost unthinkable.

He roared angrily in an instant: “No. How can you be stronger than me, I’m a genius, I’m the best

You are just a small person in the big domain of Yunhui, the land of bullets, how could it be stronger than me, it’s impossible, impossible

His confidence was shocked, his expression sullen, and he suddenly roared: “This is not my strongest method, just let you see

Look at my strongest method.

He was crazy, his whole body qi and blood shook wildly, and endless threads of qi and blood burst out of his pores, behind him

Constantly entangled.

In a blink of an eye, a huge phantom is slowly condensing.

A very terrifying giant, flesh and blood in a blink of an eye, even the internal organs and tibia are clearly visible, and finally, even

The skin is solidifying.

The huge body is growing up a little bit.

100 meters

km(Read more @

Million meters

Just in the blink of an eye, the body of the giant has become a full tens of thousands of meters high, standing on top of the earth, towering above the earth, nothing

Than domineering, pretentious.

With a face exactly like Qingyun, like a god, looking down on the common people and watching everything, there is nothing on the face.

The look of majesty.

“What is this this this?”

“Could it be the legendary qi, blood and golden body, he, he, and his understanding of the secret method have reached such an incredible process?

Degree? The blood, blood and golden body can condense!!!

“Legend, the secret method has two kinds of gains, one is the gain of combat power, the one is the gain of vitality and blood, and the vitality

The doubling of the golden body is even more terrifying. ”

“He has the power of more than seven million stars, doubling 0.3 times, condensing vitality, blood, and golden body. On top of the overall combat power, he will

In gain, that is the power of more than eight million stars.

“It’s horrible.

With a cry of exclamation, accompanied by the sound of air-conditioning, each other ups and downs, everyone was frightened, they were really


Qingyun instantly turned into a stream of light, digging into the center of the brows of the golden body.

An extremely overbearing and arrogant voice,-pass it through and say: “For so many years, you are the first to force me to show my vitality and blood

People of golden body, you have to feel honored for this.

At the moment of honour to fall, his huge body moved all at once,-stepping out, stepping on the space, the space was

Stepped on holes.

Rushing towards Jiangyuan.

Jiang Yuan’s complexion remained unchanged, his voice resounded all of a sudden, and his voice was also full of domineering, as if his

The fighting spirit was aroused a little bit.

“Very well, you are also the first person I have discovered so far that can inspire vitality, blood and gold, and I won’t let you die.

The unknown.

0 Seeking flowers

Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely domineering, and he stepped out of the crowd in an instant, and his whole body suddenly shook away.

Come, more turbulent, like the waves of blood, rushed out of the body, and came behind him.

Behind him all of a sudden, he began to condense-the horrible phantom, starting from his feet, staring constantly.


Suddenly, there were shouts of exclamation, and each other ups and downs again, Wen Su’s eyes widened in fright, and he gasped with air-conditioning, extremely horrified.

“He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he. The secret method that will also increase, and he also cultivated to the third stage, and realized the second increase

Benefit, blood and gold

“Wang Teng Xingting is hidden so deeply, unbelievable, unbelievable my goodness””

The exclamations were not new ups and downs.

On Wang Teng Xingting’s side, everyone opened their eyes wide, shocked, their bodies trembled, and their eyes were all excited.

Rush out.

Jiang Yuan, who made them Wang Teng Xingting, is actually an enemyless creature who has understood the secret method. Such talents and talents are peerless.

Comprehension, great opportunity.

This means that Jiang Yuan is an absolute genius, a true eternal genius.

But soon, many people became worried. Jiang Yuan was only the chief instructor, and there was a gap between him and the chief secretary. He led

How strong is the secret method of enlightenment?

Is it 0.01 times a stage? Or is it a 0.001 times-level secret method?

How huge is his phantom qi, blood and golden body?

100 meters?

Five hundred meters?

A thousand meters?

Five kilometers?

Or ten thousand meters?

Such questions oscillated in everyone’s minds, but in the next second, everyone stopped guessing, because the answer was already

It’s out, not all.

It’s an unimaginable height.

Tens of thousands of meters

It’s still getting higher, and you can even see the internal cell tissues, all as if they were huge, tall buildings

Like a building, a rib inside is more than ten thousand meters long.

Moreover, his vitality and golden body are still getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger.

Tens of millions of meters

20 million meters

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