Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 340 - Four million doubled eight million

Chapter 340 – : Four million doubled eight million

In a blink of an eye,-the extremely huge scarlet giant is condensing little by little.

First, the veins and bones, then countless internal organs, and even cells comparable to the size of houses appeared.

The nucleus inside the cell can be clearly seen.

Immediately afterwards, the skin on the surface began to condense.

Countless cells block and combine with each other to form a collective group, constantly attaching to bones, veins, and even the skin.

Then, a terrifying giant that seems to be infinitely huge, standing upright, is breathing hard, just like this towering in the sky


The moment he condensed and formed, a breath of horror burst out all at once.

As if the ocean swept over everything at once, everything in the world, and large floors were submerged, and people were crushed by the ocean.

Under the sea.

The whole body creaked under pressure.

It was the sound of bones that couldn’t bear the pressure and was crumbling.

In an instant, the foreign race who was screaming before, the voice is getting smaller and smaller, and finally the picture in the throat is whirring.

Hoarse voice.

Even the three martial sages who are high above, with indifferent eyes and full of confidence, are sluggish at this moment.

His eyes were round, and he almost rushed out of his eye sockets.

“What is this this?”.

I’ve never seen it before, how can a natural race become so huge? It’s not just us.

Is it a talent that the clan has?”

“Hurry up and feel its breath

The three broken stars, the title of martial sage, the great existence of the power of five million stars, were so scared that their complexion changed, and their breathing was short-

He closed his eyes, his breath radiated, and he felt the terrifying giant.

This feeling is worth it.

In their feelings, the figure that is extremely large, almost stalwart than the planet, can’t see the body shape at all.

It emits light that is hotter than the sun, and dazzling than the sun.

At the same time, in their induction, the strength of the blood and golden body is also clearly visible.

Not the power of four million stars

Not the power of five million stars

It’s not six million stars

It is the power of eight million stars that is extremely terrifying.

And this is Jiang Yuan’s real killer, tens of millions of blood and golden body, under the original burst of power, once again exploded


However, Jiang Yuan still has a feeling, this is not all!

“Dead.(Read more @

In an instant, the golden body of tens of millions of blood and blood opened his eyes suddenly, the most cruel and indifferent voice, the judgment was average, one

The lower son rumbling, deafening.

The huge volume made his voice unprecedentedly terrifying,-it shuddered, as if the sky was collapsing.

The sound is average.

During the breath, the air current radiated, stirred the clouds, and suddenly turned into countless tornadoes, stirred and swept

Everything, whistling constantly.

In the next second, the tens of millions of blood and gold body moved, with the indifferent eyes of the god of death, cold and merciless,-now, three statues are locked.

Wu Sheng suddenly clenched his fists.

“It’s not good for us to separate and attack from the side.” -Zun Wusheng roared, his body instantly turned into a stream of light

It disappeared all at once.

When it appeared, it appeared on the left side of the blood golden body.

The power of qi and blood in the whole body is fully bloomed, and the whole person directly exposes the prototype, which is actually a huge centipede with millions of

The limbs are dark and reflective.

As if wearing heavy armor, it will make the scalp numb and intensive phobia when people look at it.

He was as long as Jiang Yuan’s arms with blood, blood, and gold. He rushed up and lay directly on his arms, countless

The claws stirred frantically.

Suddenly, countless sparks flashed across the entire arm.

At the same time, another titled Martial Saint also came to the other side of Jiang Yuan, roared, and his body expanded wildly.

It became a python with a human head.

The whole body is colorful, huge, with countless scales, flashing with a cold light, directly entwining the other side of Jiangyuan.

On one arm outside.

He opened his blood basin and bit out wildly.

Another titled Martial Saint, who also flashed his body, came to the top of Jiang Yuan’s head, turned into the body, and directly became even more fearful.

Scary things.

It was actually a black head, something like a scorpion, with a sharp stinger on its tail, which stood directly facing the river.

Yuan Tian Ling Gai came assassinated. “kill

At this moment, more than sixty-five thousand broken star realm titled invincible ancestors, as well as a large number of titled Martial Gods, were all crazy.

Rushed to come.

They are also erupting, turning into thousands of beasts, weird shapes, all shapes, densely packed, and countless poisons.

Jiang Yuan’s body sits between his brows, his face expressionless

, The surface skin, there was a sudden shock, even with a huge gas

The blood golden body was also shocked.

On the skin, countless black scales are condensed at once, densely and endlessly, superimposed on each other,

His protection is extremely tight.

And each and every scale is undulating wildly, extremely sharp, with a light cut, a terrifying invincible ancestor

He was cut off directly.

The corpse continued to roll down from above his towering body, wherever it passed, it was cut by sharp scales, blinking

It became countless small pieces of meat.

“Begging. It’s useless” Jiang Yuan’s voice suddenly resounded with majesty.

At this moment, he was like a god and demon, extremely majestic, his voice contained the power of blood and energy, turned into sound waves, suddenly shocked, and rushed into

In the ears of countless weak and invincible ancestors.

Stir the qi and blood in their bodies directly, making their bodies bigger like a balloon, and finally collapsed with a bang



A titled Martial Saint suddenly felt the danger (kingly), his blood was trembling, and his voice was extremely anxious, as if he dared to say something.

What a terrible thing, it’s terrifying.

However, his voice just resounded, and a terrifying scene happened.

Under Jiang Yuan’s arms, there was a sudden twist,-a pair of new arms, all of a sudden impact, one on each hand,

Suddenly appeared, directly arrested two Wusheng County.

“How can the power increase-

Zun Wusheng’s voice suddenly frightened, extremely shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, but his body had been arrested.

He twisted crazily, the centipede’s claws, struggling crazily, again and again like a needle, wanting to smash this palm

But on the hand, countless scales appeared immediately.

The crazy Zhang Zhanghe, like a living creature, is extremely sharp, colliding with his claws, and unexpectedly cutting beans.

Like rot, cut off his claws one by one.

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