Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 332 - Lost and crazy

Chapter 332 – : Lost and crazy

When the light dissipated, Jiang Yuan and others appeared on the huge square. On the square, there were mouthfuls in order.

There is a huge ten-story building not far away from the great tripod. Above the top, a few big golden characters are slowly flowing.

Topped the Dan room.

Many people in the square squatted in front of the alchemy tripod. They were doing alchemy. Suddenly they saw a group of people appearing out of thin air.


Especially seeing a group of imposing soldiers wearing black armor and full of aura, it was even more difficult to breathe, and I was extremely shocked.

“It’s actually Wang Teng’s Forbidden Army, how could it suddenly appear in our honored altar room? Could it be that what happened to us?

Nothing big?”

“Look, isn’t that Lan Liangliang? Why is he there? It looks like he is being escorted, and Zeng Yuan is also there. Look

His airy look.

“I remember today that Lan Liangliang went to escort the Qi and Blood Pill Box? Is it possible that Lan Liangliang took advantage of his duties?

What outrageous thing did you do?”

“If this is the case, then this time Lan Liangliang is doomed to escape, and actually alarmed Wang Teng’s Forbidden Army. This is a real thing.

No one can keep him from breaking the sky!”

People talked a lot and quickly stepped aside, watching Lan Liangliang being sent to the front hall from a distance. More than 380 people even

There was a pity on the look.

Just arrived at the main hall, a group of people wearing blue honored Danfang costumes stood there, a dozen or so people were the first one.

When people saw Wang Teng’s Forbidden Army, they hurried up and said, “It’s really troublesome for you adults, the rest

Leave it to us!”

The general Wang Teng nodded slightly, without the slightest clue.

In an instant, their bodies were twisted and deformed in place, turning into streams of light, diving into the void, and disappearing.

Normally speaking, only by reaching the broken star realm, can there be such a means to shuttle the speed of light, which belongs to the big label of the broken star realm.

It can be achieved through some secret methods, and it is extremely difficult to learn.

As soon as Wang Teng’s imperial army left, Na Zeng De suddenly straightened his waist, his gaze was very arrogant, and his eyes matched Zeng Yuan’s.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

His gaze directly crossed the river source, staring at Lan Liangliang, his voice was extremely majestic, and he shook like a court trial: “Lan

Liangliang, you are so brave. The Qi and Blood Pills that have been listed in the alchemy room dare to swallow it privately. It is really bold and lawless. This

Once, no one can keep you, you will undoubtedly die. ”

“Come on, give me three separate switches, I want

Interrogation, waiting for the pill master to come back to make a decision. “He’s big hands-(Read more @

Wave, directly define sin.

The sound of beeping suddenly sounded.

The people behind Zeng De acted in an instant, the power of qi and blood was aroused, and the surging ceased, locked onto the three of Jiang Yuan at once, rude

Incomparably, when the impact came up at once, they had to bend their knees and let them walk on their knees.

Jiang Yuan frowned, his knees stood still, shaking and twisting lightly, as if it were the pillars of heaven and earth, the world’s highest mountain.

Suddenly oscillating ups and downs, there is a terrifying force to break free.

Boom boom boom

The blood of the two sides collided with each other, and the three of Zeng De’s faces turned white. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan’s guilty person would be bold.

Bao Tian dared to resist, but he didn’t notice for a while, and was constantly stirred by the blood of the shock.

In an instant, Zeng De’s eyes were as sharp as a goshawk, and he looked over directly, with a dangerous color in his eyes.

It’s so cruel, as if being touched by taboos.

His voice suddenly uttered, deafening, shocking the soul, as if the emperor was trying to judge criminals, there is no doubt.

“The sins are overwhelming, you don’t know how to repent, but you dare to resist, where does your courage come from.

As we spoke, the terrifying power of qi and blood shook and aroused all of a sudden, and the whole body’s qi and blood instantly became boiling, as if the waves were

After evaporating, behind him, a headless phantom figure continued to condense and form.

With a knife and axe in hand, the bloody air is extremely strong, and the sound of ghosts and wolf howling resounds in the air, very sad.


This is the actual killing intent formed by slaying the enemy daae to an extreme degree.

Jiang Yuan saw at a glance, this person was once a lawless character, from his own race

Step on a bloody footstep.

But he is powerful, how powerful and terrifying his aura is, and his essence remains the same. It is just a trivial disaster, like an ant-like emperor.


It’s like an ant, suddenly angry, roaring at the dragon,

He is invincible in the world and can fight the dragon’s teeth.

Jiang Yuan’s brows wrinkled in an instant,-one hand was slowly raised, unremarkable, but the entire palm, countless cells,

All of a sudden it turned into an army, uniform, and all broke out.

The power contained within, one

All neutron stars will be crushed.

“What are you going to do?” Suddenly Lan Liangliang-the next one stood in front of Jiang Yuan, there was no fear in his eyes, and he stared at him.

Aiming at each other, abandoning everything.

Zeng De, who was about to do it, snorted coldly, slowly calmed down the strength of his body, and said coldly and ruthlessly: “You want me to invite you

Are we going in?”

Lan Liangliang said, turned around and looked at Jiang Yuan, with an extremely apologetic expression in his eyes: I was the one who killed him.

You, but being honored as a service organization of Wang Teng Xing Court, will enforce the law impartially, remove your guilt, and release it.

You leave.

After finishing speaking, he sighed: “We two brothers and sisters can be considered to be blamed. We met once, although it is not a long time.

But I am the most accurate person. You are just like me, in essence, a good person.

“I have nothing to give you. The house we live in was bought by me in the past few years. From now on, he will be yours. You

Don’t refuse, even if it is my compensation for you this time!”

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head with self-blame in his eyes, sighed, gave up resistance, and was directly escorted away.

Lan Yue’er also glanced at Jiang Yuan and apologized in a low voice, “I’m sorry.”

Seeing the figures of the two being escorted, Jiang Yuan frowned, looked at Zeng De in front of him, and his voice suddenly became extremely domineering.

The pressure said: “Who is the owner of the Rongdeng Dan, tell him that Jiang Yuan is here, let him come and see me.”

Zeng De was taken aback for a moment, his eyes widened, and he burst into laughter, as if he heard a big joke and said: “What are you doing?

What is it, we still need our alchemy master to come and see you in person?”

Zeng Yuan also burst into laughter beside him, shaking his head and saying: “It’s really lost and mad, too, Yunhui Dayu trillions of creatures

There are a lot of people who go crazy every day, not too many of you!

With a wicked smile on Zeng De’s face, he said in a gloomy voice: “Whether you pretend to be crazy or behave stupid, here I can help.

You correct it. “.

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