Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 330 - The horrified Lan family brother and sister

Chapter 330 – :The horrified Lan family brother and sister

“I heard that this person has a special identity, and there is a Supreme Master around him. Dahong Star Court is not easy to do it. If you can do it

It must not be that he is so domineering.

The student continued: “But I heard that this person will challenge all the chiefs of the Star Court tomorrow. I guess this person

I want to push up one by one from weak to strong, condense my invincible will, and regard our three star courts as

He is a stepping stone to enlightenment. ”

“Oh, you are so one. Said, it really means something.

The two talked briefly, and the farther and farther they went, their voices became smaller and smaller. Jiang Yuan didn’t care, and soon came to the gate of the Yushangyuan.

Before, stopped, frowned and looked at Lan Yue’er.

Lan Yue’er was still thinking about what was going on, she almost bumped her head and hurriedly stopped, looking at him with a confused face.

“I’ll send you here, you go back first! Don’t risk doing such a thing next time,-once you are found, you will

Where is your brother?”

Jiang Yuan’s voice was full of scolding and sternness. If it weren’t for Lan Liangliang, he really didn’t want to intervene in this matter.

Lan Yue’er nodded and watched Jiang Yuan walking towards the 30th healing hospital. She couldn’t help but want to speak. Finally, she held back her heart.

Zhong has some doubts about Jiang Yuan’s identity.

“He just came to Tianjie, is he really a member of Wang Teng Xingyuan?” Lan Yueer said with some envy: “Even if it is the Yushangyuan

Miscellaneous, the status is more noble than me, forget it, I don’t want this.

She hurriedly walked towards the outside, and as soon as she came to the gate, she saw a familiar sound and shadow, walking back and forth anxiously

Moving, pale face

Lan Liangliang-I saw Lan Yue’er walking out in a hurry, and she rushed up, pulling her to say nothing, anxious

Leave in a hurry.

His blood was aroused, oscillated, turned into a Taoist voice, and passed it in anxiously, saying: “It’s a disaster, it’s a disaster.

This is terrible. ”

Almost at the moment when this voice fell, Lan Yue’er was shocked, and the blue was instantly pale, with fear.

His thin clothes are like a lone boat on the sea.

“Why are you so confused!” Lan Liang stomped straight, pulling her fast, just a few breaths

Just go home-

Back home, Lan Liangliang took out something like a round golden button, and said angrily and anxiously: “You

Do you know what this is?”

Lan Yue’er was taken aback for a moment, she was also clever, and instantly thought of many things, she exclaimed in an instant, “Could it be that

Is it an identification thing?”(Read more @

“You still know the identification!” Lan Liang stomped straight and said, “What kind of place is Wanteng Star Court, you think you take it

It can be mixed in with an identity token, but there are two kinds of identification!”

“One is for simple identification, and the other is this thing in my hand, which is like punching a card and arriving at Wang Tengxing.

The court must check in, check in after sending things, and open it even more when it comes out. “.

What?” Lan Yueer’s hair was horrified, her eyes were unprecedentedly scared.

Lan Liangliang took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said: “Now I can only pray that no one notices these details, but

Someone noticed these details, and as soon as we reported it, we were finished, and the races behind us would all be punished. ”

“The two of us, Lan Liangliang, trembled, and said each word: Heart. Suspicious.

Upon hearing such news, Lan Yueer lost strength in an instant, her scalp became numb, and her eyes lost her energy.

The body couldn’t help shaking.

Seeing his sister’s desperate look, Lan Liangliang felt soft in his heart and sighed: This is the end of the matter, now

I’m just worried, but fortunately, the Dahong Star Court has a lot of trouble now, and many people’s sights are there.

Maybe no one will notice us. ”

“As long as no one reports, everything is fine, and if someone reports, things will immediately alarm Zangwu Pavilion.

Responsible person, chief instructor of Wang Teng Xingting.

When I heard the chief instructor, Lan Yueer suddenly panicked and said: Then what should we do now?

Is it okay to return the stuff?”

“What’s the use of going back now? Isn’t it obvious that we have done it?” Lan Liangliang felt weak all over, both hands were

I couldn’t stop shaking slightly, took a deep breath, tried my best to stabilize my emotions and said, “What we are going to do now

Just wait!”

“Wait?” Lan Yueer said anxiously.

That’s right. If tonight passes,-nothing happened, then even if it comes to an end, it must

However, no one is going to ask about this matter. “Lan Liangliang rubbed his hands anxiously, but said nothing.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan in the calligraphy center is still boring and doing meritorious service. Time is also-point-

The passing of drops.

Finally, Wen Su put down the merit board in his hand and looked at Jiang Yuan with ease, a pair of fox-like smiles and said: “Jiang Yuan teaches

Officer, Chief Instructor Jiang Yuan, his merits were almost done, almost comparable to the merits of a chief secretary. ”

Jiang Yuan stopped the movements of his hands and lay down on the hospital bed. A student who was wailing ceaselessly stopped saying anything, riding on

The two of them didn’t pay attention and went straight away.

“If there is nothing else, I will leave first.” Jiang Yuan said lightly, and was about to leave.

Wen Su quickly smiled and said: “Chief instructor Jiangyuan, don’t worry, don’t worry.” 270

Speaking of spreading out the palm, a crystal-like bracelet appeared on the palm: “This is unique to Wang Teng Xingting

No matter where you are, even if you are not in the Dahui Star Territory, you can always contact you. With this, I also

Good time to contact you!”

Jiang Yuan did not refuse either. He took the bracelet and touched it lightly. Numerous Chinese characters appeared inside,-flashing and passing away.

Escape in an instant.

“Okay, I’ll take it.” Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, and after the other party’s polite see-off, he left the calligraphy house.

It was not early at this time.

While Tianjie’s 100-day time is generally 30 hours, and 20 hours at night, although it is long, it is very important to life.

For any creatures here, it’s just fleeting.

Jiang Yuan’s basic combat power is constantly increasing, as well as his life.

In the past, his life span was only 200,000 years. This is calculated according to the time period of the Aqua Blue Star, but now it has reached

More than 300,000 years, a long time nearly 400,000 years.

Calculated according to the time of day, there are more than 200,000 years, and every day is a full fifty hours.

“Time is becoming more and more meaningless to me.” Jiang Yuan smiled faintly, walking on the way back, unavoidably sighing.

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