Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 318 - Against Jiang Yuans promotion

Chapter 318 – : Against Jiang Yuan’s promotion

Bai Hong and Bai You stood together, suspended above the atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light suddenly appeared from the void, passed directly in, and fell not far in front of them.

In addition, the distortion and change turned into a figure.

This is a powerful chief of affairs.

Almost at the moment this person appeared, there was another stream of light shuttled out of the space and fell down, just a few

With breathing effort, the number exceeds ten people.

The number is still increasing more and more.

About ten breathing rooms.

In front of the two of them, there were hundreds of people with huge auras, each of them was very powerful, not angry or majestic, and gorgeous.

The light flickered.

It seems to be an ancient overlord, between his hands and feet, he is overbearing.

“Big Business” everyone bowed to Bai You’s “Six-Eight-Three”, and looked at Bai Hong intentionally or unintentionally.

In such important places, the star court discusses the future and destiny, and every word and deed leads the destiny of infinite races, like heaven.

The earth’s operation is changing the destiny and turning things around.

Here, why does Bai Hong, who is not appointed by Star Court, appear here?

Many people have dissatisfaction on their faces, but they know the relationship between Bai Hong and Bai You.

The gloomy fell silent.

“Sit down, everyone!”

Bai You’s voice slowly resounded, and with a big wave of his hand, the royal and emperor’s air filled his body, and his eyes became indifferent.

Like an ancient emperor, aloft.

In an instant, the entire space was rumbling and rising, and the void oscillated round and round, and shot out from the depths all at once.

There are black rays of light.

It fell directly next to everyone, condensed into black thrones, dark and glowing.

Everyone, like courtiers, sat down one after another, forming a circular meeting circle, and all their eyes turned to Bai

Excellent, I don’t know what a big event, but I actually held a star court-level meeting.

Bai You also sat down slowly, and Bai Hong stood by, looking around everyone present.

“Today the duel of two instructors opened the battlefield. I think everyone has heard of it!” Bai You was expressionless,

The voice was indifferent, as if telling a little thing.

Everyone around them suddenly shook their energy and blood, spreading voices to each other, asking questions about the situation, and it quickly settled down.

A chief of staff slowly stood up, and after giving a slight salute to Baiyou, his voice vibrated, calmly passing like a bell.

He started to say: “This matter is only a trivial matter. I don’t know why the chief secretary convened this star court meeting?”

Bai You’s eyes narrowed slightly, and there were flashes of thunder in his eye sockets, and it was constantly circulating, like a group of snakes-(Read more @

Like, all of a sudden, the voice said indifferently: “What? Elevation? Are you questioning my decision?”

Gao Cheng has no fear at all, is justified and well-founded. He is explaining the reason in general: “The chief affairs chief, although you are the chief affairs chief, the right

Great benefits, but don’t forget, you can’t just cover the sky with your hands. Before making any decisions, you still need to talk to three people at work.

Long exchanges,-to agree, can be implemented. ”

“But” Gao Cheng’s eyes fell indifferently: “How did I hear the three serving chiefs say that they also suddenly received

The news, there was no warning before, and don’t forget, the Star Court meeting is not a joke.

Bring the child, is it possible that you are the only one who failed to become a star court?”

“Yes! The chief of affairs, you are a little lacking in consideration for this matter.” Another chief of affairs stood up, with a voice of-

A trace of dissatisfaction, there are doubts.

“The chief of affairs, if today’s matter is only about two small instructors, I think it can be disbanded.”

At this moment, another secretary stood up impatiently.

Bai You sat in his seat with indifferent eyes, looked around and said: “Besides the three chiefs, there are others

The chief of affairs stand up? Come to question what I mean?”

As his voice fell, the other chiefs did not say a word, each of them was scheming, and they didn’t know how much they had survived.

Over time, people grow old.

He squinted his eyes, as if he was sleeping in spring, the old god was there, and it didn’t matter what he was hanging up high, waiting for the situation to change.

“Haha” Bai You glanced across from a chief secretary, sneered, stood up slowly, his eyes

Finally fell on the elevation body.

The two people looked at each other instantly, full of gunpowder, and the space was slightly unnoticeable.

Bai You’s face was gloomy, his voice was cold and icy, and his voice was overwhelming. There was no doubt that he said directly: “Today’s call

Gather everyone here and let everyone know one by one, Jiang Yuan, I am going to make an exceptional promotion, skip the status of instructor, and become the chief teacher.

“Furthermore, any future decisions about Jiang Yuan will be listed as important meetings at the Star Court level.



Bai You’s voice fell,-instantly, the whole venue was boiling.

The brows of the chief affairs officer frowned, and there was a heated discussion with each other between the turbulence of energy and blood.

“This Bai You is frustrated and mad. This Jiang Yuan came here for the first time and his identity is unknown. I’m afraid he doesn’t even have the position of instructor.

If I figure it out, I will be promoted to the chief instructor by exception?”

“I don’t think he was lost in heart, but he was out of mind, out of mind, and actually gave such an order, and every time he was

Jiang Yuan’s affairs are all listed as major meetings, and star court-level meetings must be held? He really regards Wang Teng star court as his own.

Already? Do whatever you want! ! ”

“Courageous, lawless, once this matter is known by several great lords, I see how Bai You explained it.”

There was a lot of discussion, and then three more clerks stood up and looked at Bai You with bad eyes, although they didn’t say anything.

But he has already expressed his meaning,

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Gao Cheng’s mouth, and he turned to salute the three of them slightly.

These three people are seniority, strong 1.0, respected, and their identity can be traced back ten thousand years ago.

It is the chief of the three masters.

Although he retreats now, the shadow is in the darkness, but the authority is still there.

When the three of them moved, the former chief of staff all around boiled up, and they couldn’t sit still, and one stood up.

They all looked at Bai You.

The number is increasing.

ten people

Fifteen people

Twenty people

Thirty people

In a blink of an eye, a full thirty people stood up, and the number reached one-third of the total.

Bai You’s expression became colder and more severe.

He is here today to clean up the unstable internal voices and gather everyone together, so he shouldn’t make an announcement in a hurry, but he didn’t expect that so many people would oppose it.

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