Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 308 - 32,000 consecutive victories

Chapter 308 – : 32,000 consecutive victories

It’s almost quadrupled. The time spent was only two nights, which seemed terrifying. The Lan family brothers and sisters

After coming for nearly three years, he hasn’t gained as much in a day.

“It’s hard to imagine, it’s no wonder it’s the Tiansuke whom countless strong and geniuses yearn for.” Jiang Yuan muttered to himself, also at this time

Suddenly, there was a huge roar in my ears.

“Do you want to continue the next round?”

“No, let’s stop here for today!” Jiang Yuan’s voice faintly sounded, and he closed his body when he was good.

The load state, although the state has returned.

But the potential loss of cells is also huge, and you need to take a sigh of relief. It will not be too late for tomorrow, and sometimes it is time.

Almost as soon as Jiangyuan’s voice fell, the broken continent under his feet sank silently, and the sea began to disappear.

The mountains and rivers have gradually leveled out, and even the damaged cities have begun to dissipate.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes projected between the heaven and the earth, and he saw some basements and some creatures alive, but the next

At the moment, they all collapsed completely, and all disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the world began to gather, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to the room where Jiang Yuan was.

At the same time, everyone in the viewing area also turned into a stream of blood, dissipated, and left.

Even if Bai Hong is in his room, his brain is roaring, and in his pupils, there is even the image from before.

It seems to freeze half of it.

After a long time, she was shocked all over, as if she had awakened.

But the next second, his face was extremely pale and shocked, his eyes widened, and he was actually in the room regardless of his image.

Exclaimed: “Too fierce

“It’s too fierce. Bai Hong was excited like a little girl. He clenched his head and said with excitement: “One hit kills one.

Thousands of invincible ancestors are all ancestors! Placed in our Wang Teng Star Court, they are all at the level of instructors!”

“There is even a Valkyrie in it”

Bai Hong’s complexion turned red, almost broken, saying: “The god of war is no different from those invincible ancestors, so he caught it with a big hand.

Squeezing all to death is easier than squeezing thousands of ants to death.

She waved like a palm in shock, learning Jiang Yuan’s previous movements, as if in an instant there was Jiang Yuan’s defiance of the sky.

Great breath.

“The horror is too horrible, it’s really horrible.”

“How many games has he won now? One enemy in the first game, two in the second, four in the third, and eight in the fifth.

Sixteen in the sixth game doubled continuously, and finally reached more than 16,000, three hundred and eighty-four

I don’t know, Bai Hong couldn’t help his eyes widening when he counted, and he gasped with air-conditioning. He was terribly shocked, and said every word.(Read more @

Said: “Doesn’t that mean… he won 32,767 games in a row!!”

At the thought of this, Bai Hong’s body was full of cheeks.

Such a number is simply appalling. It is the invincible among the invincibles. The three thousand domains, the huge Yunhui domain, how long will it take?

There has never been such a character.

“Haha good good

The more I think about it, the more excited Bai Hong is, and the tail behind him is lifted up, he is really happy, his eyes are full of self-belief:”

Father, didn’t you bet against me, isn’t Jiang Yuan an opponent of Gu Trout?”

“You have always had eyesight, and have never lost. Do you think Gu Trout still has hidden strength?” Bai Hong said to himself

“Yes! The ancient trout has won more than 3,000 games in a row. It’s really amazing. It ranks among the best in our star court and is the first among all instructors.

People, he really has no reason to lose to a new instructor. ”

At this point, Bai Hong’s face turned red with excitement, his voice became hoarse, his eyes radiated light and said: “But father

This time pro, it is doomed to fail.


“He is too strong!”

At the same time, returning to Jiang Yuan in his room, his eyes also see his record data in the wall picture, and he can bear it.

Can’t help but froze for a while.

Winning streak: 32,767 games

Integral: Thirty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven points

Rank: 3,229 million, 3,176, 181

“This point looks very precious!” Jiang Yuan smiled slightly,-the winning streak adds a little more points, you can see

It’s a good thing.

Immediately, he swept his eyes across the screen, and he saw a small window at the bottom right. After clicking on it, the entire row

The ranking screen changes suddenly, turning into a blue painting

In the screen, there are countless commodity information densely packed, intricately complex, and countless categories.

Jiang Yuan glanced briefly, and he saw a page where exercises were intensively sold, and a page where the town sent weapons, and

Various resource pages.

He first

I watched the cheats category first, and paid more attention to the cheats of the increase type.

After screening, the cheats of the type of increase suitable for his realm have the lowest price of more than 100 million, one

The effect of the stage increase is not satisfactory, only one-tenth of a time.

After a few glances, I didn’t bother to look at it. I just closed it and opened the town’s weapon classification.

The price of the Star-level Town Faction is cheap, and it can be purchased at ten o’clock, but this Star-level Town Faction is also the most expensive.

Low, belongs to the ninth grade.

Starting from the ninth level, the price increases exponentially for each level up, and the higher the big day-level towns, the same nine

Each grade, the lowest grade selling price is as high as 100,000 points.

The top of the big day town is the Star Territory town. The price starts at a million, and it is still the lowest grade.

Jiang Yuan did not have the slightest interest in buying, and then browsed the resource classification, which was also densely packed.

Such as pill, precious fruit, genius and treasure.

The effect is good, the price is moving in the millions or even tens of millions to start, not ordinary people can buy, as for the price

Straight 4.0 is also suitable for the existence of the eternal overlord level.

For his realm, even if it is used, it will not have much effect. It is not as good as the winning streak in the battlefield.

It’s huge.

After watching for a while, he completely lost his interest. Holding Tianjieshi, his blood was aroused, and his body was distorted and turned into one.

A light spot disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had already returned to his room.

At this time, it’s already morning in Tianjie, and the power of blood in the air is much stronger than noon, but with Wang Tengxing

The first floor of the courtyard is still a world apart.

The blood concentration on the first floor of the Wangteng Xingting Building is ten times that of the outside world.

Knowing what means was used to condense such a huge amount of energy and blood.

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