Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 305 - Battle 16,000 pieces

Chapter 305 – : Battle 16,000 pieces

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan shot frantically, ruthlessly, extremely overbearing, incarnate in any ordinary form, and there was a burst of energy behind him.

Blood golden body, extremely illusory.

Between grabbing and pulling, I came into a black group,-I broke the neck of the opponent, and the body was directly torn and broken.

The cloth is normal, throw it out.

Without stopping at all, he rushed out again.


It was a slaughter on one side.

Crazy, extremely shocking, without stopping at all, constantly changing,-the second figure disappears, and an invincible ancestor is

Torn abruptly.

Between breathing, the world was quiet.

Above the sky, there is only Jiang Yuan’s increasingly terrifying body, gradually containing a terrifying evil spirit, floating in the air, exuding

The brilliance of pitch black, like a black hole, swallows everything.


“May I continue the rounds?”

“carry on .

Jiang Yuan’s mouth did not move, but his vitality oscillated, his voice was mighty and mighty, and Tianwei resounded and passed in.

The clouds turned into thunder.

It was his decision.

Immediately afterwards, sixteen terrifying auras rose from the earth, and the number doubled again.

Jiang Yuan acted once again, interpreting the madness vividly, fighting and crushing everything.

Then a new round of battle began.

This time, thirty-two breaths of terror, all invincible ancestors, rose again, and there was no trace between the two sides.

No nonsense, blood and deep enemies generally fight directly.

Jiang Yuan kept fighting, and in his eyes, the red brilliance was as if blood was circulating, it was extremely terrifying.

The number of enemies doubled again and again, and increased again and again.

One hundred and twenty-eight invincible ancestors, who reached horror in an instant, appeared all of a sudden, standing in the sky, with ferocious eyes.

Gaze at Jiang Yuan.

A new fight begins again.

Outside the battlefield, the viewing area has been completely quiet. In the space, only heavy breathing sounds are heard from each other.

Fu, everyone can remain calm at this moment.

Their bodies are trembling, in fear.

They know that Jiang Yuan is powerful and powerful, and has already challenged the limits of the fighting arena, which is another level of combat, but

It was because they still couldn’t control their trembling body.

In this life, has never seen such a peerless murderer.

At the same level, under the same realm, directly crush and kill the invincible ancestor, just like pinching an ant, simple and easy.

After just a few breaths, one hundred and twenty-eight invincible ancestors were slaughtered by Jiang Yuan again, and the world was quiet.(Read more @

After coming down, everything seemed silent.

“We. We don’t complain when we lose.” “! “The ancestor Chengguang’s voice was hoarse, his heart was trembling, and there was something in his voice.

Fortunately, there is endless pride.

With such a terrifying existence, he actually fought against each other.

Once in his opinion, defeat was a shame, but now, he is proud of his defeat.

It is also an honor to have fought such a battle and lost.

“Where is his limit?” Bai Hong just clenched her fists, she didn’t have any thoughts anymore, she wanted to know

How much does Jiang Yuan have to do?

Immediately afterwards, in the fighting arena, a new round of battle began again.

In the entire space, there is a strong smell of blood, which lasts for a long time, filling the world, and the space is filled with ghosts and wolves.

The howling voice is the resentment of those dead alien invincible ancestors.

It was their unwilling roar.

In front of Jiang Yuan, dark rays of light rose again, and the number doubled again.

A total of two hundred and fifty-six invincible ancestors, with all-in-one combat power, and even among them began to appear martial arts supernatural powers.

The existence of illusory martial arts supernatural powers floating above their heads increases their power.

“Two hundred and fifty-six!!!”

Cheng Guang’s voice trembled, almost unable to breathe.

Almost at the moment Chengguang’s voice fell, Jiang Yuan went crazy again, only endless killing intent in his eyes, imitating

The Buddha has no reason.

At this moment, for him, he doesn’t need reason, just fight, endless battle.

In the battle after battle, the power of condensing energy and blood continues to grow stronger.

Crazy bloodthirsty roars from Jiang Yuan’s mouth, fighting alone against 256 invincible ancestors of foreign races, without silk

Not afraid.

The endless killing began again.

Like an ancient general, rushing into the enemy alone, seeing death as home, strangling frantically, as in the land of no one, all moves

It turns into the most primitive and concise punching, grabbing and pulling.

Every second, an invincible ancestor was torn on the spot, and died.

The killing sky is dim, the sky is torn apart, the earth is beaten to pieces,-huge buildings

Building collapsed, high-speed highway

The road broke, and countless creatures were in panic all day long.

The Great Escape was staged throughout the world.

Gradually, Jiang Yuan stopped.

In front of him, a total of two hundred and fifty-six invincible ancestors were once again killed by him, all of them died in battle, and all of them

The strength of body qi and blood also boiled completely.

The flame is burning.

The long-lost feeling made his brain run wildly, and all cells swallowed the blood between heaven and earth even faster.

Speed ​​up.

The power of a star is improving.

Reaching one breath, the foundation improves one-star power.

Thirty Thousand One Hundred Star Power

Thirty Thousand One-Star Power

Thirty Thousand Two Stars Power

The combat power is improving, and it never stops at every moment.

The battle never stopped. Five hundred and twelve invincible ancestors were born again, followed by one thousand and twenty-four.

Respect the invincible ancestors.

After each battle, the number increases exponentially, and the battle time continues to increase.

Two thousand (king’s Zhao) and forty-eight invincible ancestors, appear again

Four thousand and ninety-six invincible ancestors, appeared again…

Eight thousand one hundred and ninety-two invincible ancestors

Finally, 16,384 invincible ancestors appeared again.

Jiang Yuan was floating above the sky, his breathing gradually sinking, his hands were shaking, his clothes all in tatters, his face

The color also appeared pale.

In the continuous and uninterrupted battle, all the dark matter in his inner body has been consumed, and it has reached the limit in the limit.

There is not much power to fight again.

All things are fully aroused after 30 times improvement, even the power of the nine martial arts supernatural power fruits is also stimulated, superimposed on-

At the beginning, he almost had the power of a million stars, comparable to the Martial Saint of Broken Star Realm.

Is it a stronger presence than Valkyrie.

But even so, he has reached the limit, and his whole body has no power…

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