Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 294 - Increased combat power by 900,000

Chapter 294 – : Increased combat power by 900,000

The qi and blood were aroused in an instant, and a layer of red light curtain quickly condensed, and began to close together, just wanting to protect oneself

The body also retreated quickly.

But all this is too slow in Jiang Yuan’s view, and the turtle speed is the same.

Jiang Yuan is not the power of 200,000 stars! It is the more terrifying power of 300,000 stars, tripled, even if

Among the Valkyrie, they are all extremely powerful.

Bombard with a fierce punch.


Accompanied by the terrifying space cracking sound, I arrived at the door of the opposite side in an instant, like a watermelon bursting, the moment of contact

Then, the opponent’s head completely burst.

And the terrifying power contained in Jiang Yuan’s fist suddenly rushed past, turning into a fan shape, impacting the world behind, so

Wherever it goes, the space is all glass, broken inch by inch, stretching for hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Slowly, Jiang Yuan retracted his fists, his hands behind his back, his eyes calm, as if he had killed a cat and a dog.

In this way, it is insignificant, without the slightest pressure.

The body of the ancestor of the red trout instantly lost its support, and suddenly fell to Ruo Earth 28, continuing to decompose in the air.

It turned into particles like countless red cells, burrowed into the void, and disappeared completely.

At this moment, on the battlefield, it was quiet and quiet, and even the people watching the battle lost their voices and stared in amazement.

Ruo that looks down upon the world.

“Wu Wu

Some people woke up and muttered to themselves, their voices were extremely shocked and shocked, both excited and shocked.

“We. We were actually fighting with a Martial God before

“No wonder it’s no wonder. It’s no wonder that we are not the enemy of a punch. It is not that we are weak, but that the other party is too terrifying.”

“No, right. What have we overlooked! ↓”

The white nine-tailed woman who has not said a word, her brows wrinkled tightly, her brain was thinking fast, the more she thought

Test, the cold sweat on his forehead kept slipping off.

“what’s happenin?”

Everyone looked at the past, not knowing why, but everyone’s heart suddenly picked up,-kind of big

Fear suddenly boiled inside.

“The Red Trout Valkyrie, the power of one hundred thousand stars, one thousand and eight hundred consecutive victories, but in the end! Have you thought about anything, this

What is the difference from the first time he killed the ancestor Chengguang?”

Her voice was trembling, like the voice of the devil, spreading through the hearts of everyone, and the faces of everyone who shook all of a sudden were shocked.

They are not fools, they all think of some terrible things.

The ancestor Chengguang opened his eyes wide, and said in astonishment: “Yeah, when he killed the Red Trout Valkyrie, and when I killed me 1

Almost exactly the same, whether it is the ancestor, the invincible ancestor, or the god of war, without exception, they are all killed with a punch.

Kill directly.(Read more @

“His combat power is definitely not so little, he, he, he

Chengguang’s voice stammered, and he couldn’t tell. The whole body was trembling with fright, very shocked, because

He thought of a more terrifying possibility.

“Is it above the god of war, Wu Sheng.

When his words fell, everyone was silent, even dare not to mention these two words.

Because the meaning of Wu Sheng’s representative is too terrifying.

That is the broken star realm martial sage who surpasses the power of a million stars. This kind of existence has unimaginable magic, you mentioned

His name will even be felt by him.


At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a terrifying repulsive force, mighty, unable to resist,-

Then he pulled everyone apart, separated them all, and left the fighting arena.

At the same time, a majestic voice resounded from the fighting arena where Jiang Yuan was located.

“Terran Jiangyuan, ten-hour winning streak surpassed a hundred games, rewarded six martial arts supernatural power fruit, qi and blood initiation times, the whole world

Broadcast once? Do you use your real name?”

Jiang Yuan shook his head, looked up at the sky, and said lightly: “Use the previous code name: People”

“Please be prepared and start empowering.

Almost at the moment when the loud voice fell, Jiang Yuan felt in his heart, his eyes narrowed, and suddenly became empty.

Sharper, like a sharp blade, penetrates the sky.

I saw one hundred thousand meters of clouds, a white cloud, suddenly changing its color, while breathing, I was caught by the golden energy.

Covered, a strong force of qi and blood suddenly burst out of it.


For an instant, a violent sound suddenly exploded, and a wave of air spread, stirring thousands of miles of clouds,

Rolling endlessly, a golden beam of light shrouded in the sky.

All of a sudden wrapped Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan’s complexion did not change, his expression was natural, his eyes closed slightly, and he felt the soft golden energy hit his whole body.

Extremely pure, no need to mention

Refining does not need to be polished, it can be swallowed directly by all cells, and each one is constantly growing


As the cells become stronger, their combat effectiveness is slowly increasing.

Foundation of the power of ten thousand stars.

Soaring to the power of 11 thousand stars in a blink of an eye.

The power of 13,000 stars

The power of fifteen thousand stars

The power of twenty thousand stars

The power of twenty-five thousand stars

The power of thirty thousand stars

When the power of the stars in the body reached 69.03 million, the speed of increase suddenly decreased, and the power in the golden light,

Without increasing his combat power, he began to move towards the golden core of the eyebrows.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. When the golden light reached the center of the eyebrows, there was a pause for a moment, as if it was a gold with thirty rings.

Dan’s deterrence was average.

But soon, the golden light rushed to the front in an instant, turned into six air currents, wrapped around the golden ring, and began to slowly condense.


At the same time, a large number of images appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind.

In the picture, he is like a tiger-faced man in the weak era, holding a big knife, tirelessly slashing at a big tree.

Time and time again, I never know that I’m tired. Every time a knife is shot, the look in the eyes is extremely serious, and the brain is


What is wrong with my cut? What went wrong there, how should I change it, is it too much power, or

The knife exit speed is too slow.

With every cut, his mind is thinking, constantly exploring and improving.

Day after day, year after year, early summer, autumn and winter, there is no concept of time, only the knife is shot again and again,-time after time, brave and fine


Finally one day, the man stopped the sword in his hand, sat cross-legged, looking up at the sky, without sorrow or joy, great

The brain is summarizing, summarizing.

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