Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 291 - Outbreak of terror

Chapter 291 – : Outbreak of terror


In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s eyes burst into a terrifying golden light. One hand was turned on. It was plain and flat, not much.

I move.

It’s as if the palm of your hand is plunged into the water.

Caught in at once.

The squeaking sound resounded immediately, and the space was suddenly caught and shattered, from which a black light appeared directly.

Was arrested by him.

The light was constantly struggling and twisting in his hands, and it turned into Chengguang.

“you you you”

He opened his eyes wide in horror and looked at Jiang Yuan incredible, almost dreaming.

In his eyes, Jiang Yuan looked at him indifferently, the aura in his whole body was so terrifying that it was beyond horror, like a flame.

Is constantly rising.

Getting higher and higher, even his figure keeps getting bigger, and in the end he can’t even look up. There is only endless horror in his heart.

Of course.

His neck was grasped by Jiang Yuan in his hands, conveying the power of energy and blood that was almost like ocean waves,

Entering the body, directly freezes all the power of his blood.

He wanted to struggle, but was horrified to find that he was weak, and even the voice of his words became dispensable.


Jiang Yuan’s eyes were extremely sharp, without the slightest nonsense, with 580 palms of his hand, he squeezed the opponent’s neck all at once.

In an instant, Cheng Guang opened his eyes in horror, and his body suddenly dispersed, turning into countless qi and blood particles, red.

Scarlet cells.

These cells disappeared all at once.

In a white room, countless red cells began to combine, and in a blink of an eye they condensed into a light-bearing appearance.

He knelt down on the ground, opened his eyes wide, almost falling out of his sockets, covering himself.

His neck was embarrassed with a rough mouth.

“How could this happen. How could this happen,

His horrified voice was trembling, full of incredible horror: “That kind of power, that kind of power is beyond

I am too much, too much, too much wrong”

He suddenly thought, his eyes were even more shocked, and he exclaimed: “Is it the invincible ancestor, right or right is the invincible old man?

How could the ancestor grab it and pinch it to death? Like a mosquito, he didn’t fight back at all.

“I, I, I actually faced an invincible old man, but the statistics show that he is the first game!”

Cheng Guang tremblingly muttered to himself, terrified, and said loudly to the screen in front of him: “Pay the winning streak points, I want to enter

Enter the next battle space and watch the battle.

Almost at the moment his voice fell, Dao’s magnificent and indifferent voice resounded: “Deduct one point.(Read more @

Start sending

At the same time, the west around Jiangyuan was also disappearing.

The mountains and rivers under the earth, ancient tree jungles,-each one has settled down, and the entire huge space is rapidly harvesting.

Close up, in only one ten thousandth of an instant, it was restored to the appearance of a house.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan saw his information appearing in the upper corner on the screen in the room, ranking No. 13 billion.

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-three thousand one hundred and seventeen, replacing the previous ranking of Chengguang.

And the word balance appears at the end, the number is one

He won a game and got a little balance.

“Not bad! It’s a pity that the opponent is too weak to inspire my will to fight! It seems that I need to continuously upgrade my level.

The stronger you match later, the stronger it should be. ”

Jiang Yuan stretched out his hand and touched the ranking on the interface again, and the entire screen was in a countdown state for the next second.

Before long, the whole room changed again, still the surface of the planet before, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, reflecting the nature

Original ecology.

This time, Jiang Yuan didn’t even bother to read the opponent’s information, and just waited for the start time of three seconds.

When the huge word in the sky dissipated, Jiang Yuan’s energy and blood burst out instantly, turning into cibi terror.

The torrent of people soared into the sky, instantly locking the opponent’s position.

At the same moment, on a grassland thousands of miles away, the terrifying aura of Dao was also rising, and it was also a statue.

The ancestor of Broken Star Realm, the combat power is even stronger.

Reach the power of more than four hundred stars.

She is a woman, looks like a fox, with nine snow-white tails growing behind her, wandering freely, her appearance is stunning,

The willow rippling in the water eye.

“This name is weird, a single word, rare!” The woman’s voice is gentle, Confucianism is delicate, her feet

The colorful Changhong ran through thousands of miles at once, and arrived directly beside Jiang Yuan, walking gracefully step by step, shaking like willows and Fujino.

Before the person arrives, the elegant fragrance spreads to the world, covering the world, and when people smell it, there is a sense of peace and harmony.

Sleep, let go of your worries, just want to sleep quietly for a while.

Jiang Yuan turned around slowly, his eyes were indifferent, without the slightest fluctuation, like an ancient golden man, unmoved

Sincere, as if it were a statue

A machine without emotions.

The “you” woman was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t expect her talents and supernatural powers to spread invisibly,-ordinary people, immediately

Head overwhelmed.

Such a method has always been unprofitable, but today, it has lost its effect.

She wanted to say something, but the next moment her eyes widened crazily, she saw that Jiang Yuan did not know when, unexpectedly appeared in

In front of her, he stretched out his hand all at once.

“You, you,” In an instant, the woman turned pale with fright and was extremely frightened. The first time she wanted to escape, she pulled away.


But the whole body’s breath shook, and I found that the entire space around the body was reinforced, as if it were steel plates,-contact,

The whole body was numb by the shock immediately.

In the next second, Jiang Yuan’s arresting action turned into a slap, and he immediately slapped her.


In an instant, the woman burst to pieces, instantly killed in an instant, extremely cruel, turned into rolling red cells, and was directly

The strange force pulled and disappeared.

“How can the power of four hundred stars condense the martial arts supernatural powers, but it was also slapped to death with a palm, and there is no resistance

Cheng Guang, who was watching the battle on another level-the look of horror on his face.

In the next second, the space where Jiang Yuan was located disappeared again, and he returned to the previous room.

Immediately afterwards, the third battle began again.

Just like before, Jiang Yuan took the lead and didn’t even bother to talk nonsense.

The room is resurrected.

Then the fourth game w

Fifth scene




Without one exception, all opponents were killed with one punch. ,

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