Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 284 - The fast-growing human race

Chapter 284 – : The fast-growing human race

Jiang Yuan moved in his heart, looked at the so-called Tian Jieshi, swept through it, but there was nothing.

It felt like an ordinary stone.

Nodded slightly, took the Tianjieshi, Jiang Yuan looked at Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming and said: “Go and see your mother! Pack up-


If everything is ready, go if you want! Aquastar is too young after all, you are still young. mouth

Jiang Yuan sighed: “And I am old, and I will be guarded by Aquastar for the rest of my life, waiting for you to come back.


In an instant, Jiang Hao’s heart trembled and his eyes were a little bit sore.

Cheng Qiming also looked sad, and his mood suddenly fell.

Only Ba Jin doesn’t believe in Jiang Yuan’s nonsense at all. He is an invincible ancestor with active body, extremely young and strong.

It’s a question of whether it’s ten thousand years old or not.

But he didn’t know that Jiang Yuan’s age was indeed an old man at Shuilanxing.

“Go, go!” Jiang Yuan stood up, walked to the window, looked at the quiet moonlight outside, waved his hand, figure

In Jiang Hao’s eyes, it is very bleak 28.

Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming held back their tears, turned and walked outside.

After this trip, the two of them don’t know when they will return, but they know that when they return again, they will

Will become extremely powerful.

Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming looked at each other even more, and they both saw the belief in not admitting defeat in each other’s eyes, and there was also a huge

Great confidence.

They firmly believe that when they return again, their strength will shock Jiang Yuan and will be stunned by him.

They were horrified.

Whenever he thought of waiting for his return, Jiang Yuan looked at the scene of the two in astonishment, and a feeling of excitement swelled in their hearts.

Breathing hastened for it.

Time just passed by.

In a twinkling of an eye,-the night just passed, and when the sky was about to dawn, Jiang Hao bid farewell to Murong Qingyue and bid farewell to him.

My sister.

Cheng Qiming also bid farewell to his parents and Hong Zhen.

Under the leadership of Ba Jin, the two instantly turned into a stream of light, and in an instant they entered the speed of light channel. Ten times

Speed ​​travels quickly through the vacuum of the universe.

When the three of them left, Jiang Yuan was standing in front of the window, looking up at the streamer, until he was flying far away, his breath felt

Before that, he withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, Murong Qingyue’s eyes flushed a little and walked in, without saying a word, leaning on Jiang Yuan, gently choking.(Read more @

Swallowing, with dismay.

“Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.” Jiang Yuan patted and said, “Tomorrow, I will take you to play! Let’s have a good honeymoon.

Comprehend the exotic style, the magnificence of other races. ”

Murong Qingyue nodded gently.

Time is passing by like this, and in a blink of an eye, spring is passing and autumn is coming, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, Jiang Yuan brings Ruo Murong Qingyue in the universe

There are countless planets in the game.

It took a full year to return.

And this year, the scientific and technological development of Aquastar has been extremely rapid, and a large number of shuttles have begun to appear in the sky.

Orderly driving, and the population of the entire human race is also exploding in a blowout pattern.

Even in the space orbit of Aquamarine, a pure steel satellite was created, which continuously produced a large number of humans.

The battleship that has been created.

Named the Terran No. 1 interstellar battleship, it is in the long direction, following the shape of the previous aircraft carrier, but it is just one on the water.

Driving, one shuttles in the universe.

It has a size of ten kilometers and is equipped with a large number of advanced weapons and equipment.

The Ruikang of the Swiss came to live in Aquastar for half a month. After returning, he announced to the public that the entire species

The tribe, completely surrendered to the human race, willing to become the first subordinate race of its subordinates.

With the surrender of the Swiss, the reputation of the human race suddenly became famous in the northern frontiers of the Honglian Empire, and was known by countless races.

Even the races of other star regions have heard of it.

The other three families in Northern Xinjiang are also very interested in the human race, but after knowing the achievements of the human ancestors of the human race,

Moment is quiet, as if he didn’t know anything at the beginning.

It was also from this year that a large number of human races walked out of their home planets to explore unmanned planets, or

Enter other planets to learn.

Among them, there is a race that snatches treasures and kills a great master-level human race.

Ben couldn’t find the slightest news.

But who knows, such a trivial matter has alarmed the human ancestors.

Directly deduced everything, found the other side’s hiding place, punched out at the water blue star, penetrated into the distance, in an instant

Arriving on this planet, the entire planet was instantly shattered, and the entire race was extinct.

So far, all kinds

Everyone knows that the human race is very short-sighted, don’t provoke it, otherwise the harm will be self

The whole race.

In this way, the human race gradually developed the style of the fourth largest family in northern Xinjiang during the rapid development.

Two years passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Jiang Yuan was sitting on a recliner drinking tea, and the tea was taken from Beijiang, a hot planet, which is a unique

Plants can survive under a thousand degrees high temperature.

The tea used was taken from the Imperial Star Honglian, a pure natural spring water containing huge energy and blood.

After boiling, the tea is fragrant.

820 Jiang Yuan took a sip of tea, half-squinted, letting the breeze blow, like an old man, had already entered in advance

In the old-age life, life is very comfortable and very satisfying.

However, in the past two years, Jiang Yuan’s qi and blood training has not lost the slightest, and the basic combat power has reached a terrifying…

The power of Chen, if it explodes thirty times as much as the Sutra of All Things, it will immediately be the power of 300,000 stars. This kind of power is in

The northern frontiers of the Honglian Empire were almost invincible.

At this moment, a burst of eager footsteps passed.

Soon I saw Murong Qingyue rushing over in surprise, with a joyful expression on his face: “Old man, old man tells

Tell you good news.

Jiang Yuan half-squinted his eyes, and said lightly; “What good news can you have? Which little bastard broke through?” “Yes! “Murong Qingyue is now younger and younger, and his strength has reached the level of a Sifang town general, but his talent is Is very strong, look

It looks like a beautiful elf.

“But this time, it was not someone else who broke through. It was your good daughter Murongxue who broke through. She is still the ancestor of the Rui clan.

Just broke through and sent me a message, and also broke through to Sifang Town.

Murong Qingyue was very excited, but as she talked, the smile on her face became less and less. As if thinking of something sad, she suddenly couldn’t feel happy.

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