Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 282 - Anfu Real Garden

Chapter 282 – : Anfu Real Garden

“The mother star is still there!! Yes, this is our mother star.”

Jiang Hao immediately became excited when he saw the familiar mother star. As long as the planet is still there, then the human race will not necessarily be extinct. If it is extinct, the color of the mother star’s surface will not be the same. The dust will not change, but will become khaki. ,-Everything is erased.

Ba Jin didn’t talk nonsense, he accelerated in an instant, and he reached the atmosphere of the Aqua Blue Star in an instant, and you could see one by one below.

The city is brightly lit, and it looks like living and working in peace, without any crisis in the slightest~.

“What’s the matter?” Jiang Hao was puzzled. He couldn’t help but look at Cheng Qiming next to him.

Cheng Qiming also looked down in amazement, and became sluggish. Everything he saw now was completely different from the news they had received!

“Go home first and have a look.” Jiang Hao had an idea and directed Ba Jin towards the Great Six Ancient City, and soon turned into a light and fell on everyone’s door.

Before entering the door, a strong aroma of wine wafted out.

Jiang Hao looked around and was immediately sluggish in place.

In the entire living room, a group of drunk and drunk acquaintances, including the Overlord of the Shocking Dragon and the Overlord of Cangyuan,

Even Hong Zhen was lying on the table.

What made his pupils shrink most was that Jiang Yuan was lying on the table, sleeping Zhengxiang.

“What the hell did you post?” Jiang Hao was stunned, and he actually said that the sentence was incomplete, and he stammered.

Completely dumbfounded.

Especially my own father, who was actually lying on the table, glanced over, as if everyone had been poisoned, or else

It was the liquor bottles on the table and on the ground, as well as the ups and downs of their breathing, no one thought that something major had happened here.

“Is it sure I read it right? I’m not dreaming?” Cheng Qiming was also dumbfounded, and walked in step by step, carefully stepping over the people on the ground.

But just after walking two steps, a person under his feet suddenly turned over one by one, and he actually held him-only his leg with his hands, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

What kind of dreams are you talking about.

A black line flashed across Cheng Qiming’s forehead, and he was really speechless.

Jiang Hao looked at the scene in front of him, his face became more and more red, and after holding back for a long time, he couldn’t help but burst out swear words: “Damn

Don’t even call us for drinking and eating!!

Ba Jin next to him looked around, his brows frowned slightly, a little displeased, he just opened his mouth to say something

But I found that I didn’t know when there was someone standing next to me.

He was suddenly startled, and for the next second, he stood upright all over his body, and saw a man lying on the table and sleeping soundly, standing next to him at this time.

What’s even more terrifying is that with his qi and blood induction, he can’t find the person next to him, as if the person around him does not exist

In general, it can only be seen with the naked eye.

You, Ba Jin, hell, your whole body cells are about to explode, and a sense of horrible crisis is surging, and he can’t help it.(Read more @

Step back a few steps to protect Jiang Hao and others behind him.

Ability to appear unconsciously by his side, and he can’t sense his blood, how strong is such a character

Big, almost beyond doubt.

He has the power to crush him absolutely. If the other party did it just now, I’m afraid it can pinch one’s neck with just one hand.

Can react.

For their level, such a gap is the difference between life and death! Completely crushed, can’t see yet

Hope of the hand.

Suddenly, the little bit of dissatisfaction and contempt in Ba Jin’s heart immediately put it away, watching Jiang Yuan vigilantly.

The power of body qi and blood burst into photos instantly.

Suddenly, the body was raised more than ten centimeters, and the black light in his eyes flowed like a tiger.

Every time you have to do it.

“Instructor Ba Jin, it’s okay, this is my dad!” How can Jiang Hao not see Ba ​​Jin’s nervousness, while proud

Also a little frightened.

Ba Jin is the ancestor of the Broken Star Realm, a character who can travel in the space of light speed, such a character, when his father came

Nothing around him noticed, and his muscles were tense in fright, and he was in a fighting state.

It’s like a kitten, facing a tiger, very nervous.

How powerful his father is now, absolutely beyond imagination, absolutely succeeded in breaking through the broken star realm, and even stepped into the broken star realm

After that, they were extremely powerful. “Is he your father?” When Ba Jin heard Jiang Hao’s words, his pupils shrank a little, he was shocked in his heart, and he took a closer look.

Both are in their early twenties. Looks really similar


It’s just that Jiang Yuan’s face is even harder, as if he had slashed with a sword and axe, and his eyes were wise and confident.

“Dad, I received the news that you were beaten out of your home star by your evil ancestor,-what’s the matter with Lu’s escape?” Jiang Hao couldn’t help but wonder


Jiang Yuan nodded slightly at Ba Jin, and said lightly: “It’s nothing, it’s just a strategy, the broken star realm power explodes on the home planet.

No matter how I control it, I can’t make sure it’s foolproof, so I just used a little bit of tactics. ”

After speaking, he said to Ba Jin: “No matter what, I still want to thank you for sending my child back. If you don’t dislike it, sit down.

How about some tea?”

Ba Jin also relaxed at this time and nodded slightly, but his eyes were looking up and down Jiang Yuan, wanting to see from the details.

Clue, guess the details of Jiangyuan

But Jiang Yuan was like an ordinary person, his anger was always simple and messy, and he couldn’t see anything.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuan took Ba Jin and others to the teahouse on the second floor to sit down, and Jiang Hao immediately began to make tea for the two of them.

“I’m here this time, the first is to help your human race, and the second is that I want to discuss something with you.”

Next, Ba Jin was straight to the point.

“Yeah” Jiang Yuan took a sip of tea and nodded slightly, “No matter what, I will take your kindness on behalf of the human race.”

“I don’t know, does Mr. Jiang know about eight university houses and seventy-two purple houses?” Ba Jin picked up his teacup and drank like Jiang Yuan.

After taking a mouthful, asked.

Jiang Yuan’s hand paused slightly, and he nodded slightly: “I know a little bit, but I only know the university. As for the number of studies

But I don’t know how many purple houses there are, but I would like to hear the details. ”

There is a hint of confidence and pride on Ba Jin’s face: “The galaxy cluster we are in is called the Yunteng Galaxy Cluster, which consists of 180,000 galaxies.

A combination of galaxies of different sizes, including tens of thousands of imperial dynasties, and even dynasties. ”

“But in the entire Yunteng galaxy cluster, only eight universities are headed, and each university is in charge of countless dynasties and even dynasties.

Every year, these dynasties must be accountable to the institutions of their respective powers, and as long as they enter any of the eight universities

University, the future of this person is bound to rise. ”

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