Chapter 276 – : Horror talent

Moreover, one has just been promoted to Broken Star Realm, and one has been promoted to Broken Star Realm for a year. The race doesn’t know how much background it has.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t get the racial heritage, he didn’t have the slightest foundation, and he climbed step by step by relying solely on his talents.

It’s too big, it’s unimaginable.

Even among the countless cities of the human race, all the students of the school gathered on the playground, and everyone lit candles in their hands.

Looking up at the huge statue.

That is the statue of Jiang Yuan, they are all praying silently, hoping that Jiang Yuan can resolve this crisis, silently-

All seemed extremely quiet, only some children cried softly.

On the huge city square, Jiang Yuan’s admirer, standing on it, burst into tears, holding a thick book,

Reading with passion.

It records every sentence Jiang Yuan once said, and now it has become the supreme classic, and it has become people’s efforts to move forward.

Life motto.

In Jiang Yuan’s home, Murong Qingyue and Murong Xue also learned of the current situation and the urgency of the matter.

To the point where it is critical.

Jiang Yuan was defeated, and everyone in the human race might die if they didn’t come down.

“Little Murong Qingyue looked at her daughter, her voice was softer than ever, and she beckoned to come over.

Murongxue walked to her mother’s side, leaned quietly in her arms, closed her eyes, and let her 760 think, and she was at ease.

When he calmed down, his father’s voice and appearance echoed in his mind.

“If we are all gone, I don’t know how uncomfortable your brother will be!” Murong Qingyue’s voice was faintly pampered, thinking

To his only son.

Murongxue trembled all over: “No! My brother has always been strong, he will definitely come out of the photocopy.

We don’t need to worry, I just need to protect my brother and Qiming brother. ”

“Yes, your brother has always been very strong, and his character is the same as his father.” Murong Qingyue looked down at her behaved

Qiao’s daughter said: “Do you miss your father?”

All of a sudden, Murongxue’s voice choked with sobs, her eyes were moist, and she nodded, her voice was very firm.

Murong Qingyue smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the difficult silence.

At the same time, Jiang Hao, who was sightseeing around a trading planet, also received information from the earth on his wrist.

He looked down, his complexion suddenly became extremely pale, his eyes were full of horror, and his whole person was instantly dull (ciab)

In the same place, shook his head frantically.(Read more @

“Why did it suddenly become like this?” He roared at once, and the breath in his whole body suddenly broke out.

His eyes were red, and it alarmed countless appearance races on the street.

Cheng Qiming next to him also looked over in astonishment, his eyes shrunk, and his voice trembled, “What’s wrong? What happened?


“My father was defeated, and Jiang Hao was on the run, muttering to himself, his voice trembled, and the sky was full of thunder.

The brain was shocked and blank.

Father actually lost the battle. What does this mean? It means that the biggest trump card of the entire human race is gone. The next

The result is extermination.

“No! How could this be? How could this be? I just came out!!!” Cheng Qiming was also horrified

His whole body was numb, and his body was chilly.

“No, no, no, no, no” Cheng Qiming suddenly went crazy, roaring in a loud voice: “Empire

What about the empire! We are the race of the empire, and the empire’s support! !”

“It’s too late, it’s too late!” Jiang Hao said with tears in his voice, “The battle on the eastern front of the empire is fierce, even if

Transfer an ancestor to the past, the journey is far away, when he arrives, everything is too late, it’s too late!”

In an instant, despair rose in the hearts of the two of them, and the other three Earth women who came together also stood in horror.

The brain lost its blankness in an instant.

At the same time, not far from this planet, a huge battleship slowly passed by, and suddenly the battleship resounded inside.

There was a loud siren.

“Within one light-year of detection, Dididi has the potential to approach true dragon-level breath fluctuations. It is recommended to look for it, and it is recommended to look for it.

The three ancestors who were the master control room of the battleship in the town, Ba Jin, Guangdezi, and Liuyue were taken aback, and suddenly sat upright.

There was a hint of horror in his eyes.

“Almost a true dragon-level talent?” Liu Yue’s eyes shook, and there was a surprise in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but reveal

With a smile, he said: “Good, good. I didn’t expect to come to the Honglian Empire, but I came to the right place. I didn’t expect to find it when I passed by here.

Such talented characters.

“Yeah!” Ba Jin was also excited and said: “- A character with true dragon level talent, literally 10,000 ordinary brothers on the ground

Son, as long as he is alone, our task is completed, and it is over-fulfilled. There is a huge bonus for returning to school.


The eyes of the three of them were full of surprises, and Ba Jin stood up and said: “This person, I personally go out and persuade me.

Can certainly be admitted to colleges. ’

While speaking, the body directly twisted, entered the speed of light channel, disappeared instantly, and moved towards the trading star where Jiang Hao and others were.

The ball goes away.

At the same time, in the universe, Jiang Yuan’s speed has also cancelled the 30-fold increase in his body.

Almost all the dark matter that can’t stand it is consumed.

His gaze suddenly turned into a radiance, directly enveloping the martial arts sky map, condensing countless dense origin formulas

Get up, follow his eyes and rush into the martial arts sky map.

The time inside the Budo Tiantu suddenly became gleaming. Numerous words and formulas were directly expanded, and each one was

Turned into a dragon, mighty and domineering, roaring and roaring.

Rushing head-to-head into the earth, tumbling in the mud, looking for a suitable location, entangled, red-hot steel

The same, began to cool down, turning into crystal clear dragon veins, lying horizontally under the ground.

To form a relationship with each other, complement each other, and begin to check and balance the instinctive will that distorts the martial arts heaven map, which is always emitted

With a stalwart will, the whole world is transmitting like a thought.

It seems that there are countless gods transformed into dragons, telling the greatness of Jiang Yuan, and constantly attacking the will of Wudao Tiantu.

Telling him that sincerely serving Jiang Yuan is a good thing with supreme merit.

And both grace and power, thousands of voices are calling you to surrender, and at the same time they are deterring you, letting you know, if you dare not surrender

It is directly crushed, turned into cosmic dust, and completely dissipated.

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