Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 274 - Pull the martial arts spirit

Chapter 274 – : Pull the martial arts spirit

He can’t even rise to the slightest thought of confrontation in his heart, as if the thoughts together can be seen by the horrible existence

Sweeping his eyes directly, he completely shattered.

The eyes can kill people. For existences like Jiang Yuan, it is not a legend, but a real existence.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes can contain infinite energy and blood, sweeping across the past, and even the planet can be cut in half.

Clouds can stir.

Just standing there, it was like the center of the starry sky, the light of the planet could not shine on him, and he was twisted and sucked.

Close, his cells are absorbing dark matter too fast, and the light is not let go.

It turns out that between pursuing and fleeing, their speed soared to the limit, and they crossed an infinite distance to the nearest northern Xinjiang.

Star Territory, came to the base camp of the Swiss.

In the distance, the eleven planets of the Swiss are arranged in parallel. Wherever they stand, countless strong people dare not leave the planet.

In the atmosphere, ants looked up at him.

“28 still run away?”

Jiang Yuan’s voice is slightly resounding, but like a cosmic storm, it sweeps through everything and can even penetrate into the speed of light space.

Among them, his own voice is conveyed in it.

“This sound?” Ruikang shook suddenly, his muscles were tense, his scalp was numb, and he gasped in cold air all of a sudden.

I heard the fluctuation and rhythm of the sound.

“What’s the matter?” Ruikang’s horrified look of horror suddenly attracted Rui Luo’s attention and couldn’t help but look at him.

The heart is also extremely shocked.

Could it be that his own brother can’t recognize such terrifying existence?

“Yes, yes, yes.” Ruikang stammered in shock, unable to say a word, his eyes showed the limit

He was unbelievable and shocked, as if saying Jiang Yuan’s name was provoking such existence.

He was deeply shocked. He knew that at such a distance, if Jiang Yuan’s name was mentioned, he would definitely find

Sweeping it over, the horror is enveloped, it is simply a storm of extinction, countless creatures in the entire planet

Will instantly turn into powder and be completely crushed.

“What the hell is going on?” Rui Luo’s voice was a little anxious. If his brother knew such an existence, he would have to

Now, the entire race can be touched by it.

Ruikang looked at his brother, tears flowed in his eyes, unexpectedly-he couldn’t say a word, it was full

Desperate and helpless, but unable to speak.

At this time, the evil ancestor’s voice was madly transmitted, completely angry with deep despair and unwillingness.

“I’m damn, I’m damn, I shouldn’t give you this time for the evildoer to grow up, I should kill you early(Read more @

Ah! I won’t be here today.

He was completely crazy, knowing that he would definitely die today, venting frantically, constantly cursing, half of his body was beaten by Jiang Yuan

With a punch, all the cells were completely necrotic, and the inside of the well was full of destructive power, which could not be repaired at all, and

Still destroying his other cells.

He finally felt the difference between the two, it was too big, as if the difference between the sun and the moon, he was an ant, insignificant,

There is no hope for escape, no way to the sky, no way to the ground.

He yelled desperately, the aura of Broken Star Realm ancestors broke out completely, and his voice vibrated like a cosmic storm.

Passed into countless planets, into the ears of countless creatures.

“Oh my God! This, this, this is the voice of the ancestors of Broken Star Realm

“It’s terrifying, it’s terrifying. Someone actually chases and kills the ancestor of Broken Star Realm and pushes him to this level, knowing that he must

No doubt dead, cursing wildly.

“This is a battle between the ancestors of Broken Star Realm. How strong is the person above the starry sky? The opponent who hit him was desperate.

There is no power to fight back at all, it is completely crushed, it’s too scary and scary

Above the rising stars,-respect the overlord,-respect the disaster, the emperor, look far away, and see the situation in the distance at a glance

She was trembling with fright.

It’s just the power of crushing, how strong it must be to make an ancestor of Broken Star Realm so desperate, just look at it

Not hopeful.

“Unfortunately, this is the case now?” Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely cold, with a deep chill, and it was as icy as a cone-

In this way, dripping in people’s heads and hearts.

Jiang Yuan stepped out again. In an instant, he appeared in front of the evil ancestor, high above him, looking down on a mosquito.

The indifferent eyes are full of murderous intent.


In an instant, the evil ancestor became completely mad, his face was hideous, his speed soared suddenly, turning into a black light, about to impact

Jiang Yuan, do the last dying needle stick.

The whole body keeps shrinking, all the essence of blood and qi is integrated into the martial arts sky map, and a sharp sword suddenly appears inside.

Directly assassinated.

This is the belief that there is no fear, no death, no life, with the determination to die,

Suddenly making a move will also smash Jiang Yuan’s body.

Bring him trauma.

Jiang Yuan’s eye sockets opened slightly, and the terrifying force suddenly mobilized, all cells were fully bloomed, and the stored dark matter energy

Rotating to the extreme, the power of 30,000 stars, wrapped in four different colors, turned into a big hand, and caught it all at once.

The palm of the hand and the long sword touched, and the long sword was directly shattered, completely shattered, and the blood contained in it was directly crushed.

It is too strong, Jiang 370yuan’s power of blood, 30,000 stars, contains four different martial arts supernatural powers,-Xia Zi Shi

Zhan, no matter how desperate the evil ancestor is, there is no doubt that there is a gap like a chasm.

The big hand grabbed on top of the martial arts sky map, it still wanted to struggle, but Jiang Yuan suddenly used force, and countless palms appeared.

The barb, pierced in at once, entered the space of the sky map, and penetrated the earth of the sky map.

The power of horror instantly wiped out countless creatures inside, and shattered the ancient cities, just like roots.

Tianzhu impacted down.

In just one click, Tiantu loses the support of its vitality and blood, turns into a dead thing, and its instincts are brutally suppressed, and it won’t be given to you at all.

Movement is also full of warnings.

When struggling, I will tear you up directly.

In the next second, the big hand suddenly caught the evil ancestor behind, and the barbed pierced his body. Numerous black matter temporarily

Let it go, it fills his whole body, envelops all his cells, and completely controls him.

It’s like catching an ant, no matter how hard he keeps struggling, it won’t help, and he can’t get out of his palm at all.

Like a clown.

The evil ancestor was crazy and roared constantly, but no matter how he struggled, Jiang Yuan’s motionlessness was still slightly shaken.

A horrible force came to suppress it, actually pulling his martial arts heavenly soul.

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