Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 268 - Broken Thousand Fantasy Demon

Chapter 268 – :Broken Thousand Fantasy Demon

It has completely surpassed the cognition of the brain.

“Yes!” The evil ancestor’s eyes were full of cunning light. He patrolled all the powerhouses, with a brutal and savage expression on his face.

Love, as if looking for something.

Finally, he looked at the long hair that Jinglong Overlord held in his hand.

“A star-level town sect, which contains power beyond ten stars, is really good, but I think it can be used to stop it.

Block me. “The big expression on the evil ancestor’s face gradually became hideous.

The pictures from the time of the breakthrough kept coming to mind, and they thought of Jiang Yuan, that damn human being actually suppressed the self.

Self, so that he could not come out, and finally smashed one of his neighbours, it was absolutely wicked.

“Since he doesn’t come out, then kill you all, as the nourishment of my martial arts supernatural powers!” “The evil ancestor Hum Lengyi”

“097”, not staying here, originally came to slaughter the human race, there is no affection at all, and I am too lazy to talk nonsense.

In an instant, his body distorted instantly, turning into a black light, and the speed was bursting between familiarity,-Xia Zi Chong

When it hits it, the naked eye can’t catch it at all.

The Shocking Dragon Overlord was prepared long ago. At the moment of twisting Gang Gang’s body, no matter what, the qi and blood in his body urged and followed

In the palm of your hand, enter the Thousand Fantasy Demon House and activate it at once.

The dry magic demon unexpectedly shook suddenly, bursting out a circle of ripples, producing a roar of dragons and a ray of light.

It broke out directly and was extremely dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes.

All of a sudden, he shot out, straddling the sky and the earth, and suddenly assassinated it.


Before everyone knew what was going on, they heard a huge sound of Dao resounding, vigorously, and constantly passing,

A black body was squeezed out from the space of light and transformed into the appearance of an evil ancestor.

When everyone looked over, they saw the evil ancestor holding the silver-white spear in his hand, with a cold expression on his face, Sha Yi boiling, his eyes

Flames are burning in the gods.

“Damn it.” He was angry all his life, and a bloody fruit appeared above his head, whirled round and round, full of

Mysterious breath, countless lines flowed down all of a sudden.

Constantly digging into the eyes of the evil ancestor, making his eyes more hot, completely turning into flaming magma, all of a sudden.

Shot on top of long hair.

As if flames were shining on the surface of the water, the entire Thousand Illusion Demon Slaughter erupted with a sizzling sound, and a lot of them continued to rise.

The thick white smoke, as if it has its own life, is constantly struggling.

“I want to struggle and suppress it!”

The evil ancestor was completely furious, roared, and a golden light rose from the center of his eyebrows, condensing again on the top of his head.(Read more @

A martial arts supernatural power fruit.

This time the fruit is even bigger. As soon as it appears, the temperature of the entire world explodes and rises rapidly again, with a golden light.

Lord, all of a sudden, it enveloped him, locked onto the Qianhuan Motu.

The Qianhuan Demon House is constantly changing, turning into a stream of water, flowing from his hand, wanting to leave, but being completely absorbed by the golden light

Trapped, slammed left and hit, all bounced back.

“Find your core and crush it directly!”

The evil ancestor’s voice is full of evil, and the terrifying black air current flows out from the pores, like smoke, extending all of a sudden

He came out, wrapped his hands, turned into a dark ancient beast, opened his big mouth,-the mouth is going to be dry in the magic house


When a mouthful of fragrance is swallowed, a large amount of silver-white liquid is swallowed, enters the abdomen, and is continuously worn away in it, all due to

The substructures were crushed by brutal crushing.

Hiss hiss

The Thousand Fantasy Demon House seemed to be hurt, and it made a weird sound, which suddenly condensed and turned into a piece of silver.

A white ball with barbs emerging from it.

“It’s very mysterious, and there is actually instinct, but what a pity the birth instinct can be, it’s just a weapon.”

The evil ancestor’s voice suddenly became violent, his eyes widened suddenly, and the flaming magma suddenly rushed over, constantly scouring

Above the dry magic house.

The barbs on the top gradually melted, and they continued to slide down, turning into black matter, and came straight out.

In just a few breaths, the volume of Thousand Fantasy Demon House has shrunk by a factor of two.

The lowest-level star-level town faction used by the emperor of the knowledge disaster,-one is the ancestor of the broken star realm, essentially a gap

It’s extremely huge, especially if this weapon is still used without an owner.

In the next second, the evil ancestor stretched out his hand directly, with a grinning smile on his face: “You should be his favorite weapon, right?

! Then I will crush you and let you completely eliminate

While talking, the big hand caught it all at once, and the black smoke on his body suddenly wrapped around his arm, and turned into black.

The colored gloves, like metal, reflected the permeating cold light, with a breath of great day.

It was actually a big day-level town-style weapon, and it was of the same level as the Zhentian Bell carried by Jiang Yuan.

The dry fantasy magic house shrouded in golden beams of light also became crazy, constantly dodge, running at high speed, and wanted to avoid it, but

No matter how fast it is, it cannot surpass the speed of light.

As long as it did not exceed the speed of light, in the eyes of the ancestors of the broken star realm, it was the speed of a turtle, and it was slowly rising.


Grab it directly in your hand and use your palm to force it, and the learning set will release its terrifying corrosive ability, making Qianhuan Motu completely lost.

Ability to move, and a lot of black energy, just like particles! Kept getting in and doing it internally


“Smash it.

The evil ancestor has a hideous smile on his face, his eyes are naturally crazy, and the power of the whole body is instantly mobilized.

Suddenly broke out.

Qianhuan Motu was directly crushed to pieces and turned into a glass-like substance. When his palm was opened, it completely turned into dust. 5.

1 Blow slightly, and then dissipate.

But at the moment when it dissipated, some of the remaining vitality power rose from the dry fantasy demon dwelling.

The distance continues to condense.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into Jiang Yuan’s appearance.

At the moment Jiang Yuan’s body of Qi and blood condensed, the terrifying aura suddenly spread, and the whole world,

The rising temperature fell crazily and returned to its original state in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes suddenly commented, and he looked at the evil ancestor.

The smile on the evil ancestor’s face instantly solidified, his scalp numb, his eyes looked over, Jiang Yuan’s clone

I saw everything clearly.

The power of blood contained in it is already less than 10 million of the power of the dragon, and it is still declining, and it will be over in a few breaths.

All dissipated. ,

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