Chapter 262 – : Named God

The battleships quickly retreated, and the urgent appearance made him very strange.

“What’s going on? It costs such a huge price to attack, why did you choose to retreat just at the beginning? Does it feel like the battle?

It’s hard to break through the ground, it’s not like his style!”

The man looks in his thirties, his eyes are sharp, he slowly lowered the binoculars in his hand, his face looked suspicious, no

So, I don’t know what was posted.


At this moment, the originally clear sky, very far away, began to be covered with dark clouds, below the speed visible to the naked eye

Rapidly spreading.

In the dark clouds, lightning and thunder sounded like countless angry dragons roaring, and the sound seemed to pass through the ears far away, extremely

Resounded, as if a mountain was overthrown.

“Is it the weather?” The man-or-looked puzzled.

On the side, an army officer, inadvertently saw the coast with his eyes, and found that the sea water was falling rapidly, and the beach was fast.


I couldn’t help but said: “The sea is falling drastically, is there a huge tsunami forming?’

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn’t help but look towards the coast, and as expected, the sea water was falling rapidly. This is generally the case.

It is all because of the emergence of huge waves, which engulf a large amount of seawater, that the sea level drops drastically.

“No matter what, this is a good thing.” The man said slowly, turned and walked towards Ruo’s rear, and the people around him quickly followed.

They didn’t know that a terrible disaster was coming.

And the only people who knew all of this were the old generals and adjutants on the battleship.

The old general took his binoculars and looked at the dark clouds condensing in the distance, cold sweat permeated his forehead and his heart was crazy.

Jumping wildly, you can faintly reach a huge circular sea cave, which is expanding.

It’s as if someone drew a huge circle on the paper.

A depressed sense of tension rose in the veteran’s heart. He gritted his teeth and said to an officer next to him: “Soldiers

How is the withdrawal?”

The officer didn’t know what had happened, and was puzzled: “General, the personnel are almost retreating, but many wounded

More troublesome.

“It doesn’t matter, just give the order and all warships leave the battlefield immediately.” The voice of the old general is beyond doubt.

“What?” The officer thought he had heard him wrong, and couldn’t help but widen his eyes in astonishment.

The old general’s gaze suddenly looked sternly and said, “Don’t you understand what I’m saying? Retreat immediately, don’t care about anything.

If he left, immediately leave, whoever doesn’t listen, immediately treat it as a rebel and shoot him on the spot.(Read more @

Stared at by the old general, the officer asked all over his body and quickly said:

But before he finished speaking, there were a series of exclamations outside. On the deck, countless soldiers could see the distance.

The situation on the surface of the sea, many countries are in front of the guardrail, looking at the distance in amazement.

The old general looked over and saw the sea cave which was not very big just now, his breath expanded wildly, and he was immediately right.

Shouted at the officer beside him:

“Yes, yes ___.” The officer was also taken aback, and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and kept passing the news.

At this time, on the sea surface, the huge sea cave is still expanding, getting bigger and bigger, and its diameter has been hundreds of meters from the beginning.

Expanded to a kilometer all at once.

Almost one breath increases the kilometer range, which is a full kilometer distance.

After a few breathing efforts, the distance from the rule of war was reduced to four or five kilometers.

People can see a huge sea cave at a glance, as if opening a hole above the ocean, and a large amount of sea water runs along the edge

Fate, madness poured in.

The sound of choppy water is constantly pouring in, and the momentum is overwhelming, extremely huge, as if it is a sky curtain, incomparable


“Oh my God! What the hell is that?”

“There is such a big hole in the sea? How did this travel?”

“Isn’t it possible that a huge hole appears under the seabed?”

Countless soldiers stood on the deck, screaming in horror, no one’s eyes were not full of fear, because of the huge

The sea cave is still expanding.

But at this time, the warships were also fully launched. The strong power stirred the seawater and moved in the opposite direction.


But the sea water visible to the naked eye is driving everything on the sea surface, constantly surging towards the huge sea cave.

You can even see sharks, whales, and all kinds of huge creatures, all of a sudden being pulled in and spinning

Fall towards the bottom.

Ask for flowers

Just rotating one breath, all the creatures were directly shredded and turned into powder, and the blood continued to stain the red sea water.

“It’s a terrifying tearing force.”

Countless people gasped, and looked terrified, constantly

On the faces of countless people, the whole body of fear is all over


“General, the speed of the battle rules has been pulled, we can’t move forward?”

At this moment, the officer manipulating the battleship yelled in horror, his voice trembling and terrified.

Sweat rolled down his face.

The old general took a deep breath and stared at the huge sea cave in the distance,-gritted his teeth and said: “Use all the blastholes,

Bombard me towards the sea cave, and leave here with the counter-shock of the artillery fire. ”

Soon, on the battleship, countless huge cannons aimed at the sea cave, and the artillery fire roared in an instant, and the terrifying flames continued to rush.

It shot out, fell into the sea cave, and burst into a huge skyrocketing fire.

Under countless bombardments of the battleship, the speed of the battleship was slowly increased.

The speed is getting faster and faster, slowly breaking away from the powerful pulling force.

When the warship was out of the pulling force, everyone was relieved, and there was a feeling of aftermath, but in the eyes, the fear was more obvious.

The unknown is the greatest fear.

Especially the old general’s hands were trembling, but on the surface he pretended to be calm.

Is this the power of God?” The old general’s heart was trembling, and his heart was completely shrouded in fear. He was sure that such a strange thing was definitely a visitor that day.

Before seeing the opponent, the opponent’s random attack almost killed the entire battleship, and everyone would be pulled in.

He even had a feeling that this was not an intentional attack on them by the other party, otherwise they would all be eaten by the huge sea cave in the first place.

at the same time.

Jiang Yuan’s breakthrough has also reached an extremely critical juncture.

The powerful suction force is constantly transmitted from his body, it is the explosion of every cell in his body, which turns into a small black hole.

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