Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 257 - Ways to Promote to Broken Star Realm

Chapter 257 – : Ways to Promote to Broken Star Realm

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, everyone around him reacted, but still staring at the planet under his feet in shock.

On this planet, disasters continue, the earth begins to disintegrate, and the sea is constantly slumping, and the sea is constantly rising, and there is no

Several huge gaps are still expanding.

Standing above the planet and looking down, you can clearly see huge cracks, just like shocking wounds.


This has been going on, and it won’t take long for the planet to fall apart completely.

Everyone nodded slightly. The next second, when they were about to leave, there was a wave of vitality and blood, but the hidden business suddenly spread.

Pass it over.

It is a soft and beautiful female voice.

“Ancestor, I have something to tell.”

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes turned in one direction in an instant, penetrating a long distance in an instant, just one glance

See a silver-white battleship.

What is even more frightening is that Jiang Yuan’s eyes directly penetrated the material, and he shrouded himself in a woman in the control room.

The woman’s face was smiling, but the next moment, her complexion suddenly stiffened, and she felt a terrible breath and faced her.

Coming, like a mountain, oppressing her.

There was a panic on her face, but she recovered quickly, bowing her head and saluting slightly.

Jiang Yuan’s face was expressionless, his whole body shook all of a sudden, and instantly enveloped the people of the human race, and disappeared into the original in an instant.


Only the huge old-fashioned star is left, which is breaking down step by step and embarking on destruction.

At the same time, everyone in Jiang Yuan appeared in the Geyuan Civilization Warship.

Seeing Jiang Yuan, Ge Ya slightly bent over and saluted, and opened her mouth, but Jiang Yuan was interested in meaning. “Dare to ask the ancestors, but Die Evil Emperor? Haven’t broken through the real Broken Star Realm?”

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly. This is the case. He didn’t want to hide anything. He said directly: “I really haven’t bought Broken Star yet.


Hearing Jiang Yuan’s answer, Geya was obviously relieved, as if letting go of the burden in her heart, she lifted it all at once.

At the beginning, his eyes met Jiang Yuan, and he said seriously: “I want to make a deal with Emperor Zun?”

“What deal?” Jiang Yuan had a doubt.

Geya glanced at the Jinglong Overlord and the others beside Jiang Yuan, took a deep breath, and said with more serious eyes: “I have one

The method can help the emperor to quickly break through the broken star realm, but as a transaction, when the emperor becomes the ancestor of the broken star realm

We need to become the supreme veteran of our Geyuan clan, shelter our Geyuan clan, and take us out of the empire.

Jiang Yuan frowned in an instant.(Read more @

There is an unpredictable meaning in the other party’s words.

Shocked Dragon Overlord and others also made eye contact with each other, and unconsciously, a taste of conspiracy rose in everyone’s hearts.

Free up.

“Why escape from the high empire?” Jiang Yuan asked everyone’s inner question.

“Because-_” Geya gritted her teeth, as if there was something unspeakable, she wanted to say but didn’t dare to say it.

“If it’s not convenient to say, don’t say it.” Jiang Yuan said lightly, full of energy and blood, and he was about to take everyone away.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s decisiveness, Geya gritted his teeth and said directly: “Because the empire will be defeated in a short time.

When her voice fell, Jiang Yuan stopped the qi and blood mobilization in his body, looked straight at the other party, and said: “I am from your qi.

Blood fluctuations can feel that you are lying.

Geya sank in her heart and sighed: “It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but once this matter is said, it’s not good

Our entire race will be extinct. ”

“Our Geyuan people have always advocated peace, and our time of existence has surpassed almost all races in northern Xinjiang.

Our history has a long history. We have also had a glorious and most powerful period. In our clan, there have even been three births.

Respect the broken star ancestor. ”

“But they all died later

Speaking of this, Geya sighed: “They all participated in the imperial conquest and went to the front, but not many years later.

Either died in battle or disappeared.

“In our history, there have been thirteen broken star ancestors born, but without exception, these are the results.

As long as the ancestors headed to the front line, basically none of them could come back alive. ”

“This is too abnormal, this is too weird.”

Having said this, Goya’s eyes were filled with fear and said: “Until ten-thousand years ago, one of our races was seriously injured.

When my ancestor returned, all I saw was the fear in his eyes.

“She wanted to tell me something, but she didn’t have a chance at all. The empire came and took our ancestors away.

Our ancestors are fugitives, and we want our racial faction to gather one billion troops within ten years to offset the faults committed by the racial ancestors.

Seeking flowers-

“There is no way, we can only continue to gather the army to send to the front line, but also because a large number of strong people are constantly being sent out.

As a result, although we are one of the eighteenth major races in Northern Xinjiang, our strength is at the end, and we are not even as strong as some powerful races. ”

Hearing this, the eyes of the people of the human race began to flash with dim and unclear expressions.

Everyone is not stupid, the other side said this, making them feel the coldness in the universe.

Jiang Yuan’s brows were also frowned, but he was not moved at all, and his voice was very indifferent: “Show your sincerity

Geya was taken aback for a moment, and soon woke up, knowing the person in front of him, it is difficult to impress with words

However, she was not prepared to persuade Jiang Yuan with words, but took it out of her arms-the face was about the size of the paper.

It’s a metal thing. ,

“This is a record of how to break through the broken star realm in the realm of disaster. If you agree to my terms, I can

This is temporarily lent for you to observe day and night. ”

Geya said lightly, very indifferent, and directly handed the metal card to Jiang Yuan.

She is very confident, because the ancestors of the family from generation to generation, every breakthrough is constantly observing the knowledge in it.

Point to comprehend, finally break the limit and become the ancestor of Broken Star Realm.

She herself spent tens of thousands of years observing every day, but she could only understand only a few words.

The amount of knowledge contained in it is really too huge. She has such a talent that she will not be able to comprehend for thousands of years.

Now, she is no longer the emperor of disaster.

Has long become the ancestor of the race.

She believed that even if Jiang Yuan saw all the words, he couldn’t comprehend it.

Time to comprehend.

The time consumed during this period is at least a millennium start and at least ten thousand years.

In history, the most talented ancestor in the clan has also observed and observed for more than three thousand years before finally comprehending, breaking through and achieving

Broken Star Realm ancestor.

Now I want to show Jiang Yuan. I just want him to know that I have a way to make you the ancestor of Broken Star Realm.

Attract Jiang Yuan first and let him know that this is true.

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