Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 238 - Everything is stronger and deduced

Chapter 238 – : Everything is stronger and deduced

The speed of the rules of war began to slow down, moving slowly toward a huge, Saturn-like planet.

At the moment when he slowed down, Jiang Yuan woke up from his contemplation, looking outside through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

I saw a huge earth-yellow planet in the vast starry sky outside. It was extremely large, and it was aquamarine star.

Hundreds to thousands of times.

Surrounded by a huge star belt consisting of dust and meteorites.

From time to time, you can see some warships with peculiar shapes, different sizes and different colors, sticking to the upper space of the star belt.

Flying fast.

At the same time, some warships rushed out of the star belt, as if rushing out of the clouds, carrying a lot of

The particles of dust drove into the dark starry sky in the distance.

Jiang Yuan was also interested and watched carefully.

“Nine Six Seven”

In just a few moments, the large and small battleships I saw were no less than a hundred, and I even saw the size of a battleship.

It reaches more than three hundred kilometers.

Like a long dragon, connected section by section, like a raptor in the universe, bending forward,

There were continuous rumbling noises.

I also saw the battleship, which was shaped like a long chopstick, passing by.

You can see the brightly lit, magnificent and magnificent inside, inside the countless transparent glass, different figures go back and forth.

Walking around, I even saw living beings eating in some windows.

I also saw singers holding peculiar objects in some halls, indulging in high spirits, causing countless audiences off the stage.

Clap and applaud.

The splendid scene made Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but move slightly in his heart.

In the next room, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming were even more stunned, pointing and yelling, excited.


“Seeing that there are still creatures dancing, they look like our humans! But how can their hair be like snakes?

Roots are floating, like living things?”

Jiang Hao pointed to the distance, his eyes glowing, he was very excited, and he had never seen the world.

Just after taking a shower, Cheng Qiming leaned back lazily at the door, glanced at it, and said calmly: “This is the universe, everything

No fuss can happen.

“The back of the fast planet” Immediately afterwards, Jiang Hao became excited again.

As the warship continues to travel, it has entered the range of the star belt, and the speed of the star belt has increased suddenly, flying around the planet.

OK, ahead, a huge metal circle gradually appeared.

“Good Cheng Qiming’s eyes lit up and he walked over.(Read more @

The huge metal circle gradually emerges, the whole body is silver-white, very huge, towering in the vacuum of the universe

The diameter reaches thousands of kilometers.

There is a layer of colorful light curtain covering the entire circle.

Outside the aperture, countless battleships, densely patted a long line, entered the circle in an orderly manner, and the next second was straight

Then there were waves like waves of water, and they disappeared instantly.

At the same time, above the aperture, warships also penetrated from time to time.

Divided into two spaces, the upper and lower spaces, interfere with each other.

Well-behaved! Great! Could this be the legendary interstellar wormhole, which actually travels long distances?

Ability? “Jiang Hao suddenly remembered the books he had read before and couldn’t help exclaiming.

“It should be!” Cheng Qiming couldn’t help muttering to himself, Kan Ruo Yuan.

At the same time, a huge electronic synthesis sound resounded from the inside of the battleship.

“Arrive at the first interstellar transit station, the interstellar gate, all crew members are asked to prepare for the first long distance

Sailing, the estimated time is ten minutes.”

Almost as soon as this sound fell, the speed of the battleship soared, and the appearance of the entire battleship was

Flashing red light.

As if it were an alarm, it suddenly alarmed countless warships around it.

Countless battleships, as if seeing a plague god, hurriedly spread towards the two sides, just like this, letting out the door to the interstellar.

The speed of the warship is still accelerating, getting faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, it comes to the huge interstellar gate. Here, people

We all have a sense of insignificance in the interior of the warship.

Can’t help but marvel at the extraordinary workmanship of the Stargate.

In the next second, the battleship penetrated directly.

In an instant, the terrifying post-reasoning and the oppressive feeling flooded in from all directions swept through everyone’s hearts.

It makes people feel flustered.

The people of the Human Race who have never experienced this kind of experience, their faces turned pale.

But only Jiang Yuan wrinkled his brows slightly, his eyes looked outside through the window, the complex origin formula in his eyes

It works quickly.

In deduction, also analyzing the principle of Stargate.

Soon, in his mind, a piece of flat paper appeared, and a stroke was drawn on both ends of the paper, and the straight line distance was


It can be ten centimeters, but the paper is folded in half.

The two points are overlapped, a needle penetrates, and the next second, it is equivalent to from one end of the paper to the other end

And this middle channel.

It is the gap between the two.

Junior high school students know this principle, but knowing and experiencing are two completely different feelings.

Vaguely, there was a flash of spiritual light in Jiang Yuan’s mind.

Then Jiang Yuan settled down, and his brain thought quickly.

Heaven and earth have great power, and people have power. The most commonly heard saying is to fight against human power, which is also a kind of power.

The power of potential energy is extremely powerful,-an army integrated into the momentum can sweep everything and win every battle

Conquering the city, driving straight ahead, the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

The whole army is like one, order and prohibition, like one.

When the situation merges into any tangible or intangible existence, it will make the power or form of this thing upturned.

Changes in land cover.

At that moment, 2.9 he keenly discovered that the fluctuations in the space were full of panic, extremely

Its oppression is unpredictable and general.

This gave him a new experience and a different feeling for the second stage of the Sutra of All Things.

The comprehension of the second stage is a deeper level, and the next steps are vaguely touched, but there is nowhere to write, and there is still something missing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan’s voice resounded directly: “Can Ruisi hear it?”

As soon as Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, the soft female voice of Dao’s electronic synthesis resounded, and at the same time a blue cast sounded.

The shadow shone down from the ceiling above his head.

Formed into a girl who looked ten ** years old, she looked very sweet, but she had two more fingers in her palms of her hand.

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