Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 236 - Unimaginable powerful

Chapter 236 – : Unimaginable powerful

There is still a lot of room, and it is very likely that it is a tenfold improvement from the original foundation, which is too much to improve.

But how much is it, is it eleven times or twelve times

He didn’t know it clearly. There is only a vague concept, and he feels that the tenfold increase in cap is not the second stage.


at the same time.

After Ruikang put everyone in place, he returned to the control center, standing in front of the huge screen, his eyes gradually changed

Deepened up.

The moment he returned to the battleship, new news entered his mind.

The situation of the family has become more and more precarious. The empire has determined that the family ancestor is missing, that is to say

The ancestor of the family, it is very likely that he has died in battle, and there is no bones left.

An ancestor of Broken Star Realm, died in this battle, cruel to the extreme.

Even if it was him, he felt trembling and horrified. The battle on the front line of the empire became more and more severe.

Northern Xinjiang is the closest to the battlefield.

No one knows when the war will extend here.

But this is so insignificant in comparison with the disappearance of the family ancestor.

He can already guess that the family at this time has probably been making a pot of porridge, all kinds of war mobilization, returning

Yoshio 470 has an external force and gathers at Rising.

Be prepared at all times to guard against the other three huge family forces.

There are only two choices before the family, either choose the Great Migration, abandon the original territory, or abandon the inherent

Resources, flee with all the power of the family.

Either do your best to summon the emperors of all subordinate races to find the one with the strongest potential and join forces.

Marriage, and then consume all resources, try every possible way to let him reach the broken star realm in a very short time.

Only in this way can the family status be stabilized and the entire race can be protected.

In the cold universe, everything is so cruel.

Without thinking about it, he started to compile a message, and sent the message he got on Aquastar directly, and passed it on.

To the head of the family.

He is also his eldest brother.

The speed of information transmission is very fast, in just one day, on a planet ten times larger than the water blue star.

A place of great splendor like a palace.

Ruiluo, the contemporary patriarch of Ruilan Star, received a message from his younger brother (cicb).(Read more @

At this time, Ruiluo is already in utter discomfort. The forces controlled by the entire race are in a severe situation beyond imagination, and a rebellion is like

Like weeds, it burst out instantly.

In just a few days, hundreds of civilized planets have been swept through, involving more than a dozen civilized races, family law enforcement teams, no

Stop dispatching and calm chaos everywhere.

But as soon as one planet was extinguished, two planets were in chaos again.

Moreover, under the planning of the rebellion, he can clearly feel that there are three external forces that are guiding and planning one.

Che, he doesn’t need to think about the other three families in Northern Xinjiang.

Also has the existence of Broken Star Realm ancestor.

Dong dong dong

At this moment,-the sound of eager footsteps resounded from outside the main hall, right after the huge golden gate

Slowly opened, a tall and perfect black-haired woman walked in.

Her face was also anxious, and her voice resounded throughout the hall: “Brother, three more races have declared rebellion.

Hearing the bad news, Ruiluo’s face paled again, he couldn’t help but rubbed Taiyangxue and sighed.

Said: “Is there no news from my father yet?”

The woman’s voice anxiously said: “No, the current situation can no longer be delayed, brother, prepare to implement the first plan.

Abandon everything temporarily, open up northern Xinjiang, let’s go to other places, and wait for the future family to give birth to a broken star ancestor again

We are killing it back.

“It’s not easy to say that it’s coming back! Once we lose our current resources, our entire family will be in endless years.

If it continues to decline, perhaps in the future, it will be extremely difficult to give birth to an emperor of calamity, not to mention a statue of Broken Star Realm.


“too difficult.”

Rui Luo sighed, and straightened his body slowly, as if he had made up his mind, his voice suddenly became severe.

“Rui Xianghan, when the seventh brother comes back, you will immediately retreat and leave Northern Xinjiang with your seventh brother and all the potential clansmen.

Rui Xianghan’s expression suddenly changed, and her eyes widened in horror: “Brother, what do you want to do, do you want to use-cut?

The cost is to create a broken star ancestor?”

Ruiluo’s eyes were firm and said: “This is the end of the matter. Don’t take a gamble. Who knows if the big day can rise again tomorrow?

It’s decided, you don’t need to dissuade.

His voice is extremely majestic: “Tell me to order, all the emperors of the subordinate civilization, all come to Rising to gather, lift


In the final evaluation, whose determination can meet the requirements, I, on behalf of the ancestor of Rising, gave Jiumei as his important son

You, you, you” Rui Xianghan’s face was horrified, her eyes widened, her voice trembling, and she shouted frantically: “You

This is a gambling on life. It will die, it will not survive at all, and we don’t have so much time!”

Ruiluo waved his hand directly, his eyes were extremely stern and said: “My heart is determined, and the family has been fighting in northern Xinjiang for millions of years.

Blood, in exchange for countless lives, cannot be cut off in our generation. Even if I die, I cannot face my ancestors and

Clan, even if it is dead, I have to fight it. ”

“But but” Rui Xianghan was very anxious, sweating profusely, but there was nothing to do.

“Well, you can withdraw! According to my instructions, take away all the potential clansmen in the clan, in batches, the more concealed you are

The better. “As Ruiluo spoke, he felt a slight tremor in his wrist.

When I looked down, I saw that it was sent by my worried seventh brother and opened it directly.

“But” Rui Xianghan gritted his teeth and wanted to say something, but when he reached his lips, he was interrupted again.

I heard the other person say: “Your seventh brother sent a message, listen to it too!”

While talking, my finger gently touched the wrist device, and after a while, a blue virtual figure shot directly on the ground.

Above, the rapid composition and the appearance of Ruikang.

Ruikang’s voice was suddenly transmitted with excitement: “Brother! I found a terrifying statue on a remote planet.

You can never imagine how terrifying this person is.

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