Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 224 - Global live broadcast

Chapter 224 – : Global live broadcast

Overlord Cangyuan, and Overlord Xingyue followed closely, and disappeared in place.

Only Jiang Yuan stood there, looking at the huge display in front with serious eyes, and frowned deeply.

Shocking Dragon Overlord, soon arrived in the freshman ancient city.

The big-ancient city at this time has become the central city of mankind, all orders, all major news releases,

It’s all spread out from here.

A city controls more than one billion people in the world.

The three people who returned to the office did not dare to delay, picked up the phone, and continuously issued various military orders.

Almost at the same time, the human navigating fleet, all aircraft carrier commanders, received the latest orders as soon as possible.

Engraved with the fastest speed to convey the whole army.

A fleet of aircraft carriers, a huge whistle, humming, a large number of combatants, quickly landed on the fleet

All kinds of large-scale hoisting machines are still adjusting animal resources.

A large number of fleets began to sail out of the port.

On the ground, countless strategic missiles were activated one after another. Within 28 bases, sirens kept ringing everywhere.

All are the figures of native soldiers running in a hurry.

Especially in the six ancient cities, countless soldiers began to prepare, a large number of tanks drove out of the armored garage, countless engineering departments

Start to overhaul all equipment.

The roar of helicopter propellers is also constantly resounding.

The tense atmosphere of the war that would erupt at any time, suddenly shocked countless people.

Immediately afterwards, the overlord of Xingyue came to the press room just established not long ago to release important news to the outside world easily.

Will not be used, once used, it will involve everyone in the world.

When people turn on the TV and even pick up their mobile phones, the figure of the Star and Moon Overlord appears on it.

All equipment was cut off at the same time and connected to this emergency press conference.

Xingyue Overlord’s exquisite and beautiful face, with an extremely serious look, facing the camera, his voice is low and rich

Strongly contagious: “Dear people of the race! What I am going to announce next will involve our whole world

World, the fate of one billion people.

When her voice fell, people all over the world, watching at this moment, felt the heart-tightness inexplicably, and the breathing became

It becomes difficult.

The Star Moon Overlord’s voice slowly and lowly said: “Just an hour ago, our space observatory discovered

A set of unusual data, and then the data was tracked, and it was found that-the size of a hundred li, the shape of a long strip

Objects are coming towards our planet at an extremely fast speed. ”

“According to the inferences of our scholars and experts, there is an 80% chance that this object is a man-made object.

It is what we usually call a spaceship. “(Read more @

“We don’t know if this is a spacecraft for the time being. If so, they arrived on our planet with a friendly heart.

State, or aggressive mentality, we don’t know anything about it.

Speaking of this, Xingyue Overlord’s expression became more solemn, and his voice gradually became louder.

“However, we people will not be afraid of war””

“The hundred-year-old army of resisting fierce beasts has shaped the undaunted soul of our race, and created our strong will.

No matter who it is, we cannot overwhelm our racial backbone.

Her voice came from the bottom of her heart, and she gradually had a passionate breath.

“We never fear war

The voice became more and more shocking: “Are you afraid?”

At this moment, countless people’s hearts are shaking and roaring.


We human race has never been afraid that the evolutionary history of our entire race for thousands of years has been spent in wars.

Have we ever been defeated.

We are brave, we are not afraid of death.

We have the will in our hearts, and we have our relatives behind us.

Finally, the overlord Xingyue’s soft but domineering voice resounded again: “I have ordered the highest battle.

Fight to prepare. ”

When her voice fell, on the coast, aircraft carriers fought all at the same time. They were launched at almost the same time and moved forward through the waves.

At this moment, the live broadcast picture here is also presented in front of Ruikang.

On the huge screen, the passionate speech of the Star and Moon Overlord is presented, and the beautiful and exquisite face is full of fearlessness.

The look is absolutely domineering.

“The remarks are pretty good.” Ruikang stared at the live broadcast and said without expression: “Unfortunately, it’s just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well.

With an ordinary existence, even the Emperor Calamity was not born.

“How can you know the horror of the emperor, how can you know the greatness of Broken Star Realm, ants?”

The previous female officer also said indifferently: “From the information sent back, this race has a strong sense of combat and is a good one.

Fighting clan.

“Just now, the data we passed back showed that at the point where this person gave the order

At a moment, the entire planet, about

More than 10 million troops are being mobilized, and the execution is extremely strong. ”

Ruikang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he became interested and said: “That was unexpected, a planet like a native slave

With such a strong execution ability, what is rare is that it is still a unified world, not bad, not bad.

There is indeed some potential, but it is a pity that this is not enough!”

At this time, the voice of the controller of the warship resounded: “Pointing at 070, the warship began to enter.

Atmosphere, where do you land?”

With a wicked smile on Ruikang’s face, he said, “Didn’t they declare war on us? Then directly land on the race.

I want to see if they have the confidence to declare war with us. ”

Ruikang has a calm tone, full of self-confidence, and a feeling of strategizing.

A planet that didn’t even have the birth of the emperor, with these gunpowder weapons, can still harm his warships.

Success, he gave an order, this planet will be killed.

“. Start to adjust the landing position.”

At the same time, in the freshman ancient city, the Shocking Dragon Overlord and others also floated up and stood high in the sky.

Just looking towards is the sky beyond Yuyuan.

Above the earth, the golden light of Dao Dao is constantly rising, it is a mysterious realm of supernatural power in the first stage of exalting the saint.

The strong.

The entire freshman ancient city, countless residents, also raised their heads at this moment, looking up at the sky, waiting.

A large number of reporters from various cities also hurriedly set up news equipment to target Cangqi.


In an instant, a roaring sound was transmitted from above the sky, and the clouds in the entire sky and earth began to separate.

Rolling up.

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