Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 208 - Endless Madness (77)

Chapter 208 – : Endless Madness (7/7)

Looking at Jiang Yuan with incredible eyes.

They know Jiang Yuan’s strength firsthand, but they are strong, as long as they don’t reach the calamity emperor.

The degree still has his limit.

Jiang Yuan’s order is undoubtedly speaking out his inner thoughts.

He wants one person to suppress a world, all the fierce and strong.

Such unbelievable and unbelievable thoughts suddenly echoed in the minds of all races.

When I opened, everyone’s whole body trembled in horror.

“Overlord you, you, you

The eyes of a human emperor suddenly became ruddy with excitement, and his voice was trembling.

This is desperate, crazy, and suddenly cut off his own way of life.

In all directions, golden light on the main roads soars into the sky, densely packed town generals, countless beasts

Wang Luhuang, and even the Manifestation of Saints also appeared ten statues, even the overlord level also appeared “6-13”.


This is not over yet, there is still golden light rising.

Every time you blink your eyes, dozens of more golden light clusters appear. They are extremely brilliant and dazzling.

This kind of scene, has never seen a strong human race, it is a hornet’s nest, who can think of fierce

The background of Zeng Yizu is so powerful.

After the war for hundreds of years, it seems that the whole is stronger, and the strong are emerging in endlessly.

“Overlord. There are too many alien races! 4 1-

The emperor could not help but tremble to persuade him, and his voice came to Jiang Yuan’s ears, carrying a

Sisi was shocked.

They know in their hearts that a human overlord is here alone, and these beasts and powerful men are bound to be crazy

Crazy, he will do everything possible to kill, without giving Jiang Yuan the slightest chance.

The battle of races, let alone kill the enemy overlord, even if it is killing one more soldier

It is a great encouragement.

Not to mention the overlord of a human race-

Don’t that, the emperor and lord of the human race became nervous and spoke out to discourage them.

But Jiang Yuan’s voice is still resounding, full of majesty, and there is no doubt that; “Leave here now

Listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, everyone was stunned, but no one moved.

With a look of death, he brazenly faced the enemies swept in from all directions.

Jiang Yuan’s heart trembled, already feeling their determination.

It is the friendship of sharing life and death, sharing adversity, and compatriots brotherhood.

A trace of emotion was circulating in my heart, but Jiang Yuan’s voice still resounded: “Leave, I

I’m sure that if I lose, I will let you help. ”

While speaking, Jiang Yuan suddenly burst into terrifying power all over his body, moving towards the human race around him.

The people swept away, pushing them horizontally under the big crack at once.

My eyes are extremely sharp, looking around domineeringly, the huge body starts to move

Shaking the world and moving forward frantically.(Read more @

With each step falling, the cracks on the ground collapsed more severely, and a large amount of magma burst out

Coming, as if stepping on a soft sponge, there were footprints of different shades.


Two fierce overlords, arrived the first time, their bodies are colorful and gorgeous, as if they were

Two dazzling diamonds. Extremely mysterious.

At the same time, a horrible riot of blood and energy roared in their bodies. As they continued to lean on

Omi, his body enlarged a little:

In the end, it reached the size of dry rice.

They are two birds and beasts full of brilliance, with their wings spread out, as if-Fang Tiandi is shrouded in one

Generally, a full length of three kilometers, when the empty claws grabbed it, it was like an eagle grabbed a chicken.

The cold light on the paw kept flashing, and there was a trace of colorful light inside, as if it were a line one.

Things are circulating, containing the power of terror, all of which are compressed.

Once caught. Jiang Yuan would be torn off a large piece of body.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes brightened immediately, but there was very little concealment, as if because of the huge accumulation of

Big, slow movement, one step on the hind legs, both hands turn into fists, hitting away, wanting to block

other side.

There was a look of contempt in that overlord eagle eye. The body suddenly turned into a stream in the air

Light, actually changed its own fierce form-

The next son turned into a sharp blade, cutting across it, directly penetrating from his double learning,-next son

Cut on Jiang Yuan’s shoulder.

With a tear, the entire shoulder was cut with huge scars, it was a hundred meters long, ten meters long.


The same is true for another overlord.

The direct use of talents and magical powers does not enlarge the body, but becomes even smaller than the antler’s dare.

It suddenly came to Jiang Yuan’s thigh, and it became bigger in an instant.

Suddenly it swelled and was stronger than Jiang Yuan’s thighs, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and took a mouthful.


Go up.


Accompanied by the clicking sound, a huge piece of minced meat was torn from Jiang Yuan’s body in one bite and swallowed.

I’ll eat it in a few bites

“It is delicious and worthy of being the overlord of the human race, the fierce beast with strong blood and delicious meat

The overlord laughed, opened his mouth, and started to eat again.

They took Jiang Yuan’s black body of vitality and blood as his body, attacking frantically and wanting to live.

Swallowed him.

But the real body was in the middle of the eyebrows, and there was a smile on his face.

In the moment that the fierce beast fragrant swallowed Jiangyuan’s qi and blood, the terrifying power of qi and blood, straight

It burst into his body and turned into countless particles of black matter——

Time did not erupt, but slowly settled down, waiting for Jiangyuan’s layout to be completed.

At that moment, it broke out, and the life of this overlord was taken.

Jing Qi, the overlord who turned into a sharp blade and slashed him, didn’t know, the one who slashed his own body

In an instant, countless black particles that were invisible to the naked eye were already attached to his body surface, slowly

Slowly, got into his Hugh to settle.

At the same time, a vicious and universally manifested saint also arrived, frantically starting to attack Jiangyuan, all kinds of fear

The power of terrible blood exploded on his body.

Holes were blown out of his body, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

And in the flesh and blood, some invisible black matter diffused in the air, in

It is spreading, it is the power of qi and blood.

Immediately afterwards, a Beast Star and Beast King were also promised to arrive. At the same time, 0.0 attacked and went crazy.

Madly absorbing the power of blood in the space.

From their point of view, these powers of qi and blood are powers that burst out of Jiang Yuan’s body.

A kind of chance, Xiang Xu began to snatch, wanting to weaken Jiang Yuan.

More and more fierce beasts continue to rush over, as if in their eyes, Jiang Yuan has become

Sweet pastry, anyone can take a bite and share the chance.

“You read,” Jiang Yuan snarled frantically, practising in anger, but he was extremely excited in his heart.

I was warming up loudly: “Hurry up, eat a little more, and come a little more”

More and more fierce and powerful men swallowed his power of qi and blood, and the black matter accumulated in his body

There will be more and more.

And he began to accumulate strength, sitting for the third stage of Manifestation, the most craziest preparation.

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