Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 206 - Three Steps of Extinction (57)

Chapter 206 – : Three Steps of Extinction (5/7)

The twenty-nine ring of the golden core, this news alone, I am afraid that the monarchs of this empire will be alive.

Scared to death, unable to sleep for several days and nights.

Coupled with the third stage of Manifestation, it will directly reach the Emperor of Calamity, and the two superimposed, I am afraid the universe

Among them, in some terrifying places, countless existences will be alarmed.

There is no such record in Gu Yuan’s huge database, and the potential is like a joke.

“I’m really on the top of the list.” Gu Yuan couldn’t help but come up with such a sentence in his mind.

Words come.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s mighty voice was heard again… and the whole army was sent into the big crack.”

When Jiang Yuan’s voice fell, Jiang Yuan’s huge body of blood began to shrink, and in a blink of an eye

Turned into black particles pressed in the sky. Constantly surging toward the inner position.

In just a few breaths, the thousand-foot giant turned into a giant one hundred meters tall:

At the center of his eyebrows, Jiang Yuan sat cross-legged, with ten red golden pills around him rotating around him.

Give the black blood and blood a golden body. Provide a steady stream of power.

In addition, the Zhentian Bell is suspended above the head of Jiangyuan, providing a stable space of 313 power.

Covering everything, the Thousand Fantasy Demon Tu, and the bells hover left and right, forming a triangle shape, forming a certain balance.

On the ground, engineering vehicles arrived from the army and stopped next to the big tear.

Down, the top stretched out one by one, tied to a soldier.

At the same time, a large number of flares are also constantly rising into the sky↓ thousands of them, and they are beginning to fall into the big crack


Countless people have seen that there is a layer of aperture like the surface of the water between hundreds of meters below, and the flares

Fall into it, forming a circle of light waves on it.

That is the light film that connects the two worlds. It is a special method that humans have not yet

Understand the principle.

Above the aperture, one side is the world where the human race is located, and the other side is the world where the fierce Zeng is located.

And upside down, people climb down through the light film, and they will appear in another world.

At the bottom of the big crack, you need to climb from the bottom up.

Although the Human Race has never invaded a fierce world, there are still some studies, knowing that the light curtain is not

It hurts, just as a barrier that has penetrated.

The first (bdai) to enter is a great master, they are full of vitality and blood, and they are extremely fast.

During the breath, it descends hundreds of meters, constantly in the space, agitating the ripples of a star circle,

Instantly disappear the sky,

Immediately after that, a respected master began to descend.

The generals of the human race, like the sun setting, enter the light curtain one by one, sinking

People enter and enter a whole new world in an instant.(Read more @

Jiang Yuan didn’t delay picking too much, so he sank in.

Suddenly, there is a kind of peculiar feeling of falling across the surface of the water, from down

The feeling becomes upward.

At first glance, I walked through the big crack and saw the blue writing of this world.

I saw that the whole world was blood red, there was no dazzling white light, there was no sun, only in the sky

Above the bow, I saw two large pieces of fragments that had collided with each other.

In Jiang Yuan’s mind. A large number of calculation formulas continued to emerge, and various information began to be read,

Learn more about this world.

In his deduction.

There is no sun in this world. There used to be two huge gleaming planets. They are the masters of this world.

The important source of light is performing a single photosynthesis on the plants of this world.

But obviously, those two huge planets, for some unknown reason, have already touched

The collision took place at least three hundred years.

But because the distance is too far, coupled with the huge volume, the light is projected onto this planet,

What people can see is most likely something that happened a few years ago.

So what is presented is an extremely slow, blocking and freezing picture.

In an instant Jiang Yuan had a glimpse of understanding and understood a lot, and in the next second, his body suddenly

Pulling high, directly rushing through a large crack of thousands of meters, soaring into the sky.

Suspended over the earth in this world.

As far as I can see, the earth is densely packed, black and fierce, endless,

Very far away, you can even see some peculiarly shaped earthen buildings.

On the ground, there are cracks everywhere, among the countless cracks, red magma is flowing,

From time to time, rock currents hit the ground, covering the ground.

The air in the entire world is filled with toxic gases, and the temperature reaches a terrifying forty shots.

Degrees above. It is simply a molten planet.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan realized it.

He finally knew why the fierce beast would attack the human world without fear of death, because


The world is going to shatter.

It won’t be long before the two colliding planets will form an explosion, and the force of terror will be the first.

Time sweeps all matter and planets within a few light years.

This planet will be the first to bear the brunt. Under the terrifying explosion, everything on the ground will be

When energy swept away, all living things, even bacteria, would die instantly.

Immediately afterwards, under the influence of the explosions of the two planets, the internal magnetic field of this planet will enter

Walking in the chaos. The brain waves of all living creatures will be disturbed, even if they lose their direction.

He becomes an idiot.

Well and cannot give birth to offspring, because the planetary periodic magnetic field will interfere with the deep

Hierarchical genetic structure makes organisms gradually lose some functions.

And this is only the second wave of blows.

At this time, the powerful beings, like the life individuals of the town general level, can hide on the planet.

Staying deep and lingering, you can survive with strength.

But the third blow will be fatal.

The collision of two planets with extremely terrifying material density can easily cause the matter to collapse infinitely.

If it collapses, there is a great probability of forming a black hole.

Once a black hole is formed, in a short period of time, the black hole will form an inertia and stabilize in the past

Above the running track.

At that time, within light years, all the stars will suffer, all being pulled and swallowed.

The matter on the surface of each planet will be pulled into space for the first time, continuously depriving one

The material density of a planet keeps the volume of the entire planet shrinking.

In the end, the entire planet will be swallowed.

This is the third step of mass extinction.

If you want to keep your race indestructible, the only way is to invade other planets and colonize them.

In the age, war is exchanged for the environment for survival.

In an instant, Jiang Yuan’s hairs stood upright.

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