Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 195 - Broken Star Realm above the Manifestation (17)

Chapter 195 – : Broken Star Realm above the Manifestation (1/7)

In just a few breaths, the pedestrian has returned home.

The Emperor is not stupid, knowing that Jiang Yuan must have something for it, after a simple meal, the two went to the tea room upstairs.

Jiang Yuan also knows a little bit about tea. Bi Jing has lived for nearly a hundred years and knows how to make tea.

After being full, Jiang Yuan himself took a sip, and said with doubts in his voice: “I am still curious, the three humans

The overlord, there are many manifestations of the saints, why did they never appear after entering the big rift? ”

Ren Huangduan’s hand trembled slightly, took a small sip, and sighed, “In fact, it is not only the overlord and the many sages.

There are also eight thousand generals, hundreds of people, kings and emperors, and the foundation of our human race is basically in that big crack. ”

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes sharpened.

I was a little shocked in my heart. I didn’t expect that Human Race was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. The town would actually be as high as eight thousand.

It’s incredible.

But he didn’t speak, his eyes were fixed on each other.

The Emperor slowly said: “The human race has been developing for nearly a hundred years, especially in the current ten years, the strong are born,-Deputy Xinxinxiang

Rong, coupled with abundant ice and land resources, although wars continue, they are often accompanied by opportunities. ”

“Countless great masters have been promoted to town generals, countless towns will break through their limits and achieve the Eight Desolate Realms.

Even if it is a Manifestation, within ten years of Human Race, no less than five statues will be born. ”

“The three stages of Manifestation, the first stage of supernatural powers, the second stage of overlord, and the third stage of disaster

Jiang Yuan listened silently. He is now in the first stage of the Manifestation of Saint Realm. He is supernatural and possesses the power of supernatural blood.

The supernatural power of talent.

In the second stage, I also know that the flesh is perfect, the immortal colored glaze is immortal, the world is broken, and my body is eternal.


The third stage is-I don’t know the point.

This is why he invited this statue to eat at home today.

I am afraid that he can answer the question in his mind. No one knows about the Great Six Ancient City. Only the Emperor of the Great One Ancient City may be able to

Know a little something.

The emperor continued: “I don’t know much about the disasters in the third stage of Manifestation. I only know that currently our human race does not have

To reach this level alone

“But among the ferocious alien races, there is an extremely terrifying existence. Not only has it reached, but it’s surpassing it.

Realm, will step through the third stage of Manifestation at any time, and enter a more terrifying realm.

Having said this, Jiang Yuan’s eyes became more fierce, and his body couldn’t help shaking one by one.

In the realm of Manifestation, the gap between each small realm is completely different. Calculated from the level of combat power alone, the gap is even(Read more @

Will reach trillions.

The further you go to the back, the bigger the gap, the disparity is extremely wide. “At present, we only know that the realm beyond the manifestation realm is the Broken Star Realm”

Speaking of this, the emperor’s breathing also swiftly rose, and a panic expression flashed across his eyes: “That’s a kind of

What kind of state is completely unpredictable, but we know a little bit. ”

His breathing began to become heavier and said: “Broken Star Broken Star can break a planet, otherwise it can’t be called

For broken stars. ”

Having said that, his own eyes are expanding and his heartbeat is speeding up.

One word at a time: “This realm. One star is shattered, and the physical body crosses the vacuum of the universe.”

When his words fell, Jiang Yuan suddenly felt a horror, his brows wrinkled tightly, and his heart was still there.

Shock amount.

This news is too terrifying and shocking.

Can’t keep calm inside anymore.

Directly said: “What you mean is that all the strong in our human race are in a big tear, suppressing the one who is about to break through.

Horrible beast?”

Looking at Jiang Yuan’s horrified eyes, the Emperor nodded heavily, and his voice was somewhat pessimistic: “We have thousands of human spirits.

Rui, almost all in it, uses the strongest force to suppress it all the time. Ten years have passed so far, but it can only be extended.

It is impossible to organize the other party’s breakthrough at all. ”

The emperor’s voice trembled and said: “Once a breakthrough, the three major overlords will be killed in battle immediately, and eight thousand towns will fight each other.

Everyone will die in battle. ”

“At that time, the real disaster will inevitably come, and the human race will usher in a catastrophe.”

Gu Se, who was terrified by the emperor, took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

“Just a few days ago, our freshman ancient city, including me, all emperors and even kings of people, have received the following

News, let us settle the work at hand. Go down immediately.

“I’m afraid,” the emperor’s voice said with a trace of fear: “.” I’m afraid it can’t be suppressed anymore.

Jiang Yuan was shocked by the news.

He knew that the human race was in critical condition, but he didn’t expect to have endangered this class of Chengdu,-Zun is about to break through the three realms of Manifestation

The world’s worldly existence.

Once he waits for him to break through, the force can break the stars and the physical body crosses the cosmic vacuum. What a terrifying existence is that.

For the entire planet, it would be absolutely fatal.

He only needs to be in space, constantly attacking the inside of the planet, and the force of terror penetrates all at once, one piece

The mainland will be shaken and even shattered.

Countless humans and even species above will be swept into mass extinction.

Regardless of the three overlords of Jiang Yuan or the human race, as well as the many existences who have reached the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, they have not yet reached that kind.

The degree to which the body can travel across the universe.

It is impossible to survive for a long time in the vacuum of the universe.

In other words, (good) people can attack at will, and every attack is comparable to space-based weapons, which is very turbulent.

Land, overturning a city.

And others can’t hit the other side at all.

This is the gap, the unimaginable gap. “Could it be that for so many years, our human race has no one-point solution?” Jiang Yuan couldn’t help asking.

The Emperor sighed, shook his head and said, “It’s not impossible, but these methods are helpless.

As a last resort, no one wants to proceed. *

“There are two major plans.” At this point, the emperor said with a sad expression: “The first plan is the Tinder plan.

Three hundred launch vehicles will be launched in ten times. A total of three thousand rockets will be launched in one day, all in the sky.

During the reorganization and docking, space stations are formed one by one, scattered in ten directions, looking for stars suitable for the survival of our human race.

ball. ”

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