Chapter 191 – : I’m back (5/8)

But the moment he saw Jiang Yuan’s face clearly, everyone was shocked, their eyes instantly turned into enthusiasm, and they let their way out.

Lu, Gong sent his figure into the community.

Jiang Yuan came to his door and looked at the door. In an instant, the anger in his heart turned into a hint of tenderness.

There is nothing more warm at home than at home.

Jiang Yuan-stepped in, the sound of footsteps passed through the hall.

Sitting on the sofa and watching TV, Murong Qingyue’s body suddenly shook, and the next moment, she turned her head slowly.

At the moment of seeing Jiang Yuan clearly, tears flowed down unconvincingly, covering his mouth and choking.

“I’m back here.

Jiang Yuan had a slight smile on his face, and smiled faintly, just like a husband returning from work in a distance, in his eyes,

Only the miss of his wife.

“You, you,” Murong Qingyue rolled down her eyes, her voice stammered, and finally the whole person rushed up.

Hold Jiang Yuan.

The voice choked and trembled, full of endless worry.

“I, I, I, I thought you were dead, and you can’t come back again, I, I, and I”

Thousands of words finally turned into painful choking and helpless murmurs.

With a smile on Jiang Yuan’s face, he gently stroked her black hair, his voice was soft, full of endless tenderness, and said: “No

It’s all right, it’s all right, it’s all over. ”

“I’ve been busy for most of the day, I’m hungry 893, and suddenly want to eat the dumplings you made yourself.” Jiang Yuan’s voice was extremely tender.

This sentence is kind and simple. It is so common for the husband to come back hard to eat dumplings.

But Murong Qingyue smiled, with happiness in his smile, and nodded gently.

Immediately Jiang Yuan looked at Murong Xue who was standing in the distance, covering his mouth, and smiled and said, “Such a big person.

Yes, don’t cry at every turn, you are so ugly, when you grow up, who dares to marry you. ”


Murong Xue finally couldn’t restrain her emotions and rushed up, hugging him tightly.

Feeling the difficult warmth, even if Jiang Yuan is unmoved, his eyes are a little moist.

He looked around his home, but did not see Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming.

I couldn’t help asking, “Where are the two rabbit Huizi, Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming?”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, Murong Qingyue rubbed her red eye sockets, choked up and said: “They seem to have gone out together and said

Go and boil the blood, you should be able to come back at night!”

Jiang Yuan shook his head and didn’t care, coaxing the mother and daughter to let go.

Afterwards, a family of three walked to the kitchen together, wrapped in aprons, made dumplings by themselves, and cooked together.

Before you know it, a faint and warm atmosphere flows between the three of them.(Read more @

Jiang Yuan was wearing an apron, cooking by himself, kneading the dough, like a housewife, saying from time to time

A few new words made Murong Qingyue’s mother and daughter laugh.

After Murong Qingyue came to the ancient city, what he ate every day was the blood and flesh of the town general, which contained a huge amount of blood.

The generals and kings in the ancient city will give pointers to help her quickly improve her strength and have a steady stream of primordial stones.

Let her absorb whatever the loss is.

With the accumulation of various resources, it won’t take long for Murong Qingyue to soar into the sky.

At this time, if there is a town general or an emperor who comes to Jiangyuan’s home and sees Jiangyuan’s dignified human tribe’s eternal overlord, the country will encircle

The skirt, the appearance of working in the kitchen, I am afraid that countless people’s eyes are shocked.

In this way, the family of three was busy until the evening, and the delicious dumplings and various vegetables were ready.

After finishing a (bcea) cut, Jiang Yuan patted the flour on his hands and smiled at Ruo Murong Qingyue: “I’ll go see Jiang Haohe

What Cheng Qiming was doing with these two little rascals happened to take them home for dinner. ‘

Murong Qingyue nodded, her voice softly said: “Then you go early and return early.”

Jiang Yuan nodded, his eyes swept away from his daughter again.

In an instant, the body instantly turned into countless black matter, which floated out from the gate like smoke, blending into the black

In the dark.

Watching her father leave; Murongxue has a dreamlike feeling even now.

After more than ten years of living, who would have thought that-at night, the family was turned upside down, and his fatherhood-became the king of the human race.

I just accepted this shrug

After people heard the facts, his father soared into the sky and became the world.

The overlord of the human race that everyone must admire.

To become the shelter of the human race is the heaven of the human race.

It’s incredible to the extreme.

Thinking back how ridiculous my thoughts were before, I even married the town general.

Now the town will see her crying respectfully-Missy, let the town do whatever the town will do,

As for marrying yourself, I am afraid that no one dares to chase after ten courage to these town generals.

Who can be the son-in-law of the human overlord?

Faced with an overlord every day, the timid town will probably be frightened.

The King of People and King of People above the town generals also look down upon her-a little girl.

This made her very melancholy.

It’s all right now, and my identity is suddenly noble to the extreme, and it’s difficult to marry.

Jiang Yuan, who didn’t know Murongxue’s thoughts, left the ancient city in a flash and went outside the suburbs.

Immediately afterwards, his body was reorganized in the high altitude, turning into his own appearance.

In his hand, Thousand Fantasy Demon House hula turned into a silver ball, spinning constantly, sending him a message.

Guide the direction.

In the next second, his gaze looked out, and he locked where Jiang Hao and Cheng Qiming were.

The body rumbling instantly disappeared in place.

At the same time, Jiang Hao, Cheng Qiming, and a little scavenger girl, the three of them watched cautiously lying on one side.

Not very deep in the canyon, staring down, as if waiting for something.

Like a competent hunter at every turn.

Breath follows the heartbeat, almost nothing.

“Sure, the arm you saw was inside, and there was a silver ring on it?” Jiang Hao was slightly angry and bloody.

A slight vibration was passed into the ears of the little girl around him.

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