Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 189 - Thousands of knives (38)

Chapter 189 – : Thousands of knives (3/8)

The real soldier, for the people, for the family, for the kind of still surrendered to give up his life.

Use the glorious moments to illuminate the progress of the human race.

Countless people left their tears silently, wiped away their tears, and only choked up.

Jiang Yuan’s heart was also trembling, tears fell from the corner of his eyes for the first time, and his heart was so uncomfortable.

The three figures of the Emperor resolutely appeared in his mind.

“Today” Jiang Yuan’s voice is majestic, and it is transmitted again. With great majesty, there is also a hint of shock.

It is the shock of the soul.

“Today is named the Human Race Unyielding Day, built a thousand-foot inscription, recording the names of our compatriots who died in battle, every year today “Jiang

Yuan’s voice vibrated again: “For the Day of Remembrance of the Human Race, all flags will drop by one third, and everyone will be silent for 30 seconds.

Jiang Yuan’s voice was passed far away. This is the first time he has given such an order as the overlord of the human race.

It was also from this moment that he really valued his identity.

He wants to stand up for the human race and protect the human race.

Even if the sky collapses, he will be transformed into a giant of thousands of feet, stepping on the ground, and propping up the sky with his spine.

If the earth is broken, he will use paintings to fill the sky with particles.

There was never such a moment when he was proud of being a human race and felt endless glory.

“Today is the world public sacrifice

Jiang Yuan’s last words were also choked up, roaring out all of a sudden, passing them into the ears of countless people, and being caught by countless people.

Remember deeply.

In the future, this day will be recorded in the annals of history, and it will be remembered by future generations tens of thousands of years later.

In the next moment, Jiangwon’s gaze suddenly turned to Baiyue, who was caught by an emperor.

His eyes became extremely cold, full of endless killing intent.

“Baiyue, you have sacrificed your blood to my fellow human beings who died in battle, and your flesh has made up for the death of my human race.

Jiang Yuan’s voice was cold and icy, with infinite killing intent, as if it were to be condensed into substance.


Bai Yue’s body was suddenly drawn by Jiang Yuan, and it was suspended between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, both hateful eyes were on him.

On the earth, countless people finally couldn’t control their emotions. With tears in their eyes, they roared loudly: “Killed

Kill this traitor”

“Kill kill

The people were so passionate that they were so angry that they were talking with tears in their eyes.

Among these people, who were the relatives of the native soldiers who died in battle, had their wives, had their children, and even more of them

Ruthlessness is surging in everyone’s heart.

Without the slightest nonsense, Jiang Yuan slashed down again. This time, more severe pain swept through his mind.

It just made him crazy. ,

He kept gasping in pain.

Jiang Yuan still didn’t stop, and even more fiercely on his bones,-little by little, scraped off the minced meat.

And this is his punishment for betraying the human race, and the final judgment for him.

In the end, Baiyue was already numb with pain, her eyes lost focus, only endless horror, and she felt numb.

Can’t feel the slightest feeling.

When he got here, a hand of Jiang Yuan suddenly burst into a sky blue flame, and it touched his face all of a sudden.


The flame rose up all at once, quickly swept through his body, and enveloped him.

Starting from the skin on his surface,-a little bit of crazy burning, to the flesh and blood inside, and finally the bones.

In the end, all the flesh and blood of the whole body were burned clean, only the raging flames of bones and bones, in

Crackling, burning like dead wood.

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