Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 187 - A strong rise (18)

Chapter 187 – : A strong rise (1/8)

The basic combat power has soared wildly, breaking through 15,000 gigantic power in one fell swoop, equivalent to 150 billion combat power, and so on.

Thousands and five hundred square town generals’ combat power.

This is a powerful force, so strong that the surrounding space can’t bear it.

It’s as if his whole person has turned into a small neutron star, with enormous power contained in his small body

That terrifying quality.

Doing nothing can crack the space.

A breath can even tear the space in and be swallowed directly.

The density of the cells has reached an astonishing level.

A drop of blood can even smash a huge hole out of a building, and the whole building will shake because of this.

Even collapsed.

And this is just the basic combat power. If the fourth stage of the Shenmai Meridian is used, it will be increased by forty times, and the power will explode in an instant.

Will push him to a height that he can’t even imagine.

Will reach the power of six to one hundred thousand dragons.

It is equivalent to 600,000 dragons contained in his body, providing him with the power to destroy everything at all times, raising his hands and feet.

It’s like a hydrogen bomb exploding, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

The power of the eternal overlord is only the power of a million dragons. In terms of power, he is infinitely close, only a gap of forty.

The power of Wanjulong.

In addition, as he stepped into the realm of manifestation, the real magical powers were born, and this was the biggest gain.

What is supernatural power.

The word “God” is above everything else. It is almost a god, supreme, symbolizing greatness and the ultimate power operation.

The manifestation does not belong to mortals, but is the power of God.

The evolution of living things, if the instinct marches towards more perfection, after tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of millions of years, life does not stop, evolution

Immortal, always climbing the highest mountain.

The true supernatural power is beyond the qi and blood. It is a manifestation of the stronger power of qi and blood, full of mystery, and even more miraculous.

Including the laying of the Rainbow Bridge and the ability of long-distance transportation.

There are also supernatural incarnations.

Both of these are basic supernatural power talents. Any creature stepping into the Manifestation will use a kind of ability, and according to

Different talents, high or low savvy, will also give birth to extra talent supernatural powers.

Just like Jiang Yuan, a dimensional attack method was also born.

You don’t need to use qi and blood, you only need a thought to fall. As far as the eye can see, any matter will emerge from three dimensions.

Lower one dimension, enter the two-dimensional level, and become a piece of paper.

If Jiang Yuan is strong enough, even a look is over, the space will be layered on top of each other, turning into planes.

Even enter space, strike a planet remotely, turn the planet into a plane, fold it at will, completely

Shred.(Read more @

This is a kind of supernatural power he activated, and it is also a natural ability.

A huge mountain of one hundred meters, a look at it, the mountain is cut and turned into a plane, becoming a giant landscape painting, which consumes

The strength of qi and blood is less than one-tenth that of a punch.

This is the innate supernatural power, with the lowest consumption, to achieve a more terrifying and even incredible effect.

In addition, his body has also lifted off the same limit of the perfect flesh. He has reached a kind of flesh that he is now in the fifth position.


Consummating the flesh is the transformation of the flesh from the material level into the pure energy level. Cells are not material, but energy.

A manifestation of volume compression.

But now, his physical body has turned into countless hundreds of millions of particles, each of which combines yin and yang and contains matter.

It also contains energy.

It seems that every particle is a self, combined into the largest self, forming a whole.

This is a kind of flesh that goes beyond the immortal and perfect flesh, and is truly immortal.

Half of his body was damaged, and countless particles quickly assembled, and he was able to recover.

There is even only one particle left.

It can reproduce by itself, continuously extract the ubiquitous dark matter in the void, keep reproducing, and the number keeps increasing.

Finally recombined and resurrected again.

Such a physical body is even more terrifying than the magical powers he has obtained.

The physical body can be transformed into the form of the mind and change at will, just like now, it suddenly rushes into the body of the manifested sage fierce beast

Each particle wraps each other’s cells.

Breathing effort, completely eroded the other party and swallowed it with nothing left, completely transformed into his own strength, and became more

Strengthen the big source of power.

He can clearly control everything inside his body, completely in control.

Ask for flowers

This feeling is extremely per second, and the nature is somewhat similar to Qianhuan Moju, but in essence there is a huge difference, because he

You can change your form and even the way the energy works at will.

When the last black particles, the cell particles that encased the sacred beasts, all merged into Jiang Yuan’s body.

A great existence was swallowed up in the eyes of countless people.

The whole world seems to be quiet at this moment, only Jiang Yuan’s majestic body stands between the sky and the earth.

Become the only focus between heaven and earth.


“We have won! !”

“Rise against the trend, the human overlord ↓ has risen! Rise!”

Yi Zun Zhen yelled with excitement,-in their opinion, Zun is almost like a demon, unable to resist

A terrifying beast that can only explode, dead and confrontation.

Just like this, Jiang Yuan took a look, shattered all the magical powers, and then was swept by the black matter and emptied directly.

No bones were left.

It was really swallowed on the spot.

Jiang Yuan’s aura is growing crazily. He is simply a humanoid god and demon, devouring enemies, and constantly growing himself, even more so.


The body is completely blown up, and they can all return in desperation, constantly combining.

It is unimaginable how far this has reached.

They can’t imagine it at all.

Even if it is the overlord, there is no horror shown by Jiang Yuan at this moment.

Really immortal.

Suddenly, both eyes were watching him, full of countless complex emotions and intense excitement.

The eight emperors moved immediately.

In an instant, they turned into golden lights and came to Jiang Yuan, with a respectful expression of excitement, and they saluted one after another.

“Welcome the return of the overlord.

Several people spoke in unison, forbearing the excitement in their tone, with a trace of enthusiasm in their eyes, and bowed their heads deeply.

Immediately afterwards, a respected general and a respected king flew over, and the whole body was shining with golden light, all

Salute towards Jiangyuan.

The vast scene, as if more than three hundred big and small big sun, worship together. on

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