Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 185 - Handblade Human Traitor (67)

Chapter 185 – : Handblade Human Traitor (6/7)

The pillar of the human race, the soul of the human race, and the people who supported half the sky of the human race are back.

He is the overlord of Jiangyuan, the eternal overlord of the human race.

Not only in the ancient city, but also the king of the human race and even the human emperor of the more than 300 human races, the voices are also insane.


As if to see the belief in my heart.


“Overlord.” Overlord

They roared, roared, vented frantically, their voices trembled, but their tears kept falling.

Also at this time.

Jiang Yuan’s indifferent gaze was like a demon aloft, dominating and cutting, and all of a sudden, he looked at the beast and sage.

Just a glance, as if traveling through the distance, penetrating everything, is a powerful gaze from a higher dimension.

In an instant, the power of terror erupted.

The body of the Manifestation of the Beast trembled crazily, fearing and frightened. This look in his eyes was like a big hand of endless fear.

I grabbed it and blinded its eyes.

Bang bang bang.

Thousands of eyeballs on its face exploded, flowing blue liquid.

And it roared wildly, and said in horror: “What’s going on. How are you, you, you, you,

What the hell is it, ah ah ah ah

It howled in pain, struggling frantically, but the space around the body seemed to be frozen, no matter how

No matter how struggling, it will not help, all eyes burst, without exception.


Baiyue’s face became extremely pale when she saw this, and she was extremely frightened. The cold sweat on her forehead kept falling.

The leg ran, immediately turned into a golden light, and rushed towards the big crack.

It’s too scary, too scary.

He didn’t do anything, he just looked at it with one look, and the eyes of an apparition were blinded. That’s an apparition!

How powerful Jiang Yuan is now is simply unthinkable, almost impossible to measure with words.

The horror was beyond imagination.

“Where are you going?”

At the moment Baiyue moved slightly, Jiang Yuan’s indifferent and emotional voice came from his ears, mixed with voices.

Sensuously chill.

In the next second, in front of Baiyue, the calm space was instantly distorted, and then slowly adjusted, and then,

A face that frightened him appeared.(Read more @

“you you you.

Baiyue pointed to Jiang Yuan, her fingers trembling, her eyes popped out of her eye sockets in horror, her breath almost eased.

But come.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t talk nonsense with him at all. He stretched out his hand in an instant, his arms were twisting the space.

I grabbed the other person’s neck and said slowly at this time ↓ “I will not kill you so easily; you will be in the world

In people’s eyes, being executed is the soul of our human race.

As Jiang Yuan spoke, his eyes became more and more indifferent, and the last few words were icy, and there was endless hatred in the plain.

“No, no, no, no, I’m innocent, and I don’t want it!” Baiyue opened her eyes in terror, his eyes full of sadness.

Please, it will be as pitiful as it is.

One snot and tears: “I was persecuted by a beast. If I didn’t do this, they would kill me, and I would also

I don’t want to! I still have a wife, and I still have a daughter. ”

“Yes, I have a daughter, and the child is in middle school, I

However, before he could finish his words, Jiang Yuan’s palm suddenly tightened and tightened his neck, not wanting to hear it.

The slightest nonsense, and then a finger stretched out.

Tap lightly on the center of his eyebrows.

In an instant, a wave of ripples spread out, and a golden particle was directly sucked out.

Seeing her immortal gold core being extracted, Bai Yue opened her mouth in horror, trying to shout something, but she said a word

If he didn’t come up, his body was twisting crazily and struggling.

But Jiang Yuan’s palm moved slightly, and a terrifying shock force suddenly spread along the palm of his hand.

Shattered the bones of his whole body, and even the cells received a certain degree of blow.

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Golden Pill was torn out by Jiang Yuan.

But Jiang Yuan frowned.

Jin Dan shines brightly and is full of sacred breath, but in his opinion, it is extremely dirty, and it is interesting to take a look at it.

Nothing,-a glance swept over.

Jin Danbang’s life burst into pieces.

Immediately inside, there was a colorful streamer drifting out slowly, passing slowly in the air, and finally dissipating completely.

Bai Yue’s eyes immediately looked at Jiang Yuan with hatred, as if to eat people.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t even bother to take a look, and threw it out downward.

In the mid-air, Baiyue’s body is aging rapidly because she has no immortal elixir, and her hair turns white in an instant.

one slice,

With a shiny face, breathing effort becomes full of wrinkles.

Even the strong body is constantly shrinking, and the arms and legs are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the top is fast.

Is covered with countless age spots.

In just a few breaths, he changed from a man in his twenties who looked like a man to a full man.

The old man with gray hair and dying.


Accompanied by the sound of landing.

His body slammed heavily on the island of the earth.

Almost instantly, the king of the king rushed up.

A pair of bloodshot eyes stared at him frantically.

“You rebel (好钱赵), didn’t you expect it! You also have today! !”-

The emperor looked at Baiyue, laughed wildly, laughed with tears, and walked down the corner of his eyes, his voice full of anger

Mian said: “The three emperors! They are all your friends, how can you be so ruthless and unrighteous to such an extent?”

“The army of two fifty thousand are all passionate men of our human race. Some of them are underage, even if you still have a few people.

Sex, can’t do such a reverse move. ”

“You are no longer a human being, and your heart is more cruel than fierce Lu ↓ You are the shame of our human race!

A Zunzhen General looked at Baiyue, only the hatred that was so strong that it could not be removed in his eyes, that kind of hatred was unforgettable.

“I, I, I

Baiyue looked around, looking at a pair of angry and hateful eyes; there was only endless fear in her heart, almost so scared

Urinary incontinence…

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