Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 183 - The soul of the human race never retreats (47)

Chapter 183 – :The soul of the human race never retreats (4/7)

A pair of sad, angry and crazy eyes looked at him together.

“Bai Yue, die for me

As soon as they met, a king suddenly roared, and he came over with a violent attack, holding a short knife in each hand, fierce and fierce.

Than, the blood surging, and the clothes on his body, rattling with shock.

Then there was a roar, bullying each other.

“Baiyue pays his life. Come

A roar of anger resounded one after another,-the fiery energy of the golden light carrier, like a large sun,

Compressed all of a sudden.

In their eyes, there was only Bai Yue, and nothing else.

Knowing that it is death, I have no hesitation, and death will have to bite a piece of flesh and blood from the opponent.

Baiyue did not move at all, her eyes were very proud and indifferent, watching the powerful human beings assault, but her body

The shape suddenly spread after a “seven thirty zero”.

Almost instantly, a terrifying and fierce roar resounded like a burst.

“A group of ants

The beast of the Manifest Sage level moved, two huge palms supporting the body, directly breaking the ground,-there are only three

The huge sole of a hundred meters high lifted from the big tear and stepped on the ground.

The whole land was shaken, and a cloud of smoke was set off, followed by the second foot.

At this moment, his huge body was completely presented to the world.

All the town generals, the king of humans, and even the king of humans opened their eyes wide in horror, and their eyes were dull for a moment.

Because this fierce beast has a human size, but he is huge, almost covering Cangwan and projecting it down

Dark light,

It seems that the world has entered the darkness at this moment.

A huge body that is a thousand meters high, if you stand under him with your head up, you won’t even be able to see his head, because from

Start at the waist position.

The terrifying power of qi and blood has formed a circle of clouds and mist.

Many towns will feel cold hands and feet for a while, their complexion will be pale, and an invincible sense of fear will rise in their hips.

The body that stands up to the heavens and the earth is as steep as the mountain. Striding across there, it seems like a mosquito is challenging the gods.

Ben can’t be shaken.


The Manifestation of the Sage-Rank suddenly lowered his head,-both glaring and wide-open eyes, full of endless violence and cruelty, huge

The big palm whizzed down.

On the palm of his hand, the clouds and mist were rolling, and a vigorous sound erupted, like the sky, oppressing all of a sudden.

The terrifying power of vitality carries a shocking general trend.

The speed is extremely fierce, and in the palm of the hand, huge eyeballs exude a strange brilliance, eyes locked

No one can move.

Bang bang(Read more @

In an instant, the palm of his hand swept past, wherever he passed,-Zun Zunzhen opened his eyes in horror, his body in an instant

It exploded and turned into a layer of blood mist.

But this is just the beginning.

The big hand turned into a grasp, and the speed suddenly increased, almost becoming a phantom, catching a king in one fell swoop.

The sound keeps resounding.

Actually pinched the opponent alive, blood splashed from the palm of his hand.

Immediately it was a unilateral massacre-

Zun Zun Town will be killed in battle, and even the kings of the Eight Desolation Extreme Realm have fallen.

All of a sudden it touched the hearts of countless people, and they were all moved at this moment.

“Haha, but Baiyue’s voice is still resounding, full of excitement, watching the sacred fierce beasts slaughter everywhere, excited

Laughing wildly.

“You rubbish, you still want to kill me! Come on! Come on!”

A human emperor stared at Baiyue, his eyes flushed, his teeth were gritted, his whole body was breathing white, almost angry

The blood vessels will burst.

One Zun Zunzhen will not be advancing one after another, and will gather one after another and gather together.

A pair of hatred eyes stared at Baiyue frantically.

Being stared at by a powerful being, Baiyue’s smile gradually stiffened, and her heart gradually accelerated.

He just saw the eyes of these people.

It was the look in the eyes of the three emperors when they were dying, their hearts were determined, and they would never regret one’s death.

They seem to have made a decision, they are going crazy to be truly violent, and the most turbulent from mankind has erupted.

Shout, bloom the last glory of your life.

Bai Yue panicked, her complexion became stiff, and a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

There are more than three hundred town generals and above, once all of them are crazy, how terrifying the power that bursts out will reach

I can’t believe it

I am afraid that the mainland will be beaten to pieces.

Under the power of horror, let alone him, even if it is a manifestation, he will probably die.

When the number reaches a certain level, it can make up for the lack of strength.

What are you doing?” Baiyue’s voice was trembling, her eyes gradually panicked, her voice

There was a trace of fear in the anxiety.

No one paid attention to him, they made eye contact with each other, nodded slightly, as if they had made up their minds to use their own

The body of flesh and blood washes away the shame of the human race.

“Brothers, are you afraid

A human emperor whose strength has almost reached half a step to become a saint, calm and strong, resounding with a hoarse voice, in all

Passed by people’s ears.

“Not afraid.

At this moment, neat and uniform, full of passionate voices, coming out of everyone’s chest, full of passion and righteousness.

The determination without hesitation.

“Life is a human being, death is a human soul.”

The sound of roaring and roaring,-the next roar, accompanied by the rumbling sound,-a wave of air from everyone

Going in and out, everyone burned instantly like a flame.

This is the power of qi and blood burning.

At this moment, countless people watching in front of the TV, their eyes widened in horror, with Ruosi in despair and despair.


1.2 Countless people have already seen it.

Their ambitions are done

This battle will be their last masterpiece and the last chant.

At this moment, more than three hundred strong figures are deeply imprinted in people’s minds and recorded in their hearts. People will never have

Law forgets these stalwart figures.

They use their actions to fight against the world, what is called racial justice.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

One after another, they burned the human king and even the human emperor in a Zunzhen town, and their breath became terrible.

Strength increases exponentially.

“Hurry up, crush the golden white moon and face pale, and suddenly shouted, terrified.

The Manifestation-class fierce beast also knows that the situation is grim,-stepping towards the Jiangyuan Jindan, spanning thousands of meters away.

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