Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 174 - The madness of the emperor (seeking self-definition)

Chapter 174 – : The madness of the emperor (seeking self-definition)

“You speak nicely, racial justice, for the sake of race, you are just trying to maintain your status

That’s all, it’s all selfish, don’t talk to me, I just did what I was supposed to do.

Yuebai laughed wildly and said: “When you the overlord dies in battle, my credit is enough to shock the sky, I can even take credit for it.

Become a manifestation of the saintly power, then I will even be able to get a huge piece of land and stand on my own as a king, hahaha happy and happy

No, the human race will survive because of me. I will be the real overlord and the spiritual pillar of the human race.


“You, you,” the fingers of the three imperial spirits are trembling, and their faces are extremely ugly, and they can’t wait to rush to take him off.


“Don’t be so me, who makes you stupid! People don’t die for yourself, but for the sake of you all.

I will tell you a piece of news!*

Baiyue’s face said with an arrogant look: “This is a bloody formation, dedicated to refining, if it is large enough,

A planet can be refined, let alone an eternal overlord, even if it is two or three, it will be enveloped all at once.

Slowly refining to death, unless it is filled with human lives, can the time of refining be slowed down, but in the end it is hard to escape death. ”

12 “Haha. Do it yourself!”

Baiyue laughed wildly, her speed suddenly increased, and it turned into a golden beam of light in an instant, rushing, and suddenly

He rushed into the crack and disappeared.

At this time, the earth’s tremor became stronger.

Even if they are high in the sky, the three emperors feel the tremor of the air flow, not only the earth is shaking, but the sky is shaking.

At the same time, a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly came.

Like a big mountain, it suddenly enveloped their heads, and the surrounding space seemed to become sticky, unexpectedly there was-

Kind of feeling hard to move.

A look of horror suddenly appeared in the eyes of the three people.

They have reached the Eight Desolate Extreme Realm, almost half-step manifestation, and their power is almost invincible under the manifestation, and they are shattered by one learning-

The magnificent mountain is not a problem.

But the other party hasn’t appeared yet, just the terrible aura makes it difficult for them to move, then there is only one possibility.

This is a manifestation of the power.

And it’s not a general manifestation power.

It is the king among the Manifestations, a more powerful existence.

All of a sudden came to the world, ghosts and gods, terrifying, almost invincible.


The terrifying rumbling sound continued,-a terrifying head stretched out from the big crack, let the world finally see

Clear his looks.

What a terrible face it was.

It is round, the size of a full two hundred meters, no nose and no eyes, and the entire face is densely packed, almost(Read more @

Bulging eyeballs.

Thousands piled together.

Some are squinting, some are half asleep, some are full of anger, full of fierce aura, full of hatred for the world and everything


“The fierceness of the sage level.”

The three of them swallowed hard, and there was a horror in their hearts, and their hearts thumped and jumped.


Endless horror and evil spirit suddenly enveloped the world.

A gust of wind and clouds change color in the sky and the sky above the head is suddenly covered with clouds, lightning and thunder are all in between the clouds.

The whistling boiled and resounded.

The horrible breath directly affects the weather, turning day into night, a ghost-like means.

The real change of the day, the breath of destruction carried by the carrier.

In an instant, thousands of eyes stared at Jiang Yuan suddenly.

Jiang Yuan’s heart trembled, and countless images appeared in front of him, circling quickly.

Seeing the suffering in the world, countless ghosts roaring, sinking step by step, and also seeing the great changes in the world, the collapse of the ground, the magma

It broke out all over the world.

The world is destroying, and all hope is collapsing.

This feeling makes people crazy, there is no glimmer of light, as if all efforts have turned into nothingness, and only death is waiting.


Jiang Yuan’s heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and his body made crackling sounds.

Cracks appeared on his body.

This is a double-level blow to the body and mind. It is necessary to destroy him, let the overlord of the race die, and hit the rusticity of the human race.

A saint warrior, the heaven and the earth are raining blood, non-stop, the unyielding shouts in the ears, representing the human race

Unyielding shouts and roars.

“Give up! There is no hope!”

In Jiang Yuan’s ears, he murmured one after another, softly resounding, which actually made him feel extremely warm.

As if when I was a child, I was in the arms of my mother.

Warm and thoughtful, without the slightest burden

Worry, abandon-all troubles.

“Sleep, everything is gone, there will be no more troubles, go to sleep! Go to sleep! Relax and sleep well

The sound in his ears became softer and softer, and Jiang Yuan’s eyes were gradually enveloped by a layer of white light.

A sense of warmth swept the whole body.

His body is gradually relaxing.


The sound of constant cracking continued to resound, and Jiang Yuan Consummate’s physical body quickly shattered unknowingly.

“not good. “-

The emperor was so scared that his face turned pale, extremely horrified, and was replaced by horror in the extension, and his voice roared frantically.

“This is 180 some kind of mental hypnosis method, which makes people sink in. If they forget to resist, they cannot be mobilized. Indeed, the physical body will

Was slowly torn apart and finally killed

“The White Moon who suffers a thousand swords

The emperors immediately noticed the intentions of the ferocious aliens, snarled and roared wildly, their faces changed wildly, and their voices were shocked.


If an overlord died here, it would be a terrible thing, and the entire human race would be violently shaken.

Countless people will despair.

For all those who resist the evil and alien races, it’s a catastrophe, as if their parents are dead, making people

Lost fighting spirit, can’t see the slightest hope.

There is no motivation to survive.

“Damn it, damn it”-the emperor’s eyes screamed frantically, and his voice became hoarse.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, as if he had made up his mind and became fearless.

Looking at the other two people, their voices were extremely firm and said: “With the strength of the three of us, we will attack with all our strength to interrupt the fierce attack.

The magical powers of Zeng Xiansheng disturb the other’s magical powers.

His voice is firm and full. It feels like going forward and seeing death as home.

The other two were taken aback for a moment, their eyes changed in countless complex expressions, and finally turned into firmness, even revealing an open-minded color.

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