Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 172 - The crack expands again (77)

Chapter 172 – : The crack expands again (7/7)

“When we get into the scavenger team, we should not find out. We are just out of the city, not into the city, and now we are fighting.

It’s just over, it won’t be too strict. “Jiang Hao had a plan long ago, so he slowly began to talk about it.

“This is a good way. I have just seen some power divisions in the ancient city. In the north, there are the most scavengers.

There is a relatively large group, Lombok is mixed, it will be relatively simple for us to mix in. ”

After Cheng Qiming finished speaking, he couldn’t help but smile and said, “It is estimated that no one in the sky would think of,-the son of a hegemon, the son of a hegemon

A disciple, like a prince, will run into the scavenger team, haha

Talking and talking, the two ~ both smiled at each other.

Thinking in another way, they would never imagine that they would be killed. Two people of these identities would do something that shocked the world.


“By the way, you haven’t told me yet, in the future you deduced, what will we send during this trip?” Jiang Hao couldn’t bear it.

Zhu Tao asked.

“The secret of heaven must not be revealed.” Cheng Qiming immediately pretended to be a divine stick, pinching the orchid finger with one hand, extremely high.

Unpredictable, angry Jiang Hao itchy teeth.

When Cheng Qiming saw this, he ran away.

Only then did Jiang Hao react: “Don’t reveal the secret to your uncle, stop it for me.”

The two were playing and playing along the way, and the young people showed their enthusiasm and friendship unknowingly warmed up.

In this way, it was not until the sky got dark that he came to the North City area.

When they first came here, the two obviously could see that the buildings here are generally low and shabby, even the number of ordinary people.

It is also increasing.

We must know that the ancient city is the first front line of mankind. The entire city is almost a huge war factory, and warriors are everywhere.

Yes, they have always seen martial artists except martial artists.

But here, he began to see a lot of ordinary people, who had not reached five hundred qi and blood.

Jiang Hao took out the map he had prepared and said: “There is still about ten kilometers away, to the largest scavenger area in Beicheng.

When the time comes, we will change our clothes and get ourselves a little dirty. In the evening, we will be able to follow the army

Out of town. “”

At the same time, Jiang Yuan and the four emperors continued to advance along the huge crack, and soon came to the ice field.


From a high altitude, it can be clearly seen that a large tear with a width of four to five kilometers has almost torn apart the ice continent.

Come, spread from far away and extend into the ocean.

The big black tear, I don’t know how deep it is, as if it went straight into the center of the earth, and the sun couldn’t get through it, as if even light

The thread can be swallowed in general.

And beside the big tear and the coastline, there is a huge barracks, tents for several kilometers, all kinds of(Read more @

Military equipment is constantly roaring 1 collecting primordial stones.

“Look, what’s in the sky?” In the military, a native soldier inadvertently looked up and saw the distant sky.

The golden light group flashed with sacred light.

At the forefront of these four radiances, a bright colorful light is even more dazzling, full of endless mystery.

Lying”-the rough-looking soldier directly exclaimed: “The colorful flow, I drop my mother. That’s that. That’s

Our human overlord…”.

“What kind of human overlord.

The surrounding soldiers heard the sound ↓ suddenly their eyes turned towards the sky. The name Chaozhu is really too frightening.

Of course, in the hearts of ordinary people, they are equal to God.

Soon, the news spread through the barracks. As the three generals of the barracks in the town, they immediately turned into three golden lights.

Fly towards the distance.

The three of them looked horrified, with a hint of excitement and anxiety.

Seeing the colorful brilliance, I couldn’t help but shake my heart. I heard the name of the eternal overlord countless times, but three

People have never seen it before.

In the entire human world, everyone knows that the three overlords of the human race and many manifestations are under this big tear.

Guard the passage and prevent the powerful being from rushing out.

“I’ve seen the overlord and the four emperors.” The three came to Jiang Yuan and the others not far away, practicing respectfully and bending over to salute.

With his head down, he didn’t dare to look at Jiang Yuan very much, as if seeing-the eye was blasphemy against him, and the sin was unpardonable.

Jiang Yuan said lightly: “You guard this place, do you know what is going on with this big tear?”

Among the three, the strongest town will quickly said: “About three hours ago, the big crack suddenly began to expand.

It was big, spreading wildly, passing directly through the continental plate, and nothing else happened.

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, but at this moment, a town general suddenly couldn’t help saying: “I remember the big tear and expansion

At that time, it seemed that some small black spots were thrown out, it should be a rock or something!”

A fresh


He was not very convinced.

But Jiang Yuan’s brows suddenly frowned, and the alarm bell rang loudly in his heart. Deep in his eyes, the origin formula was crazy deduced.

Get up and run wild.

Countless information quickly circulates in my mind.

He even looked at the big crack suddenly, and he was actually deducing all the data three hours before the big crack, which was comparable to

Back in time.

During the deduction, the big crack in front of him seemed to be shrinking rapidly, constantly roaring, and in the next second, black lights appeared.

Mang appeared, but flashed by.

He instantly increased the deduction speed, wanting to analyze the composition of this thing, is it a stone or something

However, with the help of the formula of origin and the help of Wanxian talent, it is impossible to capture, let alone analysis, but there are

One thing is certain, this thing must not be stone.

However, Jiang Yuan’s inner alarm bell kept beating, and there was a sense of tension in his heart, as if something big happened.

The same will happen.

His brow furrowed deeper and deeper, and the power of qi and blood on his body oscillated unconsciously.

The four emperors suddenly felt the fluctuations in Jiang Yuan’s body, and also felt that something was wrong, and their complexions were all brushed.

It becomes difficult to look.

And San Zunzhen will suddenly sweat on his forehead.

No one here is a fool. If you use your brain, you can think of many possibilities in an instant.

Since it was impossible to deduce what those things were, Jiang Yuan changed his mind and deduce where these things flew.

In an instant, he deduced frantically and saw a total of three small black spots flying out of the big crack

After coming, he plunged into the earth all of a sudden, and shook wildly in the earth, making it impossible to see its shape at all.

Immediately afterwards, these three strange substances, as if they were feeling something, swiftly passed through the earth, the most

Later it stopped at a place.

Jiang Yuan’s gaze also turned to the ground beneath him.

“Not so fast_”

He roared, the violent power burst out all of a sudden, suddenly spread out,-next he would take the people around him,

All shocked.

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