Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 165 - The Fourth Holy Land (88)

Chapter 165 – : The Fourth Holy Land (8/8)

When I heard about the overlord, especially when the human overlord passed the order in person, this made Wu

Several people were in a tight mood and walked out of the house to look towards the sky.

The entire Haoran city was quiet in an instant.

“From today onwards, Haoran City has been listed as one of the four holy places of the human race, and everyone has given it to the forerunner


The voice of the King of Humans is mighty and majestic, but when his words fall instantaneously

In the meantime, in the entire Haoran City, everyone was boiling.

“What. Haoran City is listed as the Four Great Sacred Lands, isn’t the Human Race only three Sacred Lands?

Will it suddenly be listed as a holy place?”

“The three holy places of the human race, but the place where the three human overlords were born, almost equal to the ancestral land,

Every resident there is a pioneer of the human race, a true warrior. ”

“I, I, and Haoran City. It is listed as the fourth largest sacred place, my god, everyone.

Have been given the name of pioneer.

Countless people were stunned and shocked by the sudden news. Some people almost

It is too glorious to stand unsteady.

This matter is being discussed almost everywhere.

What is a pioneer, forgetting to die, like an overlord, rushing to the forefront of the human race, standing forever

Terran first line. Use your own flesh and blood to maintain your name as a pioneer.

It’s a name cast with blood and water, it’s extremely heavy, and it’s also extremely glorious.

Wherever you say you are the pioneer of the Holy Land, even if the strength is stronger than yours,

Will be in awe of you, because once the war breaks out.

Pioneer people will stand up for the first time, the army will resist on the front line, be brave and brave


Because of everyone. I don’t want to be ashamed of the overlord who came out of my hometown, and I don’t want to take it away.

The name of one’s own pioneer.

Once the first holy place of the human race, extremely tragic things have happened.

The whole city gathers a million troops, the old people and children all go to the battlefield, resisting on the front line, resisting ten

Enemies doubling their own, in the end abruptly fought a million people to death.

Old people and children, small but knees, no one begged for mercy until the last crowd died in the battle

Dry the last drop of blood.

In that battle, they maintained their name as a pioneer and showed the world what a pioneer is.

They are pioneers, and even if the last person died in the battle, they would not surrender to the enemy.

But today, their Haoran City was declared the Fourth Holy Land, and all residents were pioneers.

People are not afraid at the first time, but passionate.

Almost the heart is burning blood.

“Pioneer 2″(Read more @



Schools, construction sites, factories, and no enemies all shouted in excitement, frantically and roaring. They are very clear about what this means.

They Haoran City, gave birth to an eternal overlord

Countless people are speculating that the overlord who was born must be the former Haoran City Lord, Haoran.

Because he has already reached Manifestation, only he has the most hope,

Moreover, his talents are well known to the world, and the road to rise is like an epic.

It is full of enthusiasm, full of reluctance, the taste of domineering everything… It must be our first Haoran City Lord, it must be him __. Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect it to be just over twenty years, only twenty years! I became

The eternal overlord of our human race, hahaha”

“Overlord Ming! What a prominent identity, simply invincible in the world, noble and honorable?”

Countless people were blushing with excitement, feeling extremely excited, and extremely excited.

Immediately afterwards, the huge voice resounded again, passing through the entire Haoran City.

“According to the meaning of the three overlords of the human race, today, it is listed as World Day, and the whole family is tired of it. Congratulations to us.

The birth of the fourth overlord of the clan. “The King of People’s voice is slow, and he is full of enthusiasm for what he has said.

Continued: “Today is Jiangyuan Day, and it is a festival for the entire human race.”

When he spoke, countless people were dumbfounded and stunned, and even many people were stunned for a while.

Without thinking of it, Jiang Yuan’s name stood there blankly.

Among those who heard the news, Murongxue opened her eyes wide, and her whole body was trembling.

The blood seemed to be flowing upstream, and he almost fell down with a shocking stagger.

But he was hurriedly held by a female classmate next to him.

She also looked excited, thinking that Mu Rongxue was the same as herself because she heard the news for

Surprised, did not think too much.

But Murong Xue murmured to herself.

“I, I, I, and my dad’s business. He, he, he, he, he, he, he is the overlord of the adult clan 2” Murong Xue said blankly.

Talking to yourself, it is impossible to imagine.

The news that came suddenly, like thunder, exploded wildly in her mind, and shocked her greatly.


It was blank, almost unable to think, and it was difficult to breathe.

Jiang Yuan’s figure constantly appeared in his mind, a little bit of wine in his usual life.

Father’s solemn but kind eyes, sometimes he wanted to hit someone with anger, but the most

After that, I couldn’t help but didn’t beat her.

I thought that I was ignorant when I was young, and talked back to my father, and even left in the rebellious period.

The family ran away once.

Hidden in the grove alone crying.

In the evening, my father was anxious and drenched in the light rain, shouting nervously.

With her name, the anxious voice seemed to linger in her ears at this time.

Thinking of this, Murong Xue cried with a cry.

She felt that she was too ignorant before, why can’t she be behaved? Why?

The female classmates around me were at a loss for a while and didn’t know what to do, so they quickly asked the teacher


The teacher didn’t know what had happened, so he hurried over. Seeing Murongxue actually there

There was pain, and the voice was full of sadness and self-blame.

I couldn’t help but squat down and comforted softly: 5. “Xiaoxue don’t cry, because I heard that our human race

Has a new eternal overlord born? The teacher is also very excited, but we must be strong, starting today

At the beginning, our entire Haoran city is a pioneer. We must be brave and cannot give our overlord


Murongxue suddenly choked up, holding back she was not crying, picking up her head (Li Qianhao) and looking at herself

My teacher choked up and said, “Teacher, I, I, I, I, I was not particularly unbehaved in the past, let

You bother, and my dad is bothered. in

“I, I, I. My dad, my dad, he carries so much, but he never talks about it

Tears moistened the corners of the eyes.

The female teacher felt warm and looked at this little girl about the same age as her own daughter, for the first time

There has been some improvement: “Be good! It means that the grades are not good. If the grades are good, your father will

Will be very happy. Bo

“By the way, your father’s name is Jiang, and he must have a well-behaved and sensible daughter like you.

And happy. “The teacher thought for a while, recalled carefully, and vaguely remembered that Jiang Yuan attended the home last time.

The appearance of the long meeting, the name is a bit unclear for a while.

With a sorry smile on his face, he was a little embarrassed.

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