Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 163 - Celebrate the whole world (68)

Chapter 163 – : Celebrate the whole world (6/8)

And Jiang Hao, who heard this news, opened his eyes in horror,-a sense of pride, finally

Unable to restrain, tears rolled down, moistened his eye sockets, and lost his sight.

His father

His kind and majestic father has come this far

How great

The fourth eternal overlord of the human race is today a world festival, celebrating the whole world, and all mankind follows

With cheers, what a great glory this is.

His tears rolled down, choked.

I am proud of my father, and I am deeply moved by this moment of honor.

Before long, they landed on the city wall, looking at the towering sky, as if the only one

The source of existence.

The generals of Yangsheng Town were crying, roaring and shouting inside.

“Five seven zeros” kill the gods! You are worthless to die! Not worthwhile! We were too selfish at the beginning, hiding

Enjoying comfort in the rear of the human race, but forgetting the cruelty of the battlefield, has begun to fight in the nest, such as

If you are in the Spirit of Heaven, if you see today, I am afraid you will rest in peace and smile! For us

The new overlord of the human race sent a blessing.

His inner emotions are complicated, looking at Jiang Yuan high in the sky, he couldn’t help but touch his tears.

Even Hong Zhen and Chen Qiming next to them had red eyes, choked up and couldn’t speak.

“Jiang Yuan, the overlord of Jiang Yuan, is in charge.

Hong Zhen was the first one who couldn’t control his inner emotions, his eyes flushed and shouted, running wildly


As his voice sounded, Chen Qiming followed closely, and then the four emperors were all moved by the atmosphere

The same incomparably crazy cry, Gostyli, incomparably crazy.

More and more people are shouting Jiang Yuan’s name.

It’s different from before. Now Jiang Yuan has the word “overlord” behind it. It’s heavy, both


Jiang Yuan’s eyes swept across countless people, including women, old men, and newly grown martial artists.

They all screamed frantically, and some even lost their arms in previous battles.

They even lost their legs, but at this moment, only themselves were in their eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yuan felt that his shoulders were heavy, there was a kind of pressure, it was responsibility, it was

As the overlord of the human race, the responsibility of protecting the human race is not as simple as talking about it.

His responsibilities will be extremely heavy,

But starting from today, he can also tell anyone that from now on, the human race will come

guard(Read more @

The craze of cheering, wave after wave, almost never stopped, billowing air and waves, never

Several people floated up and gradually condensed into a dragon of vitality and blood over the ancient city.

It was the human race’s blood dragon, gathered the human race’s unyielding spirit and spirit, and was the human race’s soul.

At the same time, the second line of defense of mankind, on the coastline, a king of humanity has received news,

They were all shocked.

A king who was making a war plan suddenly heard a magnificent voice in his ear.

It was the voice of the human overlord, and he stood still on the spot with excitement and listened carefully.

The surrounding towns were listening to the opponent’s war plan, but suddenly realized that the opponent had stopped.

As if froze in place, the expression on his face did not change.

It gradually evolved from consternation to shock, and finally turned into unthinkable.

At the end, his face was completely filled with ecstasy and enthusiasm, and the whole person laughed wildly.

The power of blood on his body surged wildly, shaking the surrounding space.

The surrounding towns will look puzzled, wondering what happened. Qi Li glanced at him.

He laughed wildly for a while, and slowly calmed down his inner excitement, his eyes full of endless

In ecstasy, the town generals looking around said ↓ “Do you know that just now, our human race

Something big happened,”

The surrounding towns all showed a puzzled look, and they didn’t know why, they worked out their plans.

Why did you suddenly mention Human Race events?

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the people, the King of People laughed loudly, and said suddenly and seriously:”

Today’s plan is cancelled, the order is passed on, and the whole process is notified. Today is a holiday, and the whole city is celebrated. ”


The surrounding towns were shocked to hear what he said, and looked at him incredible.

Is this a broken brain? When is the time to stop the formulation of the war plan?

And the whole city is on holiday, and it’s almost like a monarch.

It’s crazy really crazy.

The complexions of the surrounding town generals changed frantically, and they immediately became bad.

Seeing everyone’s expressions, the king didn’t care at all, he laughed and said, “I’m afraid I’ll wait for you to hear

As for the news I want to announce, you will never post any opinions on me. ”

After speaking, his voice slowly spread again: “Just before, the voice of our human overlord

Passed on, it was Yibu, our human race gave birth to the fourth eternal overlord, and the whole world celebrated, and

Today is the birth day of the overlord.

“You said, is it going to be a holiday today, everyone celebrate it, haha” said

After that, he laughed wildly, feeling extremely comfortable.

There was another Demon Lord in the human race, and the pressure on their shoulders was reduced.

When the surrounding towns heard his words, they were all shocked dumbfounded, one by one opened wide.

Eyes, thinking that they had misheard, are full of incredible colors.

He was stunned for a long time,-Zunzhen General only reacted, and he was all ecstatic and crazy.


“It’s a good holiday today, it must be a holiday today, all holidays, let me play, okay

Good fun, play as much as you want. Hahaha

“Our human race has given birth to another overlord. Overlord ah Ming

All the towns will go crazy in an instant, extremely excited, laughed, and the voice passed out

The two masters guarding the door could hear 5.5 clearly.

Suddenly they looked at each other in amazement, and the emotions in his heart broke out completely.

The news seemed to have wings, spread quickly throughout the city, countless people who heard the news

It’s all boiling, cheering, sucking crazy, remembering the name of this overlord, and knowing

What holiday is today.

Jiangyuan Festival

The birth of the fourth overlord of the human race.

The news passed quickly towards the human abdomen through the line of defense, passing through cities, shaking

Thousands of people are excited about it.

At the same time, in Haoran Cheng.

After the army left, the whole city also regained some vitality. People should go to work.

Class, the school where the student should go to school. ,

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