Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 161 - Jiang Haos identity is infinitely elevated (48)

Chapter 161 – : Jiang Hao’s identity is infinitely elevated (4/8)

Jiang Yuan didn’t care either, and said lightly: “Just call me Jiang Yuan, I’m a human race, no need to be cautious.”

Hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, the four of them all breathed a sigh of relief and knew what they should be called.

The strongest human emperor in the middle, bowed straight and said, “Thank you for coming to our ancient city.

In an emergency, I extend a helping hand. On behalf of the entire ancient city, my fellow citizens would like to thank the overlord.

After speaking, the four people bowed and saluted Jiang Yuan neatly.

But the body just bends over halfway, but it is abruptly supported by the force of qi and blood, not letting him

We bend over.

“I am a human race, life is a human race, death is a human soul, this is my responsibility

You are like this, but it makes me difficult to do it.

There was a slight smile on Jiang Yuan’s face, which was completely different from the coldness before, with a touch of more people.

The affection warmed the hearts of the four emperors and deepened their recognition of Jiang Yuan.

“Let’s go! Although we have defeated this battle, the loss of the ancient city is also huge. At this time

You are even more needed to stabilize people’s hearts. ‘

While speaking, he removed the light curtain covering the sky and headed downward first.

However, before he landed, there was a roar like a heat wave from below.

It was the shouts and cheers of the fellow humans.




In front of thousands of Lu Chao. Countless people do not see hope, and even have to dispatch troops from the hinterland of the human race

The situation is so severe.

I thought it was a bloody battle, even if I won it briefly, I’m afraid it would kill the enemy by killing a thousand and hurting himself by 800.

There will not be one survivor, and countless familiar people will die in battle.

For a hundred years, big and small battles have broken out almost every day.

Dongge means that tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of troops were slaughtered and slaughtered. The blood flowed into rivers and the stone mountain was bloody and sweaty.

Countless corpses were frozen on the ice, all stiff.

But who would have thought that among the supporting army, there was actually a man who was against the sky, Jiang Yuan,

Suppress everything with one effort and directly reach the top of the eternal overlord.

Thousands of fierce beasts, that terrifying scalp-numbing army, was defeated alive by him,

It’s like the hand of God, all wiped out.

Smooth the entire hundred miles of land.

At this time the people were completely boiling, and the waves of cheers swept across.

On the wall, the soldiers embraced each other excitedly, with tears in their eyes, thanking the human overlord, giving

They have a new life, a chance to live.

How many people are ready to die in battle.

Some people have even fallen, their whole body has run out of energy and blood, and they can only wait to die, but Jiang Yuan appears.(Read more @

Saved everyone.

People are cheering for the new students, and they are also cheering for Jiangyuan.

“Overlord overlord

The high voices gathered together, spreading across the city, blooming on the walls, and gradually spreading. Come to the city.

People in the city followed the cheers.

At this moment, even a town general who is panic-stricken, looks excited and frantic.

She shouted loudly, her voice vibrated for nine days, and the clouds were shattered.

Between heaven and earth, the wind is surging.

Countless eyes looked at Jiang Yuan together, shouting enthusiastically, as if this was their heart

The pillars support them.

Outside the ancient city, a supporting army also shouted loudly at this time.

Especially the army from Haoran City, the town generals of health care, the town generals of the solitary army, the generals of Shangguan town, and even

It was Jiang Hao, who was very excited, crazy and warm.

His complexion was excited and ruddy, and there was glory.

Because Jiangyuan came from Haoran City, they belonged to Jiangyuan in ancient times, and Jiangyuan was their city lord, they

The commander.

There is such a city lord who suppresses everything, like a god and devil, everyone is excited and almost controlled

Can’t hold one’s body.

The entire huge war fortress, the ancient city, was saved by their lord, this feeling,

It was so exciting that his whole body trembled, and tears were about to stay.

Listening to the voices of countless warriors shouting (bcfi) worship in the ancient city, they felt their sincere self

Jiang Hao in the army trembled with pride, even his companions around him.

Beside him, Bai Liu was very excited, and his voice was choking: “We have really come out of Haoran City.

There is an invincible existence, the flesh overlord! The flesh overlord, the whole body is shining, this. This is simply not

It’s Ren Ming!”

The fat guy on the side couldn’t help being shocked, and couldn’t help but say to Jiang Hao: “Jiang Hao, before you

Saying that the city lord is your father, we almost believed it. Now, how is this possible?

Must be a lie to us, right

Bai Liu glanced over, nodding straight and said, “How can this kind of existence be your father?


And I’ve seen your father, and I’ve seen your father before, very kind,

How can the respected existence be your father. ”

At this point, there was horror in their eyes.

Jiang Yuan is too terrifying, incarnate as a giant of colorful glazed glass over 300 meters, shining light on the sky and the earth.

Take up a huge island-like Zhentian clock, and suddenly, like gods and demons, it slams on the earth like crazy


The boundless, almost infinite army of fierce Lu was smashed to death, and the earth was opened.

All matter is smoothed out. With such monstrous majesty, Bai Liu couldn’t think of it.

Comparison of the kind elders in my memory.

It’s just the gap between the ant and the dragon.

Jiang Hao was also ruddy with excitement at this time. There were two people with Bai Liu, just about to start cautiously.

Golden brilliance shrouded one after another.

It was the generals of Yangsheng Town and Gujun Town and others who flew.

They also brought Hong Zhen, Chen Qiming and others,-the son fell not far from Jiang Hao.

Bailiu and Fatty were shocked. They don’t know what these towns are going to do, but they are instinctively fearful.

Let them quickly clear the way and let them pass.

But Jiang Hao stood still and didn’t move at all.

Bai Liu was shocked, and quickly pulled Jiang Hao’s clothes, his voice was low and anxious: “Jiang Hao

You are crazy, get out of the way quickly, don’t get in the way. ”

However, Jiang Hao stood there and didn’t move at all. Instead, he looked at the general of the town of health preservation, as if he were in the same army.

Generally, nodding slightly.

The health town will not dare to be big. Hastily bowed his belly to salute.

This is not respect for Jiang Hao, but respect for Jiang Yuan, because Jiang Yuan is

The identity and the contributions made are enough to make them look up.

As Jiang Yuan’s only son, Jiang Hao’s identity is unquestionable and will completely override

On top of them, in ancient times, it was like a prince, extremely majestic.

From now on they will all be high and Pan Jianghao.

The identity gap widened.

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