Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 146 - The horror of deduction (37)

Chapter 146 – : The horror of deduction (3/7)


An emperor was furious, his eyes flushed, and the mist filled his eyes. He stared at Pi Fang, his blood was a little unstable, and his eyes were open.

Watching the terrifying bell erupt, I was anxious, but there was nothing to do.

The fierce beast royal family is even more sneer and practice. There is a beast emperor who laughed wildly and said in a high voice, “Well, well—

It seems that your human jade is bound to die. Haha, do a good job. ’

The other beast kings also laughed too much. The voice was icy cold, and he sneered to madness, and witnessed the death of a man Wang Zhan with his own eyes. Too much

Exciting, they all feel blood boiling 2

The preciousness of each cadre does not need to be repeated. It is even more difficult to kill. Unless there is a big battle, it is difficult to have a chance to start.

All are always concerned and protected by a respectable emperor.

= There is movement, and immediately cross the border.

At this moment, you can see that the death of a king of human beings is simply so happy, it really makes them excited and uncontrollable, crazy and laughing too much.

l Constantly satirizing the human king 2

At the same time, they added too much energy and blood to blockade, and they held it against each other, not 557 to let them rush down to save people. ,

The expressions of the four emperors turned extremely hideous in an instant, the sadness in their eyes was almost hard to dissipate, and the fists of hatred were clenched. bite

Teeth incising, and looking at the four beast kings with bloodshot eyes 2

The more so, the four beast kings are more unscrupulous, laughing too crazy and excited,

Also at this moment, six huge bell pins resembling stars, tearing the space, counter-shocked and blocked. Come in an instant

To him.

Jiang Yuan’s complexion was solemn, and he remained motionless in the air, and every cell in his body was trembling frantically. Ninety-nine thousand from the whole body

In the pores, dense threads of qi and blood rushed out.

The blood threads are entangled with each other. The color changes, and countless golden texts are born from it. Superimposed on each other, combined into one origin

The formula, connected to each other, turned into a golden square wall.

The two blocks are condensed, and the first block is condensed immediately afterwards. The two layers are continuously superimposed, forming nine soils and nine layers in an instant.

The wall of qi and blood formula is blocking the front. Brazenly greeted the impact

In an instant, six (afab) bells revolved and hit, with terrifying power, crushing an inch of space. Touch it all at once,

Hit the golden formula wall and directly smashed the first wall abruptly.

Then came the second block.

Second block

One ten thousandths of an instant, a block of walls disintegrated in an instant, turned into the power of blood and energy, all dissipated, and two hits

On Jiang Yuan.

At this moment, everyone is watching, countless people hold their breath, and the emperor of the human race above the nine heavens is on the verge of a kind of madness.

They have to rush down to save Jiangyuan.(Read more @

Countless people have seen that the clothes and skin on Jiang Yuan’s body instantly vaporized, and in front of the huge golden bell, it was as small as

The ant and the second child were hit 2


The terrifying force hit Jiang Yuan’s body, and the whole Qi was directly hit and flew out, all of a sudden, hitting the rear-dong Taisha.

It penetrated the building and hit the ground straight.

With a bang, the entire earth was smashed into a huge hole by a hard sitting insect, with a radius of one thousand meters, and it collapsed directly.

All the buildings collapsed and the embankment collapsed in an instant a

Dangdang resounds differently and constantly rotates. Flying over Cong Taisha, hovering over Jiangyuan, Giant Taiwu

Than, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, frantically pulling the dark matter between the sky and the earth.

_” Die to me

The lion king’s angry roar followed one after another, and the bells rang and slammed down suddenly, all of a sudden.

On Jiang Yuan.

The earth was once again smashed into a hundred-meter hole, and numerous cracks spread wildly.


The lion king’s roar is still not constantly passing on the roar, it contains monstrous hatred, it is difficult to choose and brush, the hatred is deep and resounding.


Under his control, the bell pin kept flying up and smashing down again and again.

But Jiang Yuan is too incarnate, = body with colored glaze blood and colored glaze bones, and cannot be pushed. They complement each other and are extremely terrible.

The flesh, the whole world, this kind of flesh can only be achieved by the human manifestation power.

Not only did the repeated impact of the bell pin fail to break his body. On the contrary, it is helping him beat and boil the flesh. Let his too become flesh.

more perfect.

Even under the smash, it came from the bell. The force of sharp blood and blood rushed into his body, unexpectedly

Transformed into countless sharp spears, his face shone with cold, and he wanted to break his organs inside, smash him completely, without leaving a trace.

Golden Land.

But Jiang Yuan’s body is full of rich colored glaze blood. He instinctively forms a defensive net, knocks out all the spears and nets, and then opens.

Begin to counterattack and smash. Turned into the ninth of billowing turbulent blood.

Jiang Yuan moved in his heart,

The formula of the source was deduced wildly. As the driving force of the giant, Wan times talents suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

Coming route.

In the end, a terrifying deduction direction was fixed by him.

That is the deduction direction of the Consummation Body.

“Consummation of the flesh” Jiang Yuan’s heart was trembling, and he couldn’t help but breathe in an air-conditioning, = there was a little time to calm down.

Consummation of the flesh is all over the world-only the sanctuary of the third human race can reach, even if it is Haoran City Lord, Zhiling is only too flesh, very

It’s hard to go further.

Most of the manifestations of the saints are not incarnate flesh, let alone perfect flesh, it’s horrible to incredible, it’s shocking.


Speaking of it, the entire human race will be shaken, but the fierce beast and alien race will be crazy.

It is the three major shelters of the human race, which will be alarmed.

Legend has it that the whole body is united inside and outside, the whole body is colored glaze, flesh and blood viscera, the three are turned into colored glaze, which is extremely strong and comparable to the extreme objects.

Quality, there are endless mysteries.

Life will instantly transcend the realm limit and reach ten thousand years.

Even if the soul dies, the physical body can still exist between the heavens and the earth, and will not decay for hundreds of thousands of years.

In the world, there is simply nothing that can crush such a physical body.

The Manifestation of Saint is able to make a move, and bombarding him day and night for a year, he can’t break such a body. Really invincible, invincible-cut,

Domineering in the world.

Only when the planet dries up and the interior collapses and explodes. The energy generated at that instant can instantly crumble and complete the flesh.

But what did Jiang Yuan see.

He actually saw thousands of roads of deduction, and discovered two supreme avenues that were crowned with perfect flesh.


It’s horrible to sensational.

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