Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 144 - Fighting to save the king (17)

Chapter 144 – : Fighting to save the king (1/7)

Jiang Yuan II flew in a concealed manner, getting closer and closer to the army of fierce beasts.

The blood of the whole body converges in an instant, the heartbeat is almost flat and stagnant, the body surface temperature drops rapidly, and the body is instantly frozen by the ice. Appears-

Layers of ice crystals

Like a block of ice, fast forward to reduce your sense of existence.

Terran Taijun ahead a

The eyes are full of madness. The suppressed roars, ups and downs, are condensing the fighting spirit, the longer the suppression, the explosion

It’s even more terrifying.

At the moment the army collided, the killing intent in his heart completely broke out, and it would be the death of the sky and the earth, and the blood would flow into a river.

Just as Jiang Yuan was about to leave, a roar suddenly resounded. Two = Two ferocious and terrifying eyes, the judgment

Eyes are generally projected over.

The golden light of Xidao instantly penetrated the clouds and shrouded him, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Next second. Rings of bells rang all over the world.

Jiang Yuan’s heart sank, but he did not expect to be discovered, and just staring down, you can see 05. Two terrifying qi and blood below.

The force is rolling,

Like a volcanic eruption.

The horrible breath, = wave after wave, secretion is boiling, extremely hot, and it condenses into a blood, too hand, in an instant.

One hundred meters is too small, it is the hand of the human race.

The palm prints on the top are clear, densely packed, and inter-disciplined, = the next impact comes up.

In an instant, the clouds and mist were opened, as if an eagle was catching a chicken, and it was about to catch Jiangyuan.

Back, suddenly broke the ice crystals on his body and removed the camouflage.


Suddenly, the speed limit soared, the sky broke through the Cang Palace, and the world’s water vapor was divided into two. Formed a circle around him

Bright light, go away in an instant

“Damn the human ants.”

The terrifying foreign language 1 carried infinite anger and hatred to the sky, and with a bang, the whole world was boiling with strong air.

The flow blows down.

Forcibly, he rushed the army of beasts below into a huge circle, killing tens of thousands of grains in an instant, regardless of the death of these beasts.

live. The life of ants is worse.

As soon as he soared into the sky, he arrived in the clouds in an instant.

Only then did Jiang Yuan see that this was actually a terrifying lion-like beast. The golden fur all over her body was shining brightly, and her whole body was golden.(Read more @

It was majestic and majestic, six meters full of majestic muscle brine swelled and exploded, and the clouds could not be approached, and it was directly torn to pieces by blood.

His eyes suddenly patrolled the sky above the sky, several miles apart. His pupils locked Jiang Yuan.

“Lord of the human race, die for me.” He roared, his language was ancient, with a peculiar melody. Full of hatred for the human race

Never die in general.

The huge body rushes in an instant, and the terrifying power immediately stirs the space. The space is twisted and rotated.

He criticized, surging toward the neck position one after another.

Around his neck, seven bells rang loudly and continuously, madly absorbing the dark matter drifting between the sky and the earth, and then tightened and contracted.

Countless threads are flowing-the ninth of z-like blood.

Constantly feeding back. Let his blood become more and more turbulent, and in the end it is almost like a real Tairi. Coming from persecution.

Almost comparable to tens of billions.

Form a complete rolling s on Jiangyuan

The billowing air pool, separated by a few miles. Qi and blood surged crazily. It all made Jiang Yuan feel that the space around his body was solidifying, and crystallization appeared.

This kind of substance came from the blockade. It wanted to block his way forward.

Jiang Yuan was shocked. Qi and blood surged crazily, and a layer of colored glaze Qi and blood was attached to the surface of the entire human body, which exploded and shook directly.

These crystals were shattered and the speed soared again, rushing out several kilometers away in an instant.

The city wall is in the distance.

“It is our human king who was hunted down.”

“Damn the Beastmaster, is he chasing us down?”

“Saving our human king


Above the city wall, a statue of the town general and even the king was hidden among the army, and the light was projected in an instant. Suddenly roared in anger

Come on, forget about hiding in the shadows.

For a time there was roaring and roaring, one after another ups and downs, and between the rumblings, there were light groups like big suns. Rise from the ground fast

Go toward Jiangyuan to meet e

At the same time, two shells were fired, and the missile immediately turned its direction, and the firepower went crazy and bombarded towards the Beast King behind Jiang Yuan, desperately resisting.

Crazy to delay time for Tingyuan.

Because Jiang Yuan is the king of the human race.

Every cadre is extremely precious and a guarantee for the continuity of the race. During the war, even if one million people’s lives are exchanged for one king cun

Live, countless people will rush up without hesitation o

Even if you know you are dead, there is a slaughterhouse ahead, and you will step in to fill this hole.


A total of thirteen human town generals, led by King Yicao Ren, went crazy, their roars almost joined together.

From the wall

Coming from the fight, various qi and blood gathered endless means, surging over the sky, to intercept the attack of the Beast King and protect Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan’s heart was hot, and he came to the Human Race position in an instant. Not 623 was escaping, and Guang turned behind him, his whole body was mad and bloody.

Furiously moving, the two origin formula gold figures in the eyes condensed and turned into his appearance, sitting cross-legged together.

Suddenly, it opened in April, and the horrible momentum-the next son rippled, countless dense golden formula texts 1 from double

The eyes rolled and flowed out, spreading quickly along the cheeks, densely covering the whole body, and flowing continuously.

Jiang Yuan roared immediately, his speed was increasing, his energy and blood, step by step, his body was burning and rising a raging golden flames.

l Crackling.

When his eyes collided with another king, he understood each other’s thoughts.

Scattered and separated, each of them followed six town generals, in the shape of a herringbone, like a dust knife. Go up and down, all kinds of means broke out

Overwhelmingly shrouded away.

Someone shook the energy and blood, turned it into a long sword, holding a long sword, standing in the sky, majestic, powerful and domineering,

= Sword slashed down. The space will be torn apart.

Some people shook their blood, and turned into countless meteorites, floating behind them, overwhelming the sky, hundreds of thousands, shining black

Nonferrous metals-second-class light.

It is like a god who is in charge of the heavens and stars, strategizing and invincible, with five fingers spread out, all the stars vibrate, and all of a sudden

Rumble to suppress and leave e-

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