Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 137 - Appeared to die in battle (17)

Chapter 137 – : Appeared to die in battle (1/7)

Jiang Yuan’s face was full of astonishment.

Weapons are also divided into levels. Under the stars, they are all earth-level weapons. They gather countless precious resources from the world and combine them into a furnace.

Already Tianwai meteorite iron is the core.

At the time of casting, it has countless benefits, it has been nourished by the atmosphere and blood, and when it erupts, it has infinite power, which can traverse rivers and collapse mountains. Put

The earth is full of caves.

Therefore. The so-called earth-level weapons are as powerful as missiles bursting out, continuously attacking, and even small islands can be carried.

Shen collapsed.

Above it is the star-level town faction, which is called the town faction, suppresses a domain, and has many magical gains. Can be big or small, changeable


It is the true heritage.

Thousand Red Demon Tu is a star-level town sect. It is perfectly controlled and can be split-the human king, the power of the world is shaking, and the strong resistance to the fierce beast king.

Indefatigable, perpetual motion machine-z-like, always fight. Until the enemy dies.

Zhentianzhong is even more horrified: terrible, 2 is too small, suppressing a party of heaven and earth. The grade is more superb, and the maximum can be expanded by too many miles,-

Suppress down.

The entire Haoran City will be shrouded-all creatures will be shaken to death in an instant, with no bones left. Cells must be powdered^


Such weapons. Jiang Yuan is shocked = horrified.

If all qi and blood in the body erupt, the golden body of qi and blood will control the Tiantian Bell and urge it with all its strength. Don’t talk about a thousand miles, expand a hundred miles, one

Under the sky, that’s the real big horror 2

Covering the sky and the sun, the sun can’t shine, and the creatures are under it, like ants. Regardless of whether you have a million fierce beasts, you are still a thousand

Wan Taijun, all smashed to death.



It is even more shocking to think of Jiang Yuan here, which is even more terrifying than nuclear weapons. Is an extinction weapon, this will become his bottom

The card, once faced with tens of thousands of enemy troops, how terrifying and exterminating everything when used.

It was simply a mass extinction.

“Close.” The endless thoughts circulated in Jiang Yuan’s mind. He slowly spit out z words when he saw it. It was not the current language, but the town.

The language that comes with Tianzhong.

As soon as the voice fell, the entire Zhentian clock hummed, and the countless words on it trembled, and strange waves appeared constantly.

The volume of the ripples gradually shrinks at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it turned into the size of a palm and slowly floated to the palm of Jiangyuan’s palm.

Jiang Yuan closed his eyes, holding the palm of his hand, and the Zhentian Bell seemed to have become a red tone. In the second moment, he penetrated into his body surface and turned into one.(Read more @

Black streamer. Follow the arm and reach the eyebrows in an instant

There, it turns into a small clock spinning around one drop,

Every time it rotates, a peculiar ripple spreads out. It swept the whole body quickly, and every cell on the body seemed to be

Drive, accelerate the tremor.

Every tremor, more dark matter will be intercepted from the void.

The qi and blood in the body enters a high-speed state again, and the combat power grows wildly. The height of the battle has soared madly every second, and the speed is extremely fierce.

Fierce horror. ,

It’s scary to death

However, now that the tens of thousands of battles have increased, he has been unable to attract the attention of his too famous. In the next z = seconds, he will prepare to open up the underground space and return.


But at this moment, a strange sense of shock suddenly appeared in the space, which quickly swept across him.

I heard an unwilling roar in my ears, crazy and hysterical, more like someone desperate

Full force.

In an instant, the qi and blood in Jiang Yuan’s body were all driven, a feeling of terror on the thighs, rising up.

With his eyes condensed, he could clearly feel that such an invisible shock was spreading rapidly, and it was not aimed at him.

Jiang Yuan’s heart sank, and there was a very bad feeling in his heart.

In an instant, his body turned into a beam of light on the spot, and after just breathing, he returned to the ground along the tunnel.

As soon as he stepped out of the ground, the strong roar was unwilling, and it echoed in his ears more clearly, full of madness and helplessness. also

There is endless despair.

As soon as Jiang Yuan came to the surface, 2 he saw the construction site of Wuji Martial Arts Hall, and countless people looked up to the sky.

He couldn’t help but look up at s

I saw the clear sky before, and the clouds suddenly rolled up strangely. In a blink of an eye, dark clouds began to cover the entire sky.

air. Accompanied by dull and distant thunders.


The sound of thunder from Xiangyu was like the roar of artillery, echoing the sky and the earth, suddenly rising and falling continuously above the sky.

=A kind of black cloud pressing the city and wanting to destroy the city rises up in everyone’s hearts.

The thunder sound is still continuing and the sound is getting louder and louder. In the dark clouds, there are countless thunder and lightning, undulating and dense like electric arcs.

Ma Ma, as if thousands of thunder snakes are tumbling and dancing 2

This weird weather is extremely

It’s not normal. Jiang Yuan has lived for so many years, but this is the first time he has seen it.

And as the thunder continued to reverberate, the roaring and unwilling roar in his ears became louder. 1 It seemed that there was an extremely terrifying roar.

The characters, fighting in bloody battles, are extremely crazy.

In the face of the enemy’s absolute killing, he actually faintly drove the blood in his body, boiling and rolling uncontrollably,

The heart is also suppressed = a heavy emotion.


At this moment, among the dark clouds, tens of thousands of thunders all rang in an instant, and the entire Haoran city was instantly illuminated, such as

Same as day.

The moment the rain fell. Jiang Yuan’s pupils shrank instantly.

What did he see. He actually saw the rain, not the real rain, but the very red blood.

Heaven drops blood and

Suddenly Jiang Yuan’s whole body was trembling, his heart leaped quickly, and two bad premonitions quickly rose.


At this time, two golden lights rose from Haoran City, a villa insect, and rushed over quickly.

Jiang Yuanyueguang looked over, and 2 saw Zhang Ge and Jiang Tingting, with a look of sorrow and sorrow on their faces, and they came to him in the blink of an eye.

The moment Zhang Dong saw Jiang Yuan, he cried with sorrow, “Our human race two: our human performance-our human race manifests the saints.

Dead, ah”

Roll on your cheeks and flow e

Where there are people, there will be a rain of blood. This 2: means that our human race has the z-exhibited saints and has fallen.”

Jiang Yuan’s heart shook the earth at the moment of hearing o_

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