Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 126 - Twenty Town Generals (47)

Chapter 126 – : Twenty Town Generals (4/7)

I couldn’t help but rubbed my presbyopic glasses, then looked at everyone outside, and then looked at the poster on the wall.

He looked left and right, and finally seemed to have a heart attack. Covering his chest, opening his mouth, 2: Time is so horrified that he can’t speak

Frightened his whole body to tremble.

What did he see? He saw the taxi on Haibo who guarded the twelve gates of Haoran City: Zun Sifang Town General.

To know. The twelve town generals of Haoran City are unimaginable high status in Haoran City, every Chinese New Year. Every household posted right

The gods of Lianmen use their portraits.

Appearance-Zun. Maybe you can’t recognize it, but only one appears at once, almost all of them are there, as long as the eyes are not blind. No

People will not recognize it.

“My goodness:”

“Yes yes yes: it is a Sifang town general. Full of earth-respect.”

“All here, all here, what are they doing?”

“Are the other people around the town general from the coastal defense line? I’m good, who are the two in front?”

At the gate of the community, and even the people in the community. At this moment, the light has all looked over, and at the moment of seeing the appearance of this group of people, = a

His eyes widened in shock, unbelievable.

Someone woke up and quickly took pictures with their mobile phones, very excited, even more excited than seeing an idol star.

But no one dared to bother up there rashly. 003 is the identity of this group of people is really terrifying 2 is the real city of Haoran

Before the cataclysm, the high-level people came down to inspect the situation of the people.

Jiang Yuan felt it the moment more than 20 people landed, but he didn’t go out to greet him, and he was still with his wife.

Son, busy in the kitchen. , Feel this hard-won warmth.

Jiang Yuan didn’t greet him, and the Ershito people didn’t dare to stay in. They just stood at door 0, as if they were ministers who saw the sacred.

Heart winged, did not dare to make any movement at all.

Standing neatly in a row, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

It wasn’t until more than ten minutes later that Jiang Yuan’s voice came out leisurely.

“Choose it!”

As his voice fell, everyone did not dare to be too conscious, and quickly walked in, each one seemed very restrained, like a child’s face.

To the teacher, there is a feeling of being at a loss.

The living room, which was originally not very crowded, immediately became crowded with their arrival.

Everyone didn’t dare to sit down, just standing there. 2 His complexion was a bit embarrassing, but no one dared to say anything. You have to know that ruthless man

The existence that even the Beastmaster dared to eat. (afdh)

And Murong Qingyue in the kitchen put down the vegetables and stared at Jiang Yuandao, “Everyone is here at home, you don’t go out to receive guests.(Read more @

For a moment, they are also for the generals and kings of the human race. ”

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and said: “Okay,! / Then you are busy. Later, I will ask them to come in and help you personally, and I will come here to eat and drink.

I can’t just do nothing.””

After finishing talking, Jiang Yuan used the water from his hands, wiped the city with a towel, and sold it.

The moment he went out 1=: Both eyes came over.

Especially when Jiang Tingting saw Jiang Yuan surrounded by two aprons with two unpassed piglets printed on them, she almost couldn’t hold back the spray.

Came out.

This gap is too big. It’s simply subverting people’s three barriers.

When I saw Jiang Yuan for the first time, I turned into a giant of a hundred meters. fear

Terrible. As if to praise the father chasing the sun.

Caught the Kunpeng bird abruptly on the ground, smashed to death, shredded in front of her, swallowed alive, and eaten by the beast.

She almost scared her to death.

At first glance, it looks like an ordinary family man, wearing an apron, helping in the kitchen.

This gap is not only because her three views are upside down, but other people stare too much in amazement, and they can’t react for two hours. Almost.


Jiang Yuan frowned, and the power of Qi and blood suddenly shook. The terrifying pressure spread out from his body, like a mountain.

It fell on everyone.

Everyone’s complexion changed, and they quickly lowered their heads, and they heard Jiang Yuan’s flat voice saying, “Sit down.”

Although the voice was flat, it was unquestionable, as if the emperor was commanding his subordinates, without rebuttal and supremacy,

Let you sit, you have to sit.

Everyone hurriedly looked for a place like a baby, and couldn’t wait to sit down, for fear of annoying the person in front of them.

But there are still too many people, and it’s impossible for everyone to grab a place, just like that in the living room.

The lone army didn’t get the job, and just looking at it left and right, it didn’t move, it didn’t move, it didn’t. The cold Wang kept on his forehead.

Come, his face turned pale in an instant.

Jiang Yuan’s gaze also followed closely.

Suddenly, Gu Jun’s face became paler and suffocated with nervousness. He glanced at the ground, regardless of his image-

Sitting on the ground.

At this point, Jiang Yuan’s eyes moved away from him, making him feel as if he was reborn, and his tight muscles were relaxed.

At the same time, Murongxue hurriedly got off the school bus and hurriedly ran towards home.

Before fighting on all fronts. The road is blocked. Inspections were everywhere, and all schools were forcibly closed. The warrior was requisitioned and transferred

Some people have been left in place temporarilya

Murongxue is at school. If one day the war worsens, everyone will go into the bunker to avoid defense and wait for rescue. So

During this period of time, no one is allowed to leave the school.

= Cut to calm down, the human king suppresses everything, flattens the z cut, and fights against the three beast kings, and even more

In front of Haoran City, thousands of people face. Become the king of swallowing beasts alive.

It can be described as stunned countless people.

At this moment Murongxue could finally go home, = getting off the school bus, she couldn’t help crying. Rush home as fast as possible, only in my heart

Have the kind faces of your parents.

When in school. Countless people were panicked and desperate. At that time, Murong Xue found out. The person who worries you most. They are their own parents.

Second, thinking of my mother’s seventeen years old and his father’s nineteen years old. Can he be stimulated like this?

The more she thought about it, the more she became afraid. She was really afraid that she would not see her father when she returned. Whenever I think of the heart here-


At this moment, I felt like an arrow, running at his fastest speed, and almost fell over several times.

As soon as I got home, I saw a group of people at home, almost occupying half of the living room. But I didn’t think too much, my eyes only

There is Jiang Yuan’s figure.

Looking at Jiang Yuan. Murongxue shed tears excitedly, rushed up excitedly, hugged her father, choked up and said:

“Dad-Woo Ming: You are fine, great, great.”

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