Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 114 - Saturation bombing (67)

Chapter 114 – : Saturation bombing (6/7)

Hearing Murong Qingyue’s words, Jiang Hao reacted, staring at his mother blankly, and couldn’t help saying. 2 “Mom, you can’t

Which human king is it?”

Murong Qingyue was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: “Your mother, I’m just an ordinary person, don’t think about it, go home, I’ll call you later.

If you ask your sister to come back, I don’t know where she went crazy. ‘

However, Jiang Hao’s face suddenly became serious and said, “Mom! I want to go to the front.”

“No.” Without even thinking about it, Murong Qingyue directly shook her head and said: “Other things I can promise you, but come forward.

The line doesn’t work, you’re still a student. You haven’t even received the combat notice. If that’s the case, you can’t even go.

“I have to go.” Jiang Hao clenched his fists and stared directly at his mother’s eyes. “Dad said well, I must as soon as possible

Coming strong, since my father can use his ordinary aptitude to go to where he is now and become the king of the human race.”

“I believe that I can also do this step, even beyond my father.” Jiang Hao’s eyes were filled with unprecedented precision.

He set another goal for himself again.

That is to surpass your father, show your growth with strength, and let your father know that you are 05 years old. This home

From now on, I will provoke the main beam.

I have two children,


Ji Rong Qingyue still shook his head, with a firm attitude,

Something went wrong. How does the earth live!

Li said, “Mom, let me be willful twice.”

However, Jiang Hao has long been determined to direct children

A wave of air was unexpectedly exploded on the spot. Whole person

Shisen Belan’s blood surged instantly. Two feet on the ground.

The play sprinted out.

Before I breathe, I have already reached the gate day of the community,

In the blink of an eye, the power disappears first in the line of sight.

I can’t call him back.

Murong stood calmly and yelled at the same place, but how did he grow?

Karma stands above the city boundary. All the tricks are based on the number of alliances in the front battle atmosphere group.

Boom boom boom –

It was at this time. The voice of Jinzuo resounded throughout Haoran City

Launch missiles. Died out from many places. Pretend

With huge white tail smoke. Di Tian rises.

Some are in a pond in a park

Suddenly oil came out. Some are on small hills

Start transfer

When countless people look up, they can see a

Launch huge missiles. Take off quickly and come to an altitude of one thousand meters~

Toward, quickly rushed towards the distance.

Haoran City

The wave strike began.

All-round accurate full saturation boom


Between Lena. The speed of all intercontinental missiles directly surpasses Yin said,

The planetary thruster quickly carried out the first stage of separation.

The instant the heavy two propellers are ignited, the speed reaches the shadow speed.(Read more @

This is a speed beyond the speed of sound,

Comparable to the speed at which Sifang Town would attack at full speed.

At the moment of ten kilometers away from the high tide, the second thruster was directly enlarged.

Directly transformed into a long white yuan, body e

Hundreds of small guided missiles.

The warhead exploded after inspection. Observe the denseness from the gods.

Jiping blinked

The disaster family numb, tens of millions of acts, go with the sky and the earth.

A group quickly left the team,

The roar of friends grows finer, the most massive Erdao

At this moment, Pang Tai’s -0.conr

Come to the forefront.

Turned into densely packed bloody threads

The power of horror is almost visible to the naked eye, quickly from the whole


line. Intertwinede

During the retreat, it turned into a large garden built for more than ten kilometers.


Most of them were intercepted and exploded in the air

Become a firework.

But there were some bullet wounds and Xingdi was blocked,

Straightly rushed towards the bottom of the beast tide.

The small straw mushroom cloud, followed by an air wave, crazy

Suddenly, the Taidi in front of me keeps rising

Scattered around.

Just a blink of an eye,

Countless dust hits

Everyone above the city wall feels a blazing heat

On the face, they couldn’t help but squinted their eyes.

Began to get angry.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi-

All the news of Jibai Jiping moments are all open,

Go through.

The damp at the front is almost pinched tofu

It was beaten up and broken in an instant,

There are ten males behind

Flesh and Flesh e

Keep going.

But the fierce beasts behind are not afraid at all, trampling on the same

“Be prepared to meet the enemy’s first round of offensive one”

The health town will look solemn. And the light stares into the distance.

The beast’s attack will arrive instantly.

By convention, after the first round of human strikes,

Just behind the pressure, arcs are like a beam of light,

Li Ran, as he believed, how long did he set up in different bombs,

Soaring into the sky instantly.

It is made of pure thunder and lightning ability to sea my blood


The air is distorted in the clouds, and enter

12 Oil over the city wall. Passing over everyone’s heads, wherever they pass

The whole body is shining blue a

The next person straddled the city wall. On the earth,


In the daytime, this sunlight is still dazzling.

“All warriors obey orders

Prepare to meet the enemy. ”

Yangshengzhen will not look at the rear, he knows clearly

That’s how war is, it’s either you die or I’m talking.

Step inspection in the hands of the worker. Assuming various high-time cannons,

At the moment his voice fell, the city wall and the anti-tank gun. Supposedly, waiting under the wall at any time


There is also the roar of countless anti-aircraft artillery on the city wall.

Waiting. Only the high questions that keep coming from the earth.

The enemy is getting closer. Densely packed,

The sea and the sky are connected with infinite distances,

At first glance, it was dense and shocking. Unimaginable

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