Chapter 244 : Elder Lectures [seeking full order]

“In the previous battle for the speed of the No. 8 Base Forge Association, the winner is the force. The most important thing is that a muscular man who has never heard of people suddenly appeared, the Grand Great Master of the Three Realms, and there was a strange fire. Black. Strongly defeated the inheritor of the Martial Skill of Supai.”

“This is not a good thing.”

The head of the head: “Grand Great Master of the Three Realms, Different Fire? There are also romances, but geniuses who have not grown up don’t need to pay too much attention.”

Everyone nodded.

Who did not stand out from the bloody storm?

There are tens of thousands every day in the world, and there are too many to count. For them, no one in the 1,000 Four Realms Grand Great Master can prove martial arts and become a legend.

A little guy with three realms, it’s not worth mentioning!

Fortunately, everyone present has this view, and the leader did not record this message and pass it on.

If it really spreads to the top, and the elders of the pill refining teacher association who have seen Shura’s strange fire, wouldn’t it be exposed in an instant?

At that time Luo Xue could not escape to death.

Really thrilling

Later, the person responsible for supervision will continue to explain.

“Then the current situation is that bases 6 and 7 belong to the Super faction, and the No. 8 force faction has gathered the members of the No. 67 base who were withdrawn from the force faction.

“So, I think our current focus needs to be on the expansion of the No. 6 base. This is also one of the obvious wins and weaknesses after the speed splits its strength.”

The leader swept everyone on the round table.

At this time, those who agree with the proposal raise their hands, and those who disagree or abstain do not.

There are 22 people in the round table excluding the leader and proposer.

Eight of them raised their hands.

The leader still nodded, it seems that nodding is what he must do.

“Then I will report the situation.”

If the number of votes exceeds two-thirds, it can be implemented directly, but now it is obviously not enough, and only a report can be made to make specific arrangements.

Then Elder said so one by one.

There is Elder for the development of various associations on the No. 4 base.

It is proposed that the recent mandarin duck meeting is very powerful, and it has expanded very quickly, as if it has developed a dual cultivation secret technique.

Hearing this, the leader rarely nodded and spoke.

“The above have made orders before. If they don’t provoke us, just ignore them. They can help us divert a lot of attention. If they get to our heads, let them disappear.

When everyone heard the above opinions, they all raised their hands and agreed, 22 votes, all.

After going around, it was finally Willow Elder’s turn to speak.

She cleared her throat without any emotion.

“Before, I was assigned to a person named Shura, who said he was extremely talented. You should have seen all the information. Who wants it? Let it be cultivated by you.

Everyone is old acquaintance, and they are all witnesses to each other, and they have been in friendship for so many years.

Everyone knows what Liu Elder’s temper is.

The more she said she didn’t want it, the more she wanted it.

Being able to say this in public now means that everyone should stop arguing with her.

Many people also smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

In fact, in the Elder circle, to be able to cultivate a strong man who can prove the martial arts is to increase the right to speak for himself and master the connections.

For example, Luo Xue can really grow up in the future and is also eligible to participate in the current Elder meeting.

Who do you think he will stand on?

It must be the cultivation of own Liu Elder!

Therefore, there are still many people who want Luo Xue, a genius with a “clean background” and a “talented monster”.

No one said anything, and the incident was over.

The next step is for each Elder to speak in turn until the end of the meeting…

At this time, Luo Xue, who was just about to return to the headquarters of the Pill Refining Division, didn’t know that he almost walked in front of the ghost gate.

Fortunately, everyone didn’t take the three-level muscular man from the Blacksmiths Association to heart.


When he arrived at the headquarters of the Pill Refining Teachers Association, Luo Xue finally settled down, and he could take a good look at the “city” on the hologram.

The headquarters of the Pill Refining Division is very, very large, as large as there are even two schools in it.

One is to train pure novices in pill refining and teach everything.

The other is to train third-level pill refining masters, and the next step is the pill refining master, which can be self-developed.

There are also many young talents in the headquarters, and 90% of them are recommended by outstanding talents from various branches.

Can go to the headquarters to develop, and who wants to stay in the branch?

It’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, go outside and talk about your identity. The pill refining division at the headquarters of the pill refining division will be more valuable than the branch. This is the unspoken rule of this society.

The same principle is the same in the Forge Association.

There are also exchange centers here, but the hierarchical system is extremely strict. Some good resources are not available if you do not reach a certain level.

Contribution value is on the one hand, and it has to make a certain knowledge contribution to the Pill Refining Association.

For example, discover the characteristics of some herbs; write your own papers to get their attention.

These are all good ways to get the contribution value.

It is worth mentioning that the headquarter school, as a teacher, all teachers are pill refining Great Master, or the strong person of certification.

And every time someone who is strong in the evidence of Dan wants to give a lecture, it must be full of seats, and it is crowded with people.

Happily, today there is an Elder at the headquarters of the Pill Refining Teachers Association who is going to give a lecture.

Luo Xue was also excited.

This kind of knowledge transfer from the strong is a treasure of sky-high price.

In the end, the resources are different for the headquarters.

Luo Xue carefully looked for the lecture location in the hologram: Mingdan Square.

This is also the place where every boss lectures, Luo Xue secretly wrote it down.

And every time there is a lecture, the own badge will be displayed.

What is new is that Luo Xue also learned that the headquarters of the Pill Refining Teachers Association also has a dedicated section on the Internet (of money), which is like a forum.

Those who communicate with each other are the pill refining divisions who are in the headquarters.

In today’s headline section: “々Yiu Elder personally lectures during the course!!

This title was pinned by the administrator, it’s very real, alright.

Elder, the lecturer?

Willow Elder, it wouldn’t be so coincidental!

Luo Xue clicked in and took a closer look. It turned out that the class will be held at Mingdan Square at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. All pill refining fourth-level masters and even higher pill refining teachers can come and listen.

Master pill refining and the existence above can come to listen to Yuan?

It’s the same reason. I didn’t come to this Realm to hear Dan’s Elder lecture. It was pure joke.

With so many people, the square can’t fit in. This restriction is pretty good.

Presumably those low-level pill refining teachers are very envious.

In the bottom of my heart, I will be able to come to Mingdan Square one day as a goal. .

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