Chapter 215 :The frog at the bottom of the well [ask for customization]

The origin of these S-class weapons is very big. There was a caravan that was attacked by beasts in the wilderness area outside Base 9.

Luo Xue stepped forward and saved them from the dire straits.

As a result, the big businessmen in the caravan actually took a fancy to ownS-class weapons, and on the surface he was very grateful to take Luo Xue to eat something.

He did put medicine on the barbecue, intending to kill Luo Xue to snatch his storage bracelet and S-class weapon.

Luo Xue is a master of pill refining, and he still has the ability to distinguish poisons, and he immediately fought with them.

Killed all the unscrupulous merchants and guards, and their merchandise is also conveniently owned by Luo Xue.

The above content is what Luo Xue said to President Yao.

Luo Xue feels that he believes it, it seems like that.

President Yao didn’t say much, these are weapons that Shura seized by his own ability.

Of course, the contribution value must be given according to the internal price of the pill refining division.

President Yao is even more discerning about the extraordinary of these weapons.

Most of them are weapons that have experienced potential stimulation!

The prices of these are far beyond the ordinary S-class weapons!

President Yao also acted the rights of the President and gave Luo Xue a contribution value of 100X30+1 000.

The preceding 100X30 is the base price of these S-class weapons.

The following 1000 063 are compensations for these high-quality weapons.

After all, weapons with a quality much higher than 100 contribution value can’t chill the hearts of the pill refining division.

So Luo Xue obtained a contribution of 4000 in such a “simple and simple way”.

The seemingly easy acquisition process is inseparable from Luo Xue’s own ability and the help of the system.

Forge Great Master, pill refining master.

They also have their own network of relationships, so why not make good use of it?

Lava Essence 1000 points contribution value, Thunder Essence, Frost Essence is the same.

The frost was left to Lin Lianyi.

A total of 3000 points are needed, and I have 1000 points left.

You can continue to repeat the above process, but you can’t do more of this kind of thing.

It’s fine if the chairman of the swindler said that he had been attacked by a caravan once a week, as long as the individual would think that Luo Xue had a problem.

So this trick won’t work anymore in the future, it can only be cool for such a wave.

There is no need to use these 1,000 points right now. There must be a lot of good things in the central courtyard inside the exchange office.

Next is the harvest time (adac). Luo Xue went to the front desk of the exchange office and told Miss at the front desk his own request.

The exchange office has a control finder, which accurately locks the exchanged items and the inventory quantity.

“Dear Master Pill Refining, our Pill Refining Association does not have the stock of Thunder Essence and Frost Essence, and we need to transfer the goods from the headquarters.”

“Please show your pill refining division badge for proofreading your contribution value.

Luo Xue asked as he took off the badge on his chest and handed it to her.

“Then how long does it take to adjust the goods? Give me the lava essence first.”

“Well, the information we found now is that the pill refining division of the fifth base has surplus, and it is estimated that it will take half a month to transport it through mechanical technology.

Luo Xue said he was speechless, which was really troublesome.

“I will help you exchange out the lava crystals. We will notify you after the crystals of Thunder and Frost arrive. Please reserve your contact information.”

Luo Xue had no choice but to leave the contact information of the handle ring.

Then Miss at the front desk asked Luo Xue to wait for a while, and someone has been arranged to pick it up.

Luo Xue also started to make up his mind. This S-level treasure: what exactly is the essence of lava?

Could it be a mass of magma?

How do you take it yourself, swallow magma?

According to the item introduction, Luo Xue has a chance to change his own fire element, and Luo Xue rubs his hands in anticipation.

This was the first time he heard this.

After a while, Luo Xue finally waited for the call from the front desk.

An exquisite Xuanyu box was handed over to Luo Xue.

The old cold jade pill of Old Forge was also used in mysterious jade boxes. It seems that this kind of S-level treasures are changed to special boxes of mysterious jade.

Can minimize the leakage of energy.

Luo Xue came to his home in the pill refining division and couldn’t wait to open the box, and the strong fire element came out.

It turns out that the so-called lava essence is crystal.

The lava essence in front of me is like a bright and dazzling flame diamond, and the whole body exudes a noble and mysterious feeling. Under the sunlight, the colorful crystals are really beautiful.

The center of the crystal is red, and Luo Xue feels the temperature in the whole room has risen extremely.

Hurry up and close the lid of the mysterious jade box.

How do you use this stuff, I didn’t tell myself, I can’t eat it, right?

Eat this whole crimson diamond?

Let’s close it first, although Luo Xue is comfortable in this extremely high temperature environment, but if the house is lit, she will find someone to make sense.

Luo Xue can not do compensation for official duties.

Luo Xue had to use the bracelet to find relevant information in the network.

When searching for lava crystals, there are really relevant introductions and usages on the Internet at Base 9.

After all, there are no related introductions for all the bases afterwards.

It seems that the previous bases do have a lot of information ahead.

[S-grade treasure: lava essence, also known as lava crystal][How to use: Activate cultivation in the volcanic lava terrain, and wait for the energy accumulation to complete. The user releases his own flame on it. 】

【Greatly increase the mastery of own flames, and have a small probability of causing abnormal changes in own fire elements. 】

After such a check, Luo Xue understood.

Simply put, it is to bring this thing to the volcanic lava terrain in the wilderness area for cultivation. At that time, the lava crystal will absorb the surrounding fire elements to complete the activation process.

Then the own fire element is summoned and blended with the activated lava crystal.

It’s quite simple in this way, Luo Xue thought to himself.

Then use the Internet to find the location of the nearest volcanic lava area.

It is a pity that it is quite far away, on the far right side of Base 11.

There is also a well-known lava practice spot near Base 5, but it’s a pity that I don’t have enough strength. You can try to see it when you wait for the three realms.

Let’s go to the wilderness area near Base 11 this time.

After arriving at the Grand Great Master Realm, I started to invite all over the world. Cultivators are like this, and they will look for their own experience points.

The vast majority of people will choose to move to higher-order bases. People go to higher places and water flows to lower places.

If it weren’t for Base 18 and own Little Sister Luo Xue, Luo Xue wouldn’t even bother to go back.

It doesn’t matter who wants to be the king or emperor, it’s just a frog at the bottom of the well.

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