The pursuit of Zhou Sen is the main task of General Alimu's military operation.

In order to complete this task, General Alimu took the initiative and transferred all three elite cavalry to Rudong Town. Originally, these three cavalry were supporting the other three cities, but in Alimu With the general's insistence, the three cavalry temporarily changed their plans and encircled Rudong Town.

General Alimu’s sole purpose is to capture Zhou Sen, regardless of life or death.

Of course, it would be better if you can catch Zhou Sen alive. After all, catching Zhou Sen alive will deal a heavy blow to the sheep clansman's uprising.

Three cavalrymen came to Rudong Town without stopping.

In half an hour, three cavalry will completely surround Rudong Town.

Actually, General Alimu and a cavalry of two thousand men are marching after the mountain range of the other gods, cutting off the sheep clansman's retreat.

For this mission, General Alimu is at all costs and is determined to win.

Rudong Town!

In the distance, you can already see the buildings of Rudong Town, and you can also see the flag of the sheep clansman-Dragon Flag.

The Dragon Banner is the Totem of the Xia Clan. Now, the Yang Clan has been renamed the Xia Clan. Ran Xiaomin asked clansman to use the Dragon Banner as his military flag. However, the sheep clansman has not accepted the "Xia Clan" for a while. This title, more often, still claims to be a sheep clan.

Dragon Flag!

"Those who have captured the Dragon Banner, 12 bounties, 10 sheep women, and a hundred cattle!" General Alimu was coldly snorted with a long spear in his hand, loudly shouted.





Twenty thousand cavalry made a tsunami-like sound, the earth trembled, and the sky changed color.

"Catch Zhou Sen alive!" General Alimu shouted again.

"Catch Zhou Sen alive!"

"Catch Zhou Sen alive!"

"Catch Zhou Sen alive!"

Twenty thousand people together The momentum caused by the violent drinking is extraordinary, even more how is 20,000 horses, and more and more is The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Twenty thousand cavalry began to speed up the charge. If you look down from the sky, it looks like countless small streams converge towards Rudong Town.

It's near!

It's getting closer and closer!

General Alimu can already see the expression of lose one's head out of fear on the face of the sheep clansman standing on the simple fortifications.

General Alimu has a look of contempt on his arrogant face.

From start to finish, General Alimu has never put sheep clansman in his eyes, even if the riot of sheep clansman is getting worse and worse.

Suddenly, General Alimu's pupils shrank, like pinholes.

A group of shaky black spots suddenly appeared on the sky behind Rudong Town.

What is that?

General Alimu was just in a daze. The swaying little black spots had already rushed over like a swarm of bees, and then shot a light and shadow...



Zhou Sen personally drove the armed levitating vehicle. The armed levitating vehicle was really easy to use. According to the operating procedures in the manual, the armed levitating vehicle lifted off smoothly.

Zhou Sen is a novice after all. Although the armed levitating vehicle was lifted into the air, it was still shaking.

However, Zhou Sen soon took control of the levitating car, and moved towards close and numerous headhunter cavalry fired a shell.

“bang! ”

A small mushroom cloud appeared among the close and numerous cavalry. Immediately, the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry sounded, waiting for The dust in the sky dispersed, and I saw that with the explosion point as the core, it was already a barren more than a hundred meters, and there was a large pit several meters deep in the middle...


Everyone was shocked by the explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering, especially the cavalry horses running madly.

The entire battlefield is messed up.

Zhou Sen was also shocked by the formidable power of the shells.

Of course, what shocked Zhou Sen was not the formidable power of the cannonball, but the small size of the cannonball. Zhou Sen assembled the cannonball himself. When he saw the thumb cannonball, he thought it was a bullet, but the manual clearly called it a cannonball.

When assembling the shells, Zhou Sen believed that this should have the same formidable power as the armored shells on Earth.

Zhou Sen discovered that he was very wrong.

“bang! ”

Just when Zhou Sen looked sluggish, clansman began to test shooting.


"bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom..."


When the sheep clansman fired the first shot, they shot like crazy as they opened the door to New World.

The formidable power of the shells is really too big, one shot can cover more than a hundred meters, and the formidable power is too terrifying. After a few shots, the close and numerous headhunters The cavalry was bombed clean and never survived.

In fact, it is not just a lifeless life, that is, flowers and grass and stones are all turned into powder.

I'm addicted!

When the sheep clansman gradually became familiar with the weapons in the armed levitating car, he began fancy shooting and tested various weapons in turn.

Zhou Sen also began to test the weapons in the armed levitating vehicle. He found that the weapons carried in this levitating vehicle were extremely lethal, because all the ammunition was very small, but the coverage area was It's amazing.

Like the artillery shells fired by Zhou Sen at first, there are 6,000 rounds on the floating car, and 6,000 rounds are not many, because one cannonball is only a big thumb.

There is a dense array of bullets. The bullet is only as big as a grain of rice. The structure is the size of a grain of rice. The energy is the tail section. There is a miniature excitation device. Ten meters, and the bullet has a high-explosive effect. Although the range is not large, it can easily kill the cavalry and the horse. It is often shot in one round, and the ground is corpses everywhere across the field.

The most terrifying thing is that the number of this intensive array of bullets is as high as 3 million, but the total weight is only tens of kg. It is simply a harvester of life!

Gates of Hell.

Zhou Sen discovered that he seemed to have opened a gate of Gates of Hell.

No, it doesn't seem to be that Gates of Hell has been opened, because clansman, the sheep who has been stubborn for 150 years, is happily shooting clansman, the headhunter.

In addition to the shelling at first, the sheep clansman uses Phalanx weapons at the back. The visual effects of this weapon are even more shocking.

Although the formidable power of shelling is large, it is densely covered with smoke and dust. The firing speed of the Phalanx weapons is extremely terrifying, just like cutting wheat. One round of shooting, those in the past arrogant and despotic show off one's military strength The headhunter cavalry was immediately blown to blood.

Of course, there is another reason why the sheep clansman chooses to use Phalanx weapons. They hope to retain complete cavalry weapons.


One-sided slaughter.

The headhunter cavalry still has an intention to attack, cry for dad and shout for mother fleeing desperately, but the sheep clansman has air superiority, they have nowhere to escape, even if there are occasional headhunting cavalry fleeing When you arrive in the peripheral zone, you will immediately have the opportunity to be bombarded with more fierce firepower.

Think about it, just to kill a person, what is it like to raze to the ground more than a hundred meters?

The powerful ammunition capacity of the armed levitating vehicle makes clansman simply do not need to cherish ammunition...


Twenty minutes.

In just twenty minutes, the battle is over.

The land is full of headhunter cavalry corpses, and few of them are intact.

With 20,000 cavalrymen, there are less than fifty alive prisoners......


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