Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2296: Escape

Willing to die for you!

I have never met before, but for the sake of this war, I am willing to die!


Fang Bai couldn't understand and was unacceptable when he used to be guilty of fraud and conspiracy.

Perhaps these people escaped desperately, but he felt better.

But at the moment, his heart is hurting!

No one's life will be more precious, and everyone has the right to live for themselves.

Fang Bai is no exception, God is no exception, and the Emperor is no exception.

Suddenly, Fang Bai somewhat understood why those people died.

Despair, that's despair!

Their lives do not belong to themselves, but to the Emperor.

Even if you escape, you may not be able to escape one death. Even if you escape one time, you will be sent to the battlefield until you die.

They were unwilling to die this way, so they chose this way.

Fang Bai suddenly felt that something was stuck in his heart, inexplicably uncomfortable, unpleasant, and a long howl echoed into the starry sky.

Behind the battleship quickly chased behind, Fang Bai looked away coldly, anxious to let go of the battle, but now is not the time.

There is no point in deadly death, and living is what you want to do.

Who is the murderer who pushed them to the abyss of death?

Demon race? Fang Bai? God?

The starry sky is endless, the battleships are flying aimlessly, and they have long forgotten the direction and don't know where they are.

Behind the monster battleships behind, but it is not easy to catch up.

The rules of life flowed, his injuries recovered little by little, and Fang Bai's face slowly turned rosy.

The Yaozu didn't seem to give up the pursuit, biting it tightly and not retreating.

It was ten days after Fang Bai's injuries were completely recovered, and he took a cold glance at the battleship behind him and sat on his knees.

Let them chase if you want to chase and see when they can chase.

The crystal of the Sword Attribute Rule runs in the Aoki tripod, and the Sword Rule fills the body and cultivates in meditation.

After this battle, Fang Bai found that his biggest deficiency was not enough attack power.

No matter how strong the flesh is, your attack is not enough. Failure to defeat your opponent is a fatal flaw.

At first, there was no such concern in the Xuan Cang Star Field, but now it is different. The fusion of the five elements is not a day's work, or it is the fastest to improve the sword.

Soon Fang Bai frowned, without the support of the matrix method, the speed of comprehending the law was significantly weakened.

It can raise one star in five hundred years, and now it is at least one thousand.

The key is that he can't go back now. The demon tribe is overwhelming and will inevitably chase after it. The formation method over there will be destroyed and the road back to Baidi City will be broken.

With this in mind, Fang Bai simply reassured himself and let the warships gallop and escape from the pursuit of the demons before making plans.

After the battleship reaches a certain level, it is difficult to increase the speed again, and the speed of the monster warship can not be complimented.

If you can't catch up for half a month, you can't catch up with your whole life. Of course, the premise is that there must be enough spirits to motivate, this is not a problem.

The demon tribe is so determined that beyond Fang Bai's imagination, it has been pursuing a hundred years of poverty, and has traveled more than a dozen stars, without any intention of giving up.

At this time, the rule of Fang Baijian had already broken through the six-star **** king, and the speed was almost the same as expected.

Even though Fang Bai couldn't help being patient, he got up and looked at the battleship behind him, and his thoughts spread out. "When do you want to chase, can you just chase it?"


狞 Laughter came, "It depends on how long you can persist, anyway, it's idle, how about playing with you?"

Fang Bai laughed absurdly. The demons were lucky to see if they could use up the spirit stones on him.

This is not a big problem. The key is getting farther and farther away. Who knows if it will run to the site of other gods?

It would be a bit of a hassle if you went to the star domain controlled by the monster.

Thinking of this, Fang Bai's mind suddenly brightened, and the star domain in front of him would never belong to the demon tribe, otherwise, the demon tribe would definitely dispatch troops to block him in the future.

As long as it does not belong to the demon tribe, it is not a problem to belong to any **** emperor.

"You will meet with the host here with me." Fang Bai said with a smile.

Behind him, the Yaozu was silent for a long time, and said again, "Lead the way." The voice was generous and powerful, but Fang Bai knew that the Yaozu was guilty.

If you have the courage, you won't hesitate for so long, it is nothing more than discussing together. Although their strength is powerful, but against the powerful domain owner, it will undoubtedly die.

Either Xun Cang or Xuan Cang can easily destroy these demons, not to mention that the star field at this time is not weaker than Xuan Cang.

"Okay, follow me."

Fang Bai laughed loudly, urging the warship to move forward, feeling the changes in the starry sky, and looking for the center of the star field.


Behind the battleship, the demon tribe was angry and looked at each other, suffering no countermeasures.

Fang Bai guessed very well, just now it was just an expedient, and now seeing Fang Bai change his plan, there was nothing he could do.

"How to do?"

The gloomy gaze of a man in a gold robe glanced over, very dissatisfied.

Silence, solemn atmosphere, failed to catch up for a century, what can I do now?

I had long thought about giving up, but the Jinwu tribe insisted on chasing it, so I had to follow it.

Nowadays they seem to be happy, but in fact their situation is also very dangerous.

Some things can't be changed. They are demons and Fang Bai is human.

"Why don't you talk?" The man in the robe said coldly.

"Back off!" Someone said in a deep voice: "We can't catch up with him."

It's time to retreat, but no one is willing to say it first.

Not to mention a hundred years, chasing a thousand years is useless, unless Fang Bai can be forced to the star domain to which the demons belong.

This is why it has been pursued before, but now hope is dashed.

"Do you all think the same way?" The man in the golden robe said in a deep voice.

"Retreat!" A middle-aged man with a silver hair sighed. "There is no need to risk it."

Watching Fang Bai urge the warship to run away, there was no alternative but to sigh and the warship turned away.

"Finally gone?" Fang Bai could not help laughing, his guess was correct.

So where do we go from here?

It is definitely not possible to return to the same way, in case you encounter the demon tribe again, you will be in trouble.

Finding the domain owner is not the way to determine the attitude of the domain owner, it is better to be cautious.


Fang Bai sighed and couldn't return to chaos for the time being. He left this star field and found a place to stay.

The demon tribe is elusive, and it may not be safe to stay in this star field.

Determined in one direction, the battleship was flying deep into the sky.

Ten years with a flick of a finger, the battleship roared into a new star field, and the thoughts spread out, Fang Bai could not help but stay.


The sight in front of him made him unbelievable.

"Is that a planet?"

Fang Bai was stunned. The star in front of him was very small, much smaller than that of the Tianmeng star field.

Shennian swept towards the nearest planet, much smaller than Honghuang.

But the number is huge!

Looking around, densely, only tens of thousands can be seen.

Just imagine how many planets there will be in this star field.

How could there be such a star field?

What makes Fang Bai even more curious is that he feels a dead silence, and if this star field is dead, there is no vitality.

The battleship was speeding, and God's thoughts swept toward the planets. No vitality was found, and the spirit was dead.

A few days later, Fang Bai stopped the battleship and frowned.

This is a starry star field, but it will never be so many years ago, because he found on some planets that there were signs of artificial intentions and traces of war.

In other words, this star field used to have life, but was later destroyed by war.

Looking at the starry sky, I do n’t know how many stars there are. What is going on here that can make a star field look like this?

Curiosity rose, Fang Bai urged the battleship to gallop. From time to time, the mind spreads out in search of signs of life, and sometimes he calms down and comprehends the laws.

Time passed, and nothing was found, still a dead starfield.

Fang Bai thought about giving up searching, but when he saw such a huge star field, he became more curious.

The number of stars we see today exceeds one million, although the size is far less than Tianwu and Xuan Cang, the number has already exceeded.

It's unclear how big this is.

How could Fang Bai not be curious about such a huge star field falling dead?

Speeding, battleships continue to speed!

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