Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2127: space

Many people were dissatisfied with the inconclusive war!

Beiming Fanghua was dissatisfied, missed the opportunity to kill Captain Beiming, what time will he wait next time?

The ancient scriptures were not only dissatisfied, but also very angry. If it wasn't for the trouble of Beiming Fanghua, it would be very safe to concentrate on leaving King Yu God!

Even Captain Beiming and Bingshen were a little dissatisfied, and the flames of hatred burned and could no longer be extinguished.

Captain Beiming has endured it for many years, but now he finally does not want to endure it anymore!

Perhaps Beiming Changqing was satisfied, at least there were no scenes he did not want to see.

At the beginning of the development, Fang Bai expected this to be a losing battle. Hatred made Captain Beiming and Bingshen make irrational decisions. Fortunately, the situation did not worsen.

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This battle has little effect on Captain Beiming, King Yu Shen, and others. It will not change anything because of the defeat. However, some people are different. I ca n’t see the hope of victory. When will the hiding of Tibet end?

The strength of the opponent is not terrible, the terrible is the internal division, and finally someone proposed to leave.

The Protoss was born, the King of God returned, two wars before and after, and the four races were truce!

Since the truce, the meaning of staying in the Tianmeng star domain is gone, and there is a wider world outside.

Captain Beiming did not stay, so he would stay as he pleased. Many **** kings left, and the war of races was bound by responsibility. The war within the human race did not want to continue to participate.

The division of the Confederate Alliance is even more serious. The reason why many people join the Confederate Alliance is still in the position of deity. Now, at first glance, there is no hope, and of course, they do not want to lose their lives!

The most important thing is the appearance of the demon man in black. No matter how the human race fights, it is a matter within the human race.

Gu Jingtian's move is very unpopular!

The facts are even more serious than Gu Jingtian expected. Most of the gods left without saying goodbye, and the Confederate Alliance tended to fall apart. Fortunately, the true strongmen choose to stay, and they still have hope for the position of god.

No one expected that this would be the case after a big war!

Fang Bai heard that many **** kings had left, and they could understand their thoughts. What they couldn't understand was why they left Tianmang.

Asked about Zuo Danqing many years ago, but didn't get the answer, Fang Bai asked King Xiang Yu again, after all, he had left the Tianmang star field, and he should know the answer.

"You should be able to think of it." King Yushen smiled and gave no answer.

Fang Bai frowned slightly, "Please show the king."

From the sentence of King Yu Shen, Fang Bai had probably guessed in his heart, but he wanted to know the exact answer, and even more, what were the goals of those **** kings leaving Tianmang?

Isn't God the limit of martial arts?

The deity is also the king of the gods, a unique identity, still unable to escape from the realm of the **** king.

King Yu Shen slowly said: "The mystery, the small world, the big world, the planet, the star field, the universe, and so on, there are endless! No one knows how big the universe is, and no one knows how many stars the universe has. area."

"If you consider each star field as a small world, then where is the star field equivalent to the big world in the universe?"

"Just as the difference between the small world and the big world, the stronger the star field, the more complete the law."

Having said that, King Yu Shen paused and murmured, "The outside world is richer than you expected, and many terrible laws can only be realized in a more complete star field."

"The Protoss was sealed for 900,000 years, and also for the 900,000 years of the decline of the celestial star field. I believe that the celestial star field will gradually grow, just like the floods in the process of growth. But it takes time, a long time, Not everyone is willing to wait! "

Hearing here, Fang Bai roughly understood that the sky star field is like a small world, especially the sky star is sealed, it is like a broken star field, like the barbarity of the year.

The God King will naturally choose to leave for a stronger star field.

But the rule mentioned by King Yu Shen, Fang Bai was a little confused. Is there a rule he didn't know?

Hearing Fang Bai's doubts, King Yu Shen smiled, "Do you know why the war with the Protoss ceased?"

Fang Bai also couldn't understand this point. The existence of the deity is a deadly threat to the human race. It is the best choice for the human race when the deity is weak.

Putting hope on God's promise and keeping promises is simply self-defeating!

No matter if the deity will repent, the human race should not accept this, unless it is helpless, or?

Fang Bai remembered the rumor, "Does the Terran really belong to the Protoss?"


King Yu Shen looked puzzled, and immediately laughed loudly, and the smiling Fang Bai was embarrassed. It seems that this question is stupid enough.

After a long time, King Yu Shen's face gradually dignified, "Whether the rumor is true or not, do you think that if this is the case, the human race would be in such a miserable situation? So where did the flooded human race come from?"

"There is only one reason for the truce, and no one can help God!"

Fang Bai wondered: "Since no one can help God, why should the protoss cease war?"

King Yu Shen laughed, "Because God can do nothing to anyone."


As Fang Bai smiled bitterly, King Yu Yu continued: "The deity is extremely weak, but he realizes a law, the law of space!"

The law of space?

Fang Bai has never heard of this rule, nor has he even seen it. He couldn't help thinking of the space jump in the flood season, but he knew it was not the case.

Space jump is simple to say, it is to move back and forth between the world and the void space. To be simpler is to take shortcuts, but this does not work in the sky star field.

For example, in a small world, the saints can break the sky and tear in the void, but in the sky field, the **** king cannot do this even if he has the power to destroy the planet.

The basic point is that the sky star field is a complete star field, and the small world is like a bubble, and the void is the diaphragm of the bubble, so this is the case.


Uno space has no limit; Zhou is time, there is no beginning and no end.

The most difficult thing to think about is space and time. The deities even realize the laws of space. So, isn't it an invincible existence?

Fang Bai finally understood why the armistice was the only opportunity for the human race.


Fang Bai suddenly realized that something was wrong. If that was the case, even if Honghuang had evolved into a complete star field, even if he had achieved the deity, what was the significance of it?

Suddenly, the mood of despair spreads, and seeing hope is the most desperate!

I think that if you can achieve the deity, you can fight against the deity of the tribe. It turns out that everything is nothing.

"wake up!"

The thunder exploded in his ears, Fang Bai's body shook, and he looked up at King Yu Shen, and cold sweat fell down, which was dangerous.

To this day, Fang Bai asks himself that his heart is not worse than anyone else. Who would have expected that when he heard this, his heart was almost out of order. If it wasn't for the timely reminder of King Yu Shen, the consequences would be unimaginable.

King Yu Shen coldly glanced at, "Remember, don't give up at any time, let alone the deity is not as strong as you think. If you see the outside world, you will understand this truth, the universe is more exciting than you think! "

Fang Bai was secretly ashamed in his heart. How many people died in order to protect him and shoulder the future of the human race, how could he give up lightly?

No matter how strong the deity of the Protoss is, you must strive to grow and defeat it!

"Senior, I want to leave the star field." Fang Bai said in a deep voice, Tianmang star field is the land of the protoss. It is impossible to grow here to defeat the protoss. Since the outer star is stronger, he will Go try it.

There was a strange gleam in King Yu Shen's eyes, "It's not the time, what do you do when you leave Honghuang?"

Fang Bai frowned slightly. The problem was that he didn't make any sense to stay. The Daomen League would really like to start against Hong Huang, and it would not wait until today.


Fang Bai also wanted to speak, and the King of God Yu interrupted him immediately. "You leave now is not good for Hong Huang. Besides, you have not yet broken through the King of God, there is no need to leave. When you think you can no longer improve here, old man Never reluctantly! "

"Thank you senior!"

If you think about it, King Yu Shen said that it makes sense to leave now, not to mention that there is a bit of letting go of Hong Huang in my heart.

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