Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2084: repel

Boom boom!

The thunder was rolling, the sky was violent, and the ten **** kings were at war.

In the distance, the three hundred **** kings stood and watched, and this battle was no longer relevant to them.

The ancestor of Jiuyang took the lead and couldn't hold it. He was defeated by King Yu Shen again and made him unacceptable. He roared, echoed the starry sky, and the sun was shining.

There was a slight disdain in the corner of King Yu Shen's mouth. In the face of this old opponent, he could hardly be familiar.

"Why, run?"

The ancestors of Jiuyang will never desperate anytime, anywhere, and will never put themselves in danger!

The rules of the five elements passed through the void, crushing them like a bamboo, while the rules of the extreme sun burst, Jiuyang's ancestor shot backwards and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


When the ancient classics looked bad, they drank loudly, turned and galloped, and continued to fight.

The crystal of condensing the rules was a long process, and Fang Bai gradually calmed down.

Hurry but not!

After this war, the human race has completely declared division. Both sides are in a tightly packed force. Only the stronger party can represent the human race. There is no justice for power!

No one ever imagined that in the process of the two sides competing for contention, the silent Fang Bai played a decisive role!

The reason is simple. Standing on the side of Captain Beiming and King Yu God, the deity has belonged to it, and supports a deity that has not yet broken through the **** king? Not everyone is willing.

Standing on the side of the ancient scriptures and Makino is different, the position of deity is vacant, and they also have the opportunity to compete.

Fighting for divinity depends on strength, but sometimes luck is also crucial.

Can you come to this step of the law, which one is not confident in yourself?

The situation was almost one-sided, leaving twelve rules to become the **** king, eight chose to stand on the side of Gu Jingtian and Makino, and two chose Captain Beiming and King Yu.

The remaining two remained neutral and ignored!

The strong stand on the team, and the weak naturally know how to choose. The strength of the two sides is further expanded, and the situation is getting worse.

Six months later, Ice Star.

The seven figures stood in the world of ice and snow, their expressions were even colder than this world.

There are more than two hundred figures standing in the distance. This is all of them.

Captain Beiming looked uncertain, and things were gradually getting out of his control. Even if he changed his mind now, it was too late.

If you tear your face completely, what other scruples do those people have?

King Yu Shen was thinking, as if hesitating.

The wind was wrapped in snowflakes, and the white world was dead.


I don't know how long, the sigh sounded from Captain Beiming's mouth, and then looked back, Shen said: "When the human race is in danger, can you revive the human race?

King Yu Shen said: "The King of the Underworld does not need to worry about it, and they can't make any big waves with them."

Despite being at a disadvantage, the initiative is still in their hands and can go back and forth. As long as Fang Bai is safe and sound, what about Gu Jingtian and Jiuyang?

Captain Beiming smiled bitterly: "I worry about the Protoss!"

Peaceful coexistence is built on the premise of strength. If the strength of the human race is greatly damaged, even if the deity does not take the shot, he will not be able to fight against the protoss. Will it coexist peacefully?

The Protoss seal still has such strong strength for 900,000 years. How strong will the Protoss be in the future?

In comparison, Gu Jingtian, Jiuyang and others are not worth mentioning!

"What is King Beiming's plan?" King Yu Shen said in a sigh.

"What are you going to do now?" Captain Beiming said lightly: "It depends on how far he can go, how fast he can go!"

At this moment, Fang Bai is still slowly and orderly condensing the crystals of the law. He never imagined that the situation would deteriorate to such a degree, and there was no time to think about it.

After this war, Fang Bai was reminded that Tianmang Starfield was not safe and could not gain a foothold in Tianmang Starfield in a short time.

Hong Huang was his foundation, and nothing could happen. Luo Xingtang returned to Hong Huang to hold on.

Tang Yimu, Jian Jingtian, Ying Muyu and others continued to comprehend the rules with him. Being stronger is the only constant truth!

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