Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2065: Law of space

The sky star battle is getting more and more fierce, and you can feel it across the distant starry sky.

Fang Bai looked in shock and finally realized how big the gap between the planet and the world was.

Changed the world, even the floods, have long since collapsed under this war.

Not far away, the Protoss and Yuzu army seemed to be about to start a war again, but with Zuo Danqing sitting, no one dared to act rashly.

Rules are always dead, and man is alive!


Celestial star turned the earth upside down, but in the origin of Celestial star, it was calm.

The air of chaos permeated, and a figure sat cross-legged, exuding the ancient vicissitudes all around.

The long purple hair was gray, the old face was rusty, the air of chaos tumbling, and the momentum of the whole body climbed slowly and orderly.

If you observe carefully, you will find that over time, the gray hair gradually dissipates, and the skin also becomes energetic, and it seems to be younger.

Suddenly, the old man with purple hair opened his eyes violently. The purple brilliance shone, penetrated the void, and went straight to the distance.

The voice had just fallen, and the majestic thoughts swept across, and then the celestial star was a sensation!

The human race **** king pulled back and rushed towards the place of origin. The **** race, feather race, and demon race king strong men hurried to kill later.

"Now come, come out!"

The old man with purple hair slowly got up and stood with his hands on his shoulders.

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A shadow emerged from the gray void, Shen said, "You are God?"

The old man with purple hair said faintly: "Why do you know why, aren't you here for the old man?"

There is a human deity king who has a cloudy and uncertain face. In the face of the deity, it is inevitable that he will be a little hesitant.

"Don't make mysterious things, you will die today!"

"is it?"

The old man with purple hair smiled, "It doesn't seem that my husband is making a fool of mystery, but you are afraid!"


The Terran King laughed and said, "Why is the old man afraid?"

The old man with purple hair said lightly, "Then you don't do it yet?"

In the face of God, God King, how can we not be afraid?

Knowing that the deity is no longer the courage of the past, he is still a little uneasy.

The old man with purple hair smiled and said, "If you don't do anything, you won't have a chance."

When the King of Human Race heard the words, the more hesitant he was, the majestic thoughts swept past him, and it seemed to be necessary to find out his truth and hesitation.

"You are really scared!" The old man with purple hair smiled even more.


The human **** Wang Leng hummed, looked up distantly, followed by a majestic divine thought, and immediately rejoiced, "Your end is here."


The words fell, the weather spread, the laws of water exploded, and the waves rolled, but they did not rush to attack.

The old man with purple hair stood there quietly, looking away with a smile and anxiety.

"Do it!"

As the streamer flew, a cold drink sounded, the sword sword cut across the sky, and the law of the sword filled the Quartet.


The water waves finally moved, like a river galloping, rushing towards the old man with purple hair.

"not bad!"

The old man with purple hair smiled faintly. When Jian Mang and the water wave came to kill, his body flickered, and he appeared again a hundred miles away. He murmured, "Unfortunately, you can't kill the old man with your strength. . "

Boom boom!

The turbulent weather approached from all directions, and more than a dozen figures gathered in an instant. There was no nonsense at the meeting, and the war broke out.

The old man with purple hair stood in the distance, watching the two sides at war silently, indifferently.

"Protect Your Holiness!"

The sound waves came from far and near, and Daodao appeared, some killed towards the old man with purple hair, and some stayed around the old man with purple hair, and the violent laws roared.

The old man with purple hair frowned slightly and said lightly, "Go, the old man doesn't need your protection."


"go with!"

The old man with purple hair said indifferently, no doubt.


Protoss God King strong, rushed forward, fighting together.

The place of origin boiled instantly, and the number of people came to an end. The number soared, and almost a blink of an eye broke through the hundred people, and all this continued.

The old man with purple hair was standing in the void, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

"Despicable people, **** it!"

The thunderous sound rang, a figure screamed and landed in front of the old man with purple hair, respectfully chanting: "To disturb His Holiness cultivation, guilty!"

Looking at the gray-haired old man, the purple-haired old man smiled slightly, "It's all old age, say these useless things, go!"


The white-haired old man turned around, killing himself, and said arbitrarily, "Fuckling people, don't let go of one." The voice fell, and he went forward with lightning.

"A big breath!"

A hearty laughter came, and two figures blinked to death. One was Captain Beiming, and the other was a woman in white fluttering and cold expression.

The eyes of the two fell on the old man with purple hair at the same time, and suddenly flashed, "Finally found you."

"You have good luck!" The old man with purple hair said lightly: "It can still be good enough. If you put it a hundred years ago, you might have succeeded. Now, you can't."

"is it?"

Captain Beiming whispered coldly: "I want to try."

"If you listen to respect!" The old man with purple hair smiled slightly.


The words of Captain Beiming fell, and the two quickly killed them.

"Dare you!"

The white-haired old man was furious and hurried away.

Just listen to the old man with purple hair said lightly: "Do what you should do, the old man is not as unbearable as you think." Facing the power of violent rules, the old man with purple hair smiled and faced.

"Holy Lord ..."

The old man with white hair was stunned immediately. He couldn't just watch someone besiege the deity, and he didn't dare to disobey his order.

"not bad!"

God said with a smile, his body flickered suddenly, and he retreated thousands of miles away.

"this is…"

Captain Beiming's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but stun: "Is it the law of space!"


God respectfully wondered: "However, I have a bit of insight. I still have to thank the people for speaking. It is boring to be trapped here. I came up with some gadgets and laughed."

Captain Beiming's eyes were drawn fiercely, his face became extremely ugly!

Jinmu Shuihuo soil is five elements, there are yin and yang wind and thunder outside the five elements, but this is not the whole of martial arts, but also evolved some more partial rules.

For example, the law of ice, the law of life and death, the law of heaven and earth ...

But the most terrifying is not these, but the laws of space and time!


Uno infinite space, Zhou is infinite time!

Space and time represent everything!

This is a restricted area!

Although he lives by himself and enjoys an endless life span, there are still things that cannot be touched, such as space and time!

Those who can understand space and time are worthy of being called gods!

Only in this way can you do everything and do whatever you want!

But these are legends. They have never been seen, and no legend has even spread.


The gods and kings have continually gathered, and in a short time, they have exceeded the number of thousands, and the war has become increasingly fierce.

Captain Beiming looked at the deity, and seemed to have forgotten the purpose of the trip and forgotten the fight.

The laws of space are appalling!

"He hasn't really understood the laws of space." The woman in white said indifferently.

"What?" Captain Beiming looked puzzled.

The woman in white said faintly: "Only in the sky star, he can do it, leaving here, he can't do it."


God smiled and said, "How did you see that?" There was nothing more than admitting that this was true.

"Guess!" The woman in white said lightly.


Deity froze slightly, then immediately laughed: "Okay, good guess, Terran has such interesting people, a little interesting."

Speaking of this, the deity sighed and murmured: "How difficult is the law of space, the old man did not get through, but it doesn't matter, it is more than enough to deal with you."


The woman in white shook her head and said, "You can protect yourself, it won't hurt you, at least for a long time."

God respectfully smiled, "Little girl is a little bit interesting, and you see through it, then you still want to hit the old man?"

"Of course!" Said the woman in white.

"Why?" Divine wondered.

The woman in white said: "I can't give you time to recover, when the human race is in danger!"


God sighed: "What you said makes sense, the old man thought he could save a little energy, but now it seems impossible. But you better think about it for them, it is not easy to break through the God King, and it is too much to die here. unfortunately."

The woman in white said indifferently: "Don't worry about God."


God smiled, "Are you ready?"

"Do it!"

The voice of the woman in white fell, the sky was shrouded in frost and frost, and the snow and ice blocked the world. Only the captain Beiming passed by and quickly killed the god.

"Why bother?"

God shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then disappeared.

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