Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2063: massacre

The assault of the Yao tribe is a double-edged sword. While hitting the morale of the humans severely, it gave Fang Bai a shot.

Blessing is misfortune!

However, it is definitely a disaster for the human race!

Quite simply, the demon clan covers the sky, nearly 100,000 troops, and Fang Bai has only one person.

What's more, can the demons only have strong men of this level to fight?

"This kid is weird!"

There was a rage from the strong demons, who apparently only had one person, but they killed or killed a dozen people in an instant. These were not ordinary demons, but powerful awakened talents.

Immediately there was a scream of the Demon Clan, and the first battle was not good. It was worth it, and he vowed to kill Fang Bai!

Boom boom!

The monstrous spirits swept through, and the crowds in the distance also noticed that there was movement here, some people were happy and some were worried.

The Terran Army is overjoyed, as long as Fang Bai's shot can relieve many pressures, at least a glimmer of hope is seen.

The Protoss and Yushou army cursed secretly, and finally kicked Fang Bai out of the fight. The demons suddenly got into him, and it was too late to say anything now.

Will a dozen monsters be killed or injured? Is Fang Bai willing to stop taking the opportunity?

Fortunately, even without the demon tribe, the protoss and feather tribe still have the upper hand and simply ignore him.

Even if the tens of thousands of demons can't destroy Fang Bai, there is no problem in dragging?

Kill kill!

The shouting and killing sounds soared into the sky, Guanghua lased, thunder rolled, and blood flew across.

Fang Bai's expression was cold, the crystals of the rule in Aoki Ding turned, and the force of the violent rule radiated to the Quartet.

Under the blessing of the rule of wind, although it is not as strong as the rule, it has exceeded the limit of the rule to enter the room, and with his powerful flesh, it is a humanoid monster.

Wherever he went, the blood was raining, and the huge bodies were either planted in the air or exploded and turned into a blood rain.

I saw a figure galloping past, blood shining around.


The hearty laugh echoed the Quartet, "The demon tribe dared to arrogantly with this strength, it was a self-death!"

"kill him!"

The angry roar echoed the starry sky, too fast, so that the demons had almost no time to react, and dozens of strong men died.

He was hit so hard at the beginning of the war, completely angering the demons, and no longer cared about the army of human races, and killed one after another.

Suddenly, more than a thousand figures surrounded Fang Baituan, some of them showed their bodies, and some of them were still human figures. No matter what form they were, they were all exuberant monsters, covering the sky!

Bang Bang!

The roar kept ringing, and a faint figure could be seen swiftly galloping, and then a scream came, and the blood-red light bloomed and chaotically.

"This kid has a weird body!"

Finally, a demon tribe came to realize that no one could withstand such a terrible attack, unless his flesh was stronger.

The physical strength of the demon tribe is absolutely terrible, and it is clearly a human race in front of it. How can it be stronger than them?


Fang Bai laughed: "It's too stupid to see it now."

On the strength of the flesh, unless the demon clan appears as a god-level powerhouse, Fang Bai asks himself that no one can be beaten.

The speed increase is extreme. Shuttles like lightning. There is no other way for the demon clan except for slaughter.

Soon, more than two hundred people of the Yao Clan died in battle, but they could not hurt Fang Baifen, and realized that this is not the way to go. Is it possible that everyone will die?

"Friends of the Protoss and the Yus, please help."

The protoss and Yu tribe over there heard the words and almost yelled out loudly, causing this scourge without saying, now they want to drag them into the water?

If it weren't for the sake of the overall situation, I would have been scolded.

"Don't worry about him, come back!" Someone yelled, after all, it was the alliance, letting it go is no way out.

The Mozuki stunned for a moment, what is this?

An ambush against the human race, leaving one person alone, is there such a thing?

"Dead to death?"

The demon tribe's mind suddenly raised a thought, could it be that the protoss and Yu tribe could not die?

"The tribe listened to the order and besieged this person!" There was a demon tribe strong man, yelling.

The demon army retreated like a tide, whistling and killing Fang Bai.

"A bunch of idiots!"

The Protoss and Yu tribe were so angry that they caused Fang Bai to die. Now they do n’t know how to repent and take more people to death. How can those people deal with it?

"Come back, leave him alone!"

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Some people from the Protoss drank loudly and watched the demons go to death.

At this time, the spirit of the demon tribe burned with anger, hated Fang Bai to kill countless people, hated the protoss, and the Yu tribe to die, but where would they bother him?

Seeing the monster army screaming and killing, nearly 100,000 troops surrounded him, Fang Bai was not surprised.

"Are there such things?"

The smile on Fang Bai's mouth grew stronger, and Zhengchou couldn't share the people's race. He didn't expect the opportunity to be brought to the door like this, and laughed: "Good job, some kind of fight me!"

The voice dropped, the speed soared, and shuttles like lightning. Wherever you passed, flesh and blood flew, and no one could stop it!

Roar Roar!


The demons are completely red-eyed. Where have they suffered such humiliation?

Obviously a human who entered the room with such a rule, but has such powerful strength, besieged by nearly 100,000 troops, still let him kill the Quartet, where is the demon face?

For a long time, the demon tribe didn't look down on the human race. After all, the demon tribe had a strong power at birth. As long as it grew up smoothly, its strength would not be too bad.

The demons regard this as the gift of heaven, the glory of the race!

Human races are different. Human races are too weak at birth. They are weak and unable to survive without care.

Because of this, the demon clan has always felt that they are the favor of the creator.

The human race multiplies quickly, the number doubles, and it rules the star domain. It stabilizes the demons and makes the demons more dissatisfied.

At this moment, the anger of the demon tribe was completely aroused, and I felt ashamed. Where would I go?

"kill him!"

Roars, growls, shouts, and screams are all in a mess.

Nearly 100,000 troops were killed by one person, and the situation is commendable!

Fang Bai's mouth sneered again and again. Compared to the Protoss, the Yu and the Demons were more offensive!

Once the Protoss is allowed to rule the star domain, all races will be enslaved. Even the Yus and Demons can't escape, just better than the humans.

At that time, the human race fought back, their spirits were commendable, they could sing or cry!

Now that the Protoss are born, the Yus and Demons do not stand on the side of the humans to resist together. They even act as protagonists' accomplices. Let's kill!

The assistant is abusive, even more hateful!

Since the monsters are dying, let them die!

Roar Roar!

The roar and roar mixed together, the blood had already stained the starry sky, Fang Bai couldn't remember how many people he had killed, and a ring of Qiankun had already been filled with Yaodan.

The huge, **** Yaodan still exudes monstrous anger, but there are no signs of life.

Rather than a battle, it is a massacre. No one can resist Fang Bai, even if dozens of demons rushed together, it is difficult to escape the fate of death.

The Protoss and Yus in the distance looked anxiously, and with the help of the Demon, the situation would be very different.

Going on like this, the army of nearly 100,000 monsters was afraid to confess in the hands of Fang Bai, and hurriedly brought the cause and effect to the monsters.

Just do n’t know, the demon clan gets angry when they hear such news!

This time the anger is not toward Fang Bai, but towards the Protoss and Yus!

Watching the demons suffered such heavy losses, they told the truth and what do they think of the demons?

Looking at Fang Bai who was madly smashing, the Yaozu realized that this is not the way to go, but it is better to give Fang Bai to the strong.


The roar resounded, the demon retreating like a tide, but some were unwilling to kill Fang Bai, who was still fearless, and Fang Bai naturally wanted it.

"Why anxious to leave?"

Fang Bai flew across the volley all the way, Feng Blade cut one by one huge bodies, and rushed towards the army of monsters again.

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