Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2060: Deity

Inside the hall, the atmosphere was dignified.

Captain Beiming frowned, glanced up at the thirteen people present, and murmured, "Do you have nothing to say?"

Everyone looked at each other, and after a long time, someone said, "The King of the Underworld means, does the Protoss exist?"

"What do you think?" Captain Beiming asked no more.


The man who spoke said hesitantly: "If there is such a existence, I am afraid that there is no need for World War I, and the Protoss will not be so exhausted."

The gods nodded deeply, and really wanted to exist like that, so what are they still fighting?

"There must be!"

Bei Ming Captain Shen said: "Fang Bai is right. In addition to that existence, what else can make the sage desperate to that extent? At the cost of so many lives, seal!"


The King of God took a breath of air, and his face changed greatly. "If this is the case, we are afraid to leave the star domain immediately."

Captain Beiming said indifferently: "It may not be so, don't forget that the heaven and earth have been sealed for 900,000 years. Ordinary gods may not be affected, but what about him?"

When the gods heard the words, their eyes brightened, and they suddenly realized, "What does the king of the north underworld mean?"


Captain Beiming nodded and said, "Once you gain great strength, you will also leave flaws. The sages should have thought of this and chose to seal in this way. We still have a chance."

At this moment, a dissonant voice sounded, "What are you talking about?"

Everyone in the hall looked at him with a brushed look, his eyes were full of doubts, and he was talking about an old man with a low-browed eyebrow. At the moment, his old face was reddish, and everyone knew it, but he didn't understand it, and his face was really unsustainable.

"Did King Pei not hear the deity?" Captain Beiming said in a deep voice.

"Respect for God?" The old man's face turned red, and he shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Where is the domain master?" Captain Beiming said again.


The old man exclaimed: "Do you mean that the Protoss has a domain owner? Impossible, impossible, how is this possible!"

God! Domain Master!

Different names refer to the same kind of existence, the Supreme King of God, the Lord of Stars!

The evolution of a star field is a long process. No one knows how the star field evolved. Some just speculate.

The most accepted one is that the star field comes from chaos. After the chaos big bang, the four sides were scattered, and the scattered chaos gradually formed a world after countless years.

The most powerful of the chaos, the world evolved is also the strongest, regarded as the center of all worlds.

The point is not the center of the location, but the root cause!

When the world evolved into a planet, it was another big change in the world. The most powerful world, logically, became the most powerful planet, and it was also the center of the star field.

The spirits who refine this world and planet will be called domain masters!

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is called the deity!

God King!

The Protoss dominate the star domain. Depending on the strength in front of them, there must be a stronger hole card, which is God.

Only the deity can make people despair to seal with life.

Only the Protoss who dominate the astral domain will have a god.

Only the deity can make the Yu tribe willingly attach to the protoss, and dare not challenge!

The atmosphere in the hall was heavy to the extreme. Although it was based on speculation and without any basis, it should be the truth closest to the truth.


Someone said, suddenly stopped, thinking of Fang Bai.

Captain Beiming slowly said: "Don't worry, although God is strong, but the flaws are also obvious. Although sealed for so many years, although it will not die, our strength will be greatly reduced. This is our opportunity.

"So, we must defeat the Protoss before the revival of the deity!"

The gods nodded gently, this is indeed the only opportunity and hope for the human race.

There should be no mistake in guessing, otherwise, why did it not appear when the protoss nest was killed?

If you think about it, the protoss may not be guessing that the human race will attack the old nest, I am afraid it is protecting the deity.

In this way, everything makes sense.

Captain Beiming glanced over the crowd, Shen said, "You invite all the **** kings that can be contacted back, so that you can start the battle and destroy the protoss."

"it is good!"

The kings of the gods nodded, got up and left the hall, and left.

There are only two people in the hall, Captain Beiming and the woman in white.

"What did he do?" The woman in white said suddenly.


Captain Beiming froze slightly, his eyes looked complicated, and after a long time, he murmured, "It's not the time, in case things change, he is our only hope."

The woman in white said lightly, "You are not sure?"

Captain Beiming heard the words, his eyes flashed, his intentions flashed, "It's not the time yet."

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"Don't you be afraid he's growing too fast? One day you can't cope?" The woman in white continued.

Captain Beiming smiled, "We all know how difficult it is, aren't we?"

The woman in white opened her mouth, stopped talking, stood up and left the hall, leaving, leaving the complex look in Captain Beiming's eyes.

Celestial star.

One of the largest stars in the star field, none of them!

Ninety million years ago, this star field was called the sky star field, a star field under the rule of the Protoss.

The war of 900,000 years ago, while erasing the Protoss, also erased all the marks of the Celestial Star. No one knows the existence of the Protoss, nor does anyone know the existence of the Celestial Star, and no one remembers it. The star field was once called the sky star field.

Somewhere in the sky, the dark hall is majestic, and a statue stands in front of the hall.

It was a handsome young man with long purple hair shawl, purple eyes looking down at the earth, full of compassion.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the hall. The seats on the middle platform were empty, and everyone sat on both sides.

The white-haired old man sat in the first place on the left side, his solemn gaze glanced over, and when he fell on the man with purple hair, he paused, then looked at the figure wrapped in the black robe, and said lightly, "What do you think the purpose of the human race is?"

A soft voice came from the black shadow, "Are you worried that the Terrans are coming towards the Lord?"

"I have to worry."

The old man with white hair sighed, "I do n’t know how much the human race knows. Besides, many powerful people have stepped out of the star field these years, and they will surely hear some news. I am afraid this cannot be concealed."

"What are you afraid of?"

The man with purple hair dismissed: "What kind of power can the Terran strength turn over, we can easily annihilate without the distraction of the respected."

The white-haired old man frowned lightly, dissatisfied with the words: "Whether light or heavy, can't you tell?"

"old man!"

The purple-haired man had to continue talking, and immediately noticed that a cold gaze came from the shadow, and he kept silent for a moment, as if he was very afraid.

"What do you mean?" Heiying said softly.

The white-haired old man Shen said: "Shrink all strength and stick to the sky."

The temple was silent for a moment.

After a long time, Heiying whispered softly, "Is this not the same as telling the people?"

The old man with white hair sighed: "I know this too, but it is also helpless. Presumably the human race also guessed. There is nothing to cover up. The most important thing now is to ensure that the Supreme Master can't have an accident, and nothing else. important."

"it is good!"

Hei Ying responded softly, "Who has any different opinions?"

Everyone nodded, who would comment on this matter?

Not long after, the Protoss ordered to spread out, the Protoss contracted on a large scale, and the strong gathered in the sky.

After the war, suddenly fell into peace, the entire Tianmang star domain, quiet!

Time doesn't stop flowing because of calmness, but makes people feel faster.

Maybe the next war is the one that determines the ownership of the star domain!

The Protoss, the Yus, and the Terras are all waiting for the battle!

At this moment, Fang Bai is also working hard to improve his strength, and will definitely be deliberately targeted in the next war.

The crystals of the wind attribute rule operate in the Aoki tripod, the fierce wind rule fills the body, and the crystals of the wind attribute rule are added in the royal wind tripod.

Come on! Come in! Xiaocheng!

As far as Fang Bai is too far away, I just want to break through Xiaocheng as soon as possible, even if it is the peak of entering the room. At least, when facing the rule of Xiaocheng strong, he has the strength to protect himself.

The powerful benefits of the physical body are obvious. Not only does it increase the speed of refining, it also has more confidence when facing the enemy.

At this point, Fang Bai thought of his flesh!

Now surely it has not reached the level of the **** king, then, is there any saying that the body broke through the **** king?

A new road needs to be opened by itself. Why not try it?

Jiu Ju Ba Jiu ran immediately, the law of the wind flowed towards the flesh, the divine thoughts scattered to every corner of the body, not to miss even the slightest change.

I do not know how long, Fang Bai's mouth showed a smile.

The effect is almost imperceptible, but it is still there.

In other words, the road of refining and refining can continue.

This discovery made Fang Bai very excited. The crystals of the Five Elements Law were sent to Aoki Ding at the same time, and he used them with one heart and one heart. The strength of his current spirit is not a problem at all.

The strength of the body is slowly increasing, the crystals of the law are continuously sent to Yufeng Ding, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Zuo Danqing came once and talked for a long time without leaving much information, but Fang Bai still heard something extraordinary.

The King of God left the astral domain with no intention.

But Zuo Danqing refused to say that Fang Bai was also difficult to follow up.

As time flies, Fang Bai is accelerating at a rate of condensing 16 crystals of the wind attribute law every year. Such a terrible speed is unheard of.

The physical body is also increasing with time, and its strength has changed dramatically.

The star field is surprisingly calm, and the peace is a bit scary.

For the whole forty years, the Protoss, Feathers and Terrans are still waiting for nothing.

At this time, the crystals of Fang Bai's internal wind attribute rule had reached 999, and then it was the rule Xiaocheng.

Such a horrible speed is unheard of.

But there is a question before Fang Bai's eyes. Is it the rule of breaking the wind or the rule of swords?

The rule of Xiaocheng is not so simple, no one can be sure when the war will break out, maybe the next moment, maybe a century or a thousand years later.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Bai decided to break the sword rule.

The reason is simple, he is more accustomed to using the law of swords.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity to break through, the strength will definitely be a higher level!

Thinking of the breakthrough of the wind rule, Fang Bai knew exactly what he should do, and a crystal of the top quality rule of swords was sent to Aoki Ding without hesitation.

When the Aoki tripod was running, the law of the sword screamed and swelled. Before changing, the body could not feel meditation at all, but now it is different!

Numerous sword awns floated around the body, and the law of the sword screamed. Fang Bai stood on his knees and remained motionless, but his body was turned upside down.

If you want to break through, you must condense the crystals of the previous laws. A large number of sword laws are pressed on the Aoki tripod, surrounded by the crystals of the ninety-nine sword attribute laws.

Bang Bang!

There was a rumbling in the body, Fang Bai's eyes closed tightly, Jiu Juba's body tactics operated at the same time, and he continued to condense the body.

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