Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2050: Two swords

Protoss, Yuzu, Terran, the three parties confront each other!

The four major races in the Starfield are the only lacking demons. As for the other races, the number is scarce and negligible.

The Protoss and the Yus are not in a hurry to attack. The human race is famous in the star domain, and the Protoss feel the same.

The human race did not take the initiative to attack, the legendary reputation of the protoss is daunting, and they dare not take risks easily.

"It turns out the Terrans are still a bunch of waste!"

There was some wildness in the indifferent words. It was the purple-haired man who said coldly. The disdainful gaze swept through the air, and the gods were silent.

Captain Beiming frowned slightly. "What do you think?"

"Exterminate the feathers!" Zuo Danqing said in a deep voice.

The number of the Yu tribe is small, but their strength is not weak. This is a big variable. If the Yu tribe can be destroyed in a war, it will not only improve the morale of the human race, but also a blow to the protoss.

More importantly, if the protoss ride down, if not, it will certainly make the Yus chill.

By then, the situation will be very beneficial to the human race!

"it is good!"

Captain Beiming cried out: "Dear everyone, for the sake of the human race, kill the old man!"

The Terran Army was slamming, approaching the Yu race slowly, and Luo Xingmen controlled the formation without any disorder.

The Yu tribe was a little flustered, and the army was moving closer to the protoss, but the protoss did not move at all and waited for it!

When the Terran army approached, the Yu race had gathered with the Protoss, but this did not affect the Terran strategy.


The army continued to move forward, and the situation was now clear. The protoss and Yu tribe would not move unless the tribe took the initiative to break the situation.

This is not the full strength of the Protoss. With the passage of time, the strong Protoss scattered in the stars have returned one after another, and the situation has become increasingly unfavorable to the human race.

It seems to be in a siege. In fact, it is not so bad. The protoss guess that the tribe will attack, but they cannot guess that the whole tribe will attack. This is an opportunity.


In the Protoss army, the white-haired old man drank in a deep voice, and the sound spread through the stars. The morale of the Protoss army soared, and the murderous intentions came together.

This will be a fierce battle!

The army of human races kept approaching. When approaching the hundred miles, the killing intentions condensed to the extreme. The killing intentions of the three-party army were intertwined in the stars and a brilliant firework bloomed.

"Why, Terran is coming to a war of extermination?" The indifferent voice of the white-haired old man echoed.

In such a situation, the war will annihilate the entire army, no matter who wins.

If the King of God fights with real fire, all of them will be killed under the King of God!

By that time, the vast expanse of stars would no longer be able to see the trace of the gods, and no one could accept such a loss.

"What do you want?"

In the light of Captain Beiming's indifference, making this gesture is an expression of the determination of the human race. Of course, he does not want the situation of the annihilation of the entire army to occur, and it has gathered most of the strong stars in the human race.

"Bing to Bing, will be against General!" Said the gray-haired old man lightly.

Dividing by cultivation is undoubtedly a good way. The absolute gap in cultivation will cause a massacre. Such a battle is meaningless, even if it is the final winner.


Captain Beiming smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then it's better to go above the rules to fight, how about it?"

"it is good!"

The old man with white hair did not hesitate to agree, the biggest difference between the gods is the law. Gods who do not understand the law are in front of the **** who understands the law.

"Back down!"

Captain Beiming swayed at will, the army of human races moved, and the gods below the law continued to retreat, thousands of miles away.

The same is true of the Protoss and the Yus. The army almost returned to the planet behind it. It had nothing to do with them before the battle was divided.

As a result, the situation suddenly changed, and the number of armies on both sides dropped sharply. There were still more than 15,000 people on the Terran side, and the Protoss and Yu races combined only had more than 12,000.

The number of gods is almost twice that of the Protoss and Feathers, but only 3,000 more are stronger than the rule.

I have to say that the Protoss and the Yus are really strong!

"Before the war, help me, who will fight me!"

The words fell, and the army of the Yu race rushed out of the figure, their wings flickered, and they fell like lightning, landing in the middle of the battlefield, cold eyes.

"You go!"

At this moment, Fang Baishihai sounded Zuo Danqing's voice.

Fang Bai froze for a moment, he now enters the room with a veritable law, it is unreasonable to see that the other person's breath is the law.

Of course, if he deliberately hides the law of the wind, the other party will not see it, and there is no problem.

Just as he hesitated, a figure rushed out.

There was no bullshit, and the battle rang.

Get started, the strength is clear at a glance, both are on the law, but the strength of the Yu race is undoubtedly stronger.

At first I saw the battle of the Yus in the Blue Sea Star, and my strength really shouldn't be underestimated.

The battle was only a short while, Fang Bai frowned slightly. In this battle, the human race will lose!

At this point, Shi Hai sounded Zuo Danqing's voice again, "Don't worry, no one can see without using the rules of the wind."

Fang Bai nodded gently, and on the premise of not using the rules of the wind, he is the rule to go to court, there is nothing wrong.

Zuo Danqing repeatedly asked him to play, it must have another meaning.

Boom boom!

At that moment, the man really couldn't hold it anymore, and abruptly withdrew, and then the Yuzu chased after him, laughing, "It turned out to be a coward!"

The Terrans suddenly felt dumb. It was one thing to lose and another thing to lose, but they couldn't watch him die.


The feathers of the Yu tribe fluttered lightly and flew across like lightning. In a blink of an eye, it was too late for the man to escape, only to turn back to death.

Bang Bang!

After a series of blows, the flesh and blood flew violently, leaving only the soul to escape.

The first battle was defeated, and the Terran army looked very unsightly.

At this moment, Fang Baijing rushed straight out, coldly swept away, and said lightly: "You are not my opponent, change for another person."


The Yu family at war was a middle-aged man, and his cold eyes flashed murderous sneer, sneer: "The human race is just a bunch of waste, and the tone is not small."

Fang Bai said indifferently: "If you can pick me up and be undefeated, you will win."

The human race has lost a game, and there is an urgent need to improve morale. Fang Bai only gave himself a chance to defeat him.


The middle-aged man of the Yu ethnic group laughed and said, "It's a big tone. You can beat me with a sword, and you will have a head on your head, and you will give it in your arms."

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"it is good!"

Fang Bai smiled, "Be careful, I'm here to fetch your head."

At the same time as the voice fell, the swordman rose behind him, followed by thirty crystals of the attribute rule of the lower grade sword in Aoki tripod, and the rule of sword howled.

"Enter the law?"

The middle-aged man of the Yu tribe changed his face slightly, and immediately realized that it was not right. This was not the force of law to enter the room.


Fang Bai didn't want to do more entanglement, one sword cut across the sky, and the law of the sword, howling the starry sky.


The middle-aged man of the Yu ethnic group drank in anger, his wings trembled, and the whole body swept through the wind, which is a rule of the wind.

The Yu people are born with wings, and they have an absolute advantage in speed. Cultivating the rules of the wind is even more powerful.

Unfortunately, he met Fang Bai!

Although the rule of the sword did not enter the room, with the cooperation of Qingmu Ding, he already had the strength to fight the room.

The Jianmang roared and chopped, and the wind was ripped instantly. Only a sound of exclamation sounded and a blood flower bloomed. The middle-aged man of the Yu ethnic group turned around and left.

Fang Bai had expected that when Jian Mang was cut out, his shape had rushed into the wind. The middle-aged man of the Yu ethnic group had just turned around, and the law of the sword behind him was howling.

"Leave your head!"

"Do not!"

The middle-aged man of the Yu tribe realized that it was not good, and turned back to kill him. The law of the violent wind had just risen, and it was torn in two by the sword-mang, as well as his body.

Spilled stars!

Defeat it with a sword, and kill it with a sword.

Human army burst into cheers, victory is the best way to improve morale.

"Who else, come and die?"

Fang Bai's indifferent eyes turned to the Protoss and Fei army, and the law appeared in the hall without fear of anyone.

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