Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2045: Ten thousand people support me

"You all heard it?" Fu Xinghai said in a deep voice, looking at everyone.

The God King frowned slightly, realizing that it was a mistake to find Fu Xinghai to talk to Fang Bai, but it was too late to say anything, and the situation could not be changed.

If you have to choose between Luo Xingmen and the Temple of War, everyone will choose Luo Xingmen without hesitation.

As for the matter of Anwai Anne, it is not something that can be considered now.

At this moment, we must find a place to stay.

Lh6 /

"Since the flood can't go, where should we go?" Someone asked in a deep voice.

If Fang Bai was present at this moment, he would be so cried and laughed. It turned out that Luo Xingmen had such an idea and retreated to the flood plain for a while.

I have to say that it is indeed a feasible strategy, which is a bit embarrassing, after all, we have just played a battle with the Temple of War.

Fu Xinghai said indifferently: "Everyone need not worry. The star field is vast. Where can't they settle down, and the protoss can't find it for a while, everyone is aggrieved."


Everyone nodded helplessly. What can be done until now?

Fu Xinghai said in a deep voice: "This war is about the survival of the human race. I hope everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties! Here, my husband has a proposal to share resources!"

The voice fell, and a white-haired old man in the corner was slightly shaken, and the king of the mountain and sea palace flashed a glory in his eyes.

Almost all eyes looked at him in unison, and the meaning was beyond clear.

The four major gates of the Blue Starfish and the three major families joined forces to destroy the 18-volt magic lock sky array. There are a lot of crystals in the law that make everyone enthusiastic about it, and God King is no exception.

At this time, if the crystal of the law is not handed out, I am afraid that these **** kings will immediately turn their faces and blame the four main gates and the three major families.


The white-haired old man coughed slowly and said slowly: "Shanhai Palace accidentally passed, but it can't escape its blame. The crystals of all the laws obtained are willing to surrender and support the people to resist the protoss!"

"it is good!"

Fu Xinghai smiled and said, "The King of the Thousand Miles can take the overall situation seriously and deserves admiration. Some people disregard the danger of the human race. After the war, they must be liquidated one by one. As for the remaining people, the King of the Thousand Miles is troubled.

"It should."

The gray-haired old man's voice dropped, and he got up and walked outward, shining brightly in the eyes of all the gods present.

Fu Xinghai Shen said: "There is one more thing. In order to avoid the protoss, we must narrow down our goals, and everyone acts separately."

The kings of gods dispersed, not long after, one battleship disappeared out of thin air, less than a quarter of an hour before and after, leaving only the last battleship.

The strong human race suddenly disappeared, and the protoss did not encounter any decent resistance. At first, they were still puzzled, but later they did not think about it. They swept the stars and were incomparable!

Time passes slowly, and nearly half of the star field has fallen into the hands of the protoss, and the speed of expansion has gradually slowed down. After all, it is not easy to control the entire star field.

Especially when the strong human race didn't show up, the protoss always felt a little uneasy.

Fang Bai waited for three years and finally waited for Zuo Danqing!

Zuo Danqing looked dignified and thoughtful, glanced at Fang Bai, and said, "Really want to go back?"

Fang Bai nodded and talked about what Fu Xinghai was looking for. Zuo Danqing groaned for a long time and said, "Since you have decided, the old man doesn't say much. Although the situation is critical, don't worry about it, the Gods are returning. "

God King is back!

Fang Bai was overjoyed, guessing that would be the case, but there has been no accurate news. Now listening to Zuo Danqing, he finally feel relieved.

In this way, if the human race flees without fighting, it is likely that they are waiting for the return of the King of God.

"The King of Yushen will return?" Fang Bai would like to meet the King of Yushen who has been famous for many years. It is definitely a legend.

"Maybe!" Zuo Danqing smiled, seemingly reluctantly.

Fang Bai wondered, "Master, why do so many **** kings leave the star domain?"

Zuo Danqing shook his head. "My husband also guessed something in recent years. You don't need to know for the time being. When you do, you will naturally know."


Fang Bai was speechless for a moment, but it was not good to continue to question, so he had to stop there.

Zuo Danqing looked at Thor and Wu Xiaoqiu, and Shen said, "Everyone is here to practice, and watch the changes!"

Improving strength is the best self-protection strategy, regardless of the face of the protoss and human race.

The strength of the Shenwang Pavilion and the War God Temple is too weak. Promotion is a protracted process and time cannot be wasted.

If Thor and Wu Xiaoqiu can break through the God King, the strength will become stronger!

The people settled down and practiced separately, and Fang Bai continued to understand his wind rules.

The crystal of the wind attribute rule consumes a lot, and he can't enter the room slowly. Fang Bai realizes that there is something wrong and thinks he should talk to Zuo Danqing.

"The Tao exists between heaven and earth, it is a kind of perception; the law does not exist and heaven and earth, it is a kind of creation." Zuo Danqing said here for a while, "There is no ancient one before you, and no one comes after you. When it comes to bottlenecks, there must be problems. "

"Creation comes from itself, but the laws of others cannot be your own creation. Therefore, you have to find problems from yourself."

Fang Bai heard the words, and bowed his head for a long time, "Master, as you said, refining should not work this way, why didn't you encounter any problems?"

Zuo Danqing smiled, and swayed, a sword-mangling appeared in front of his eyes, "Take a closer look, if you can understand everything, you will understand everything! Of course, the road to refining is still feasible, but to solve the bottleneck problem, you still have to Yourself. "

After speaking, close your eyes slowly, and no longer care about Fang Bai.

Looking at Jianmang in front of his eyes, Fang Bai had to carefully consider an advice from the God King, let go of his heart, and slowly drift towards that Jianmang.


Knowing the sea of ​​swords, the brilliance of the sword is full, the body of the sword is full of madness, and it takes a long time to calm down.

law! create!

From nothing!

Fang Bai's mind flashed one by one, becoming more and more messy, realizing that there was a problem with his cultivation, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Just sit quietly with your knees crossed, time flowing little by little, and my heart is unbound!

There is no change in the situation in the star field, the protoss continues to expand, the humans are hesitant to fight, the planets fall, and they fall into the hands of the pros.

After the initial **** revenge, I do not know that the protoss are tired of meaningless slaughter, but still want to rule the star domain for a long time, and gradually stop the killing, mainly conquering.

No strong man resisted, who came to resist the protoss, wherever they went, surrendered one after another, everything went smoothly unexpectedly.

I don't know how long, Fang Bai opened his eyes violently, looking at the sword awn in front of him, a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "So it is!"

I have neglected one of the simplest truths, which I have long understood. The root of everything is human beings.

Either the way or the law!

The Tao needs to be comprehended by oneself, the law needs to be created by oneself, and others can use it, but after all, it does not belong to them.

and so!

Fang Bai's eyes brightened, and he swallowed Jianmang in front of his eyes, a burst of brilliance erupted around him, and then gradually dissipated.

Zuo Danqing looked at Fang Bai in doubt, a slight disappointment in his eyes, "You still don't understand?"

"Do not!"

Fang Bai smiled and said, "I see. Ten years later, I'll see the ancestors again." Then he turned around and went out.

Laws can be created, and cultivation can naturally be created!

But is that really creation?

Is that true from scratch?

The evolution of the heavens and the earth, the cultivation methods, all things have their roots, nothing is from nothing.

Nothing is nothing, it can never be there!

The key lies in how to find yes from the surface of nothing!

This is not creation, this is discovery!

In this case, does he have discovered an unprecedented cultivation method that he still needs to verify himself.

The crystals of the rule of Chinese goods were sent to Qingmu Ding, this time not one, but ten.

Qingmu Ding runs slowly, Fang Bai wants to find that road from the limit, a new road.

It does n’t matter if you create or discover.

The law of the wind fills the body, Fang Bai's body is lightly shaken, his eyes exuding a firm light, and to go to today, the most important thing is to persist, adhere to his own, and insist that he is right.

There was a breeze blowing all over the body, eyes closed tightly, my mind flashed brightly, and time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, for the past eight years, forty crystals of the attribute rule of Chinese style disappeared, much faster than in the past, and the feeling of being close to the door became clearer, but it was not allowed to enter.

"Is it really wrong?"

The color of doubt flashed in Fang Bai's eyes, and he became extremely firm in an instant, coldly: "The heavens and the earth give birth to all things to support others.

The law of the wind screamed, Fang Bai stood up sharply, and a long howl broke into the sky, penetrated the formation, and spread in all directions.


Some people who are practicing are shocked by the sound of waves, spit out blood, and look up in shock!

Zuo Danqing heard the sound and frowned slightly. After a long time, he sighed, closed his eyes, and murmured, "I hope you can see through, don't go astray!"

Thunder God's complexion changed slightly, and he shook his head with a bitter smile. Too many things could not understand, and suddenly he felt very defeated.

The howling echoed the Quartet and lasted forever!

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