Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2043: Protoss

The fighting broke out in three months!

With the order of Tang Qingshan, the 3000 Protoss army launched a suicide charge!

The Three Thousand Rule Ruler's Suicide Charge!

They had only one goal, rushing into the hall and destroying the formation.

"Death Fight!"

Xu Liangzhang shouted loudly. Once the last two halls were destroyed, they could no longer stop the Protoss.

In fact, the advent of the Protoss is already inevitable. The only thing that can be changed is the issue of time. It is only for more time.

The battle was fierce, the quantity and fierce fear made up for the lack of strength, the protoss paid the price of nearly a thousand people, and finally rushed into a hall, and the formation was destroyed!

Xu Liangzhang's face was so gloomy that he led everyone back toward the last hall.

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Tang Qingshan looked indifferent and did not rush to chase but rested in place.

It is expected that the loss will be heavy, but I did not expect it to be so miserable. The formation method caused the Protoss to suffer, and all this soon ended.

After half a year of rest, the army advanced slowly and stopped in front of the last hall.

Looking at the crowd in front of the hall, Tang Qingshan's eyes gushed intently, and he said indifferently, "Do you want to resist?"

Xu Liangzhang laughed: "Look how many people in your Protoss can die."

"it is good!"

Tang Qingshan said indifferently: "Remember what you said today and remember the price you paid today. The Protoss will return a hundred times, a thousand times, and a thousand times." The voice was cold and rude, and the hatred was trembling.

This is the cruelty of racial warfare, regardless of victory or defeat, only life and death!


Xu Liangzhang said indifferently: "The end of the Protoss is imminent. I don't know how to repent, I'm looking for my own way!"

"is it?"

Tang Qingshan waved his hand and said coldly, "Protoss of the clan, reappear the glory of the clan, just recently, kill!"

Kill kill!

Two thousand troops roared forward to kill, regardless of life and death, there was only one target in the eyes, the hall!

Rushing into the hall alive, this battle is considered a victory, even if it reaches the last person.

The water stopped, Lie Yangshuo looked at each other, and nodded gently, their existence had no value, Wuthering rushed forward.

Guanghua was full of sky, roaring and bursting, air waves rolling, blood light lasing, one figure fell, and then another rushed up, endlessly, fearless death.

"The battle will never end!"

Xu Liangyu's voice echoed, and their mission was to stand for a hundred years. This was only a few years, and they had to persist.


Two earth-shattering roars sounded, it was a cut of water, the Yangshuo spontaneously exploded, and the churning air waves took off. I do n’t know how many people, some of them also have the Protoss, and more.

The waves were rolling, and two strands of spirits returned to the depths of the space, while the three figures rushed towards the hall.

Tang Qingshan also had two people who belonged to the four main gates.

"Stop it!"

When Xu Liangzhang drank loudly, someone immediately blocked the way. At this time, hundreds of Protoss rushed forward, rushing forward without fear of death, and used the flesh and blood to open a passage.


Three figures rushed into the hall one after another, Xu Liangzhang sank suddenly, his mission failed!


Success came to a halt, anger rose, and there was no point in staying here. At the same time, more than a hundred road figures spread out and rushed towards the protoss army.

The screams kept ringing, and the Protoss army hurried back, losing more than half.

Tang Qingshan stood in the hall, looked back with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "Human race, wait for death!" The voice dropped, and two figures rushed to the altar at the same time.


Xu Liangzhang had no thoughts about what was happening in the temple, and could no longer stop it. He simply took the opportunity to kill the Quartet and kill one more protoss, so there would be less pressure in the future.

More than a hundred people rushed into the flock like tigers, screaming one after another!


At this moment, the hall was roaring, the statue was shaking, the raging waves of air in the depths of the space tossed up, the void suddenly changed color, and countless horrified eyes looked up.

"It's over!"

Xu Liangzhang whispered, the Protoss is out, and it is just around the corner!

Kill kill!

The morale of the Protoss was high, and the purple brilliance rose in his eyes, and he launched a counterattack regardless of his body.

"return to!"

Three embarrassing figures rushed out of the hall, while Tang Qingshan drank in a cold voice, and swept away into the space like lightning.

The mission is completed, there is no need to continue fighting, and unnecessary injuries are not worth it!

Protoss army blasts and retreats!


Xu Liangzhang was so killing, Qin Feng, Mu Cang and Qi Haocang were among the crowd.

In this battle, the human race lost only a dozen people, killing more than 1,000 people of the protoss, which is a great victory, but everyone was dull in heart. This battle was defeated!

Killing one after another, the Protoss defeated one after another, and some who could not escape, died instantly.

The last protoss disappeared, Xu Liangyu stood there, his expression was extremely gloomy, and everyone was silent.

"How much time is left?" Someone whispered.

Xu Liang frowned slightly, and murmured, "It is no longer possible for us to control, just to see when they will appear."


The vibrance of the Nether roared, and a breath rose up, spreading out in all directions, and the formation could no longer stop the Protoss.

"Let's go!"

Xu Liangxuan sighed and turned away.

On the other side, more than a thousand embarrassed figures appeared, a tragic atmosphere spread, and tens of thousands of eager eyes awaited the result.

"Welcome the tribal warrior to return!"

The indifferent voice of the white-haired old man could hardly conceal his excitement. The shouting shouting of the army suddenly broke out behind him.

too long!

Some have long forgotten the time, some have been here since birth, never seen the outside world, as if imprisoned, live forever.

The seeds of hatred take root in the heart, and time allows it to grow into a towering tree. There is no other way to resolve the inner hatred with blood.

Kill kill!

The tsunami-like sound of the mountain shouted, killing like a tide, surging and rushing straight into the sky.

The white-haired old man looked up, his expression excitedly difficult to himself, too long!

"You all!"

The white-haired old man Shen said, "It's time to belong to the Protoss. Let me wait to go out together and get back the glory of the Protoss, the formation method, and prepare!"

Tens of thousands of troops scattered in all directions, half an hour later, a towering purple rush rose, straight into the clouds!

A purple awn awakens the formation that has been silent for many years. The preparation for hundreds of thousands of years is just for this day.

Boom boom!

The sky is rising brightly, and the rising sky reflected in the whole world is integrated into the heart of countless people. The raging fire of hope burns!


Void trembles, the breath of breath rises into the sky, as if to break through the sky!

A force of pressure came down, and it seemed to suppress this purple gas, and a battle of dragons and tigers was staged.

The gray-haired old man looked up, purple eyes, twinkling glory of anticipation, solemn complexion.

The evil-haired smile hung in the corner of the man's mouth, and his eyes flashed intently.

In the unfathomable beauty of the woman in black robe, there was another meaning flowing.

At the same time, Fu Xinghai looked coldly at the returning crowd, and the murderous intentions circulated, and the faces of the gods around him were equally ugly. They thought they could give some buffer time, but they didn't expect to lose more than four years, making them very passive.

"A disciple should die!"

Xu Liangxu bowed to lead the crime, and he did not dare to lift his head.


Fu Xinghai said coldly: "If it is useful to kill you, my husband will let you live to this day?"

This is the end and cannot be changed. It is time to consider how to deal with the aggressive protoss next.

"You all!"

Fu Xinghai looked back at the Kings of Gods and was about to speak. There was a trembling on the ground. The whole world moved at this moment.

Blue starfish is shaking!

"not good!"

Fu Xinghai's face changed greatly, and Shen said, "At the same time everyone, retreat immediately!"

At this moment, there was no trace of muddy water, and the shadows rose into the air, and then a battleship emerged, densely spreading across the sky, and looking roughly, there were two or three thousand!


The blue starfish trembled more and more violently, the mountain peaks collapsed, the city was destroyed, the rivers were cut off, the gully was vertical and horizontal, and if the end of the world came.


Fu Xinghai said coldly, the battleship passed through the starry sky like lightning, and disappeared into the starry sky in a blink of an eye.


The earth-shattering roar continued to come from the depths of the blue starfish. The once brilliant blue starfish, with no vitality, seemed dead.

A figure stood in the starry sky, looking at the blue starfish that was about to be destroyed, sighed, and turned away, it was Meng Wufeng!

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