Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2039: Practice

Hong Huang returned to the Temple of War. There are still many powerful people living in the void and small world. The news spread through the three major gates. Those who stayed ten years later will be killed without pardon!

The reconstruction of the Temple of War was completed soon, and it was even more magnificent. The important thing was to have the formation guard.

Luo Xingmen's strong position, the famous star field, the responsibility of guarding the temple of war is handed over to Luo Xingtang!

Within ten years, the Temple of War could not leave Zhongzhou.

Ten years later, the floods were swept away. Any fish that leaked the net would have no amnesty!

After years of absence, the Temple of War has developed so fast that unexpectedly, the number of gods has reached more than 8,000!

Although most of them were shortly after they became gods, some even have their faith roots completely destroyed, and those with weak strengths can.

But this is a solid foundation, getting stronger over time!

Who is not coming step by step?

Unconsciously, the gods of the War God Temple are about to break through 10,000 people!

This is the benefit of mastering a star field!

How frightening would it be if the floods evolved into a complete star field?

Everyone stood still and waited quietly.

The reunion of the uncle's family is the rarest companionship. However, in the floods, he could not comprehend the rules. Fang Bai gave his family all the time.

Bai Yufu, Ying Muyu, Xie Qing, Fang Yan, Fang Qing ...

According to Bai Yufu, it is a blessing to have more children and grandchildren, but Fang Bai has only one son and one daughter, and he is not married.

Bai Yufu saw stitches, constantly applying pressure.

Fang Yan and Fang Qing can hide and hide, but Fang Fang has nowhere to hide, only with effort!

Remembering that Guli created a family, he really should work hard.

While striving to reproduce, he taught Fang Yan and Fang Qing to cultivate.

Today, Fang Yan is the sixth peak of the gods. She is practicing the fire path, and there are not many places to point. She simply asked her to find Wu Xiaoqiu, who is the stronger of the rule of fire.

Fang Qing is the pinnacle of the sage, and the refining body also asks the saint. This is the focus of Fang Bai's teaching.

After practicing Jiu Ju Ba Ju, I felt the great benefits of body training, and taught it carefully.

As time passed, the flood famine gradually quieted down, the three major gates left, and many forces also retreated. In the first few years, some people often withdrew from the flood famine, but later they were almost invisible.

Unconsciously, ten years later, the famine finally calmed down.

At this time, the Temple of War moved!

In the flood-stricken Kyushu, regardless of the six human races or the three demons of the demons, the War God Temple was all included.

The demons are very dissatisfied with this, but they also dare to say nothing. Of course, Fang Bai did not rush to kill them, giving them ample habitat.

However, Honghuang belongs to the Temple of War, all corners, even the air.

Luo Xingtang led the deities, sweeping the floods and floods, and scattered them. In just a few years, the floods were as solid as gold.

Even if Fang Bai is not there, those forces who want to kill back will have to pay for it.

The powerful men of the God King Pavilion did not rush to leave, and remained in the flood.

After the floods were properly arranged, it was finally their turn to swept the void and the small world.

In order to save time, almost all the gods in the God King Pavilion and the War God Temple were dispatched together.

There are more small worlds outside the floods than Fang Bai expected. Throughout the years, the Temple of War has continued to explore and found more than 30,000, but still can't find the end.

Nearly all the gods dispersed, and the division of labor was different. The goal of the gods in the later period was to annihilate. When the common gods rebuilt Tang Yimu's faith, they continued to search for a small world.

Occasionally, there are some missing fish. How can they be opponents of Shenwang Pavilion and Luo Xingtang? The progress is very smooth.

Thirty years before and after, Tang Yimu's beliefs converged in a large amount, and in more than a hundred years he was able to smile again.

The small world discovered also reached more than 33,000, still no intention of staying, and continued to expand outwards, drawing a map, it is the star map of the War God Temple dominates the stars.

At this point, Fang Bai felt that there was no need for him to intervene, and he should continue to comprehend the rules.

Hong Huang could not use the rules and the rules, and the only way was to return to that star field again.

After 40 years, presumably those forces have retreated and there is nothing to worry about.

Find Thor and ask his opinion.

"What do you think?" Thor asked without asking.

Fang Bai immediately thought what he was asking, Protoss!

"Let's not go too far, we can return at any time."

"it is good!"

Thunder God nodded with a smile. The final power of the Shenwang Pavilion is here. It cannot be easily dismissed and will not participate in the battle for the time being unless it is forced.

And Fang Bai is hesitating, are those people in Luo Xingtang worthy of training?

Among them are many gods who are nine strong. If these people can understand the rules, their strength will go further, and the strength of the War God Temple will also rise.

Without hesitating for too long, Fang Bai decided to take them.

The reason is very simple. They will not let go of the spirits of these people. Naturally, there is no need to worry about betrayal. The stronger the better.

The nine strong gods gathered together, and there were more than 400 people in the War God Temple and God King Pavilion, but there were more War God Temples.

The floods were properly accounted for, and everyone rose into the air.

Through the howling gale, breaking through the sky, a vast starry sky appeared.

Looking at the direction of the God Wang Pavilion, the eyes of the powerful men in the God Wang Pavilion flashed a killing intention.

Fang Bai knew what they were thinking and whispered, "It's not the time yet."


Thunder God nodded his face coldly, "Everyone is here to practice, and if things change, we can return at any time."

Behind is the famine, free to advance and retreat.

The battleship emerged out of thin air, and everyone set foot on the battleship. Fang Bai hesitated for a moment, and said lightly, "Release the way you cultivate."

Although they were puzzled, everyone did it, and Fang Bai swept away at a glance.

As soon as the divine thoughts were swept away, the crystals of the law appeared in the void, slowly floating in front of everyone.

Some people get a crystal of the top-quality rule, and some get ten crystals of the low-level rule. Apart from a dozen bad luck, the rest have the crystal of the rule.

After all, Fang Bai's rule of crystal has incomplete properties, which is already very good.

These people are the top power of the Temple of War, and will not smash a crystal of the rules of Chinese goods.

Crystal of Law?

Everyone was completely stunned, especially those who received the crystals of the rules of Chinese products, never seen them before, let alone in front of them?

Thor's mouth twitched lightly and secretly said, "This kid is so big!"

Wu Xiaoqiu's eyes were burning and he was envious of what happened to Blue Starfish.

"You all!"

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Fang Bai faintly swept, Shen said: "The crystal of the law will be handed to you. Whether you can understand it depends on your chances. Those who can help you are here, put away!"

Searing eyes, heavy breathing, hurriedly put away the crystal of the law, as if worried that it would run away.

"It's all gone, and we're going to practice separately."

The comprehension rules are quite different from those without comprehension rules. I hope that the crystals of these rules will not be wasted and can cultivate a group of strong men for the Temple of War.

Even if there is one tenth, or even one percent, the crystals of these laws are not wasted.

"Mutuo remains." Fang Bai called Mutu, who was about to leave. After everyone retreated, he asked, "How much do you gather now?"

"The disciples are incompetent, only five are gathered." Mu Tuo smiled bitterly.


Fang Bai nodded, Mu Tuo's flesh was weaker than him, and he could gather five or fewer, but it was also countless times faster than his own cultivation. "Let me see."

Divine thought could not help but send it in, sinking into Mu Tuo Dan Tian, ​​as expected, the crystal of the law is not pure enough, compared to the crystal of the ordinary inferior law.

"If you take these to practice, you must be careful." Fang Bai withdrew from the mind, and threw away the crystals of the property rules of the two hundred Chinese guns.

Tianxing and Mu Tuo both practiced gunfire, so when Fang Bai was in the blue starfish, the crystal of the attribute rule of Chinese goods guns was not exchanged, but he kept it.

As for the top grade, there are more than the top grade. The key is that they cannot afford it now.

"Thank you, Master!"

When Mu Tuo was overjoyed, he also knew what his problems were, but he had no choice but to finally find a solution.

"Go!" Fang Bai waved his hand.

After Mu Tuo left, Fang Bai bowed his head and groaned. Should he continue to condense the law of the sword, or comprehend the law of the wind?

After hesitating for a long time, I decided to understand the rules of the wind.

The reason is very simple. The rule of the wind will definitely enter the room one step ahead of the rule of the sword. Instead of both stuck at the entrance door, it is better to take a step first, at least the strength soars.

Thinking of this, no longer hesitate, a crystal of the attributes of the style of the wind is sent to Qingmu Ding, slowly refining.

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